**Our intentions are aimed towards a fairer, more transparent world and a better future for everyone. Rule 2 does apply throughout the rest of this thread. He also secured an illegal secret NPA which granted immunity to any and all potential co-conspirators. This is a forum for free thinking, not hate speech. "Reportedly human traffickers use New Mexico when they bring sex slaves into the USA from such places as Eastern Europe, Mexico and Africa. Above all else, we respect everyone's opinions and ALL religious beliefs and creeds. Every year, the Albuquerque Journal has posted legal notices to the effect that “Zorro Inc” (Epstein's company) wants to change location of a well, or dig deeper into new aquifers, or change the location of that well yet again. https://www.coreysdigs.com/trafficking/is-jeffrey-epsteins-zorro-ranch-insulated/. How do these locations correspond with the weird NM coordinates that were messaged to a variety of people on Thur/Fri? He twice attempted to contribute to King’s campaigns, but King returned the money. He bought the property from the governor of NM, who lives down the road. You should add a level where you rescue the Mexican children from his dungeon. Above all else, we respect everyone's opinions and ALL religious beliefs and creeds. Jeffrey Epstein got the land for his palatial house in New Mexico from former New Mexico Governor Bruce King. If I had to guess, I’d say the property uses between 1,500 - 3000 gals of freshwater based on the reject amount. Bruce King. Epstein made news previously in New Mexico. Reverse osmosis systems are pretty damn inefficient and reject something like 6 times the amount of feed water given to the system. ALBUQUERQUE, N.M.- Victims of human trafficking will have to keep looking if they are trying to find a specialized shelter. 29. **, Press J to jump to the feed. ", http://aanirfan.blogspot.com/2015/01/virginia-on-dershowitz-child-abuse.html, His house in Palm Beach https://www.google.com/maps/@26.6933227,-80.0388079,100m/data=!3m1!1e3, Here's his Manhattan mansion, the biggest private residence in Manhattan. Was Zorro Ranch a baby farm for the super rich? Setting up marine reserves etc to restrict traffic and keep prying eyes away from areas where people can be stashed during their trafficing journey. If I were rich enough to own a bunch of land and could easily afford a bunker I’d do it too. Respect other views and opinions, and keep an open mind. When viewing the property through satellite imagery, there are also no apparent crops or any signs of agricultural industry. 10 months ago. 48. "Bill Richardson, a former Governor of New Mexico, and a member of Bilderberg, was a frequent visitor to Stanley. Local government is getting their palms greased, bet that. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, **The conspiracy subreddit is a thinking ground. Where is all this garbage water coming from? Alan Dershowitz reportedly visited Stanley.". Archived. Epstein purchased Zorro Ranch, consisting of nearly 8,000 acres, in 1993 from former Gov. Is this a bait-and-switch operation, where he gets approval to build one thing, and while everyone turns a blind eye, he digs something entirely else? The process involves large synthetic pools, and letting the water evaporate in the sun. From a notice in the Albuquerque Journal, 04 Feb, 2004: DP # 1452 Facility/Applicant Zorro Ranch, Zorro Ranch, Zorro Trust, (Epstein's Company) proposes to discharge up to 10,080 gallons per day of reverse osmosis reject water. ** Coreys Digs has done an amazing deep dive on the Zorro Ranch: “There is a side to Zorro Ranch that is not being told. There are also multiple areas near the ranch where you can see massive collections of what appears to be dirt. Close. We also had sex at Little Saint James Island in the U.S. Virgin Islands. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. I was, asked to give Dershowitz a massage on the beach. Governor King lived next to Epstein's ranch, in Stanley. For a 20,000 acre property that’s really not all that much considering lawn maintenance. JEFFREY EPSTEIN'S, "Zorro Ranch", an 8000 acre estate in New Mexico with its own hangar and landing strip remains a very suspect location, surrounded by Hollywood and the well-connected King family on all sides. Posted by. Epstein was arrested again in '19 and died in prison 2 months later. Cookies help us deliver our Services. I was. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. Reportedly, Timothy Wyllie of the Satanist Process Church lives on a compound in Mountainair in New Mexico similar as Epstein's. ** Epstein had purchased the 10,000-acre Zorro Ranch on a mesa between Santa Fe and Albuquerque two years before the alumnae trip. I seem to remember Enty blind items about Epstein being connected to human trafficking in Arizona and Utah. Something you should know is it explicitly says reverse osmosis reject water. Private airstrip near the Mexican border. Why does that well keep moving, and why would he need so much water if he's not using the land for its intended purpose? Recently in Arizona a grisly scandal has been uncovered with the arrest of the organizer of a human trafficking operation that brought in Marshall Islands women and kept them in slavery conditions to have babies for the black market: https://www.npr.org/2019/10/09/768533784/arizona-official-arrested-in-multi-million-dollar-baby-mill-adoption-fraud-schem, https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/6464524-Unsealed-Federal-Criminal-Complaint-Against-Paul.html, https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/6463578-Arizona-Indictment-Charging-Paul-Patterson.html, https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/6463577-Utah-Information-Charging-Paul-Peterson.html, https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2019/10/09/arizona-official-indicted-human-smuggling-adoption-fraud/3916818002/, https://www.civilbeat.org/2018/11/why-a-crackdown-on-this-growing-adoption-pipeline-just-hasnt-worked-2/. I studied water engineering. Is there underground construction taking place, and perhaps even an underground bunker? Take a look at our video and see if you believe Jeffrey Epstein is … This has got me wondering if Jeffrey and Ghislaine were doing something similar next door in New Mexico. However, the Santa Fe County Assessor’s records do reflect Jeffrey Epstein under Zorro Ranch Trust in 2011, which later switched to Cypress Inc. in 2013. The fox is surrounded by the well-connected King family on all sides, a solar station to the west, and Hollywood to the north. Like, gang of sharks freely traveling big. **Our intentions are aimed towards a fairer, more transparent world and a better future for everyone. New Mexico, after all, is but one place in America where powerful people who enjoyed the use of its land—in government, business, finance, religion and science—have consistently demonstrated a pattern of deception and disregard for the people that live there.
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