I think none of those will work.Suffocation? Maybe Mungo isn't, but he's also got a way with words - words like "giant hammer.". I'm being divided in half by two trolls!"" In addition to all the awesome suggestions, I would add something spicy in the table. Suppose I'm an old fart and been playing the game since the blue box in 1980 - 1st, 2nd, 3rd - trolls had 3, not five. (So your players better make sure that the "Jar" is not easily destroyed. The Mauve Plague, Gravy Urns, and Batlace Frills: News from the Hill Cantons, Hate hijackers ...but here is a couple of new and old pieces. But they could be unaging - it's not clear.Soul removal - this may work, but the ability to be a lich isn't soul-dependent that I can see. How I deal with encumbrance in non-GURPS games. Though, an old troll is likely weak (not so tempting to turn him into a zombie). Oppose. I expect trolls to have high HP, high HT and big size so a dose of a reliable "troll killing poison" would be absolutely lethal for anyone else. Oh, the monster is on its feet again? This creature is basically a giant undead Earth kraken. The troll makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws. Now if you want to make things interesting, you get to play a little bit. Browser and device support? Low IQ might just be child-like experiences in an unstoppable eating machine. On a success, the zombie drops to 1 hit point instead. Trolls are by nature creatures of Chaos, the corrupting taint of Chaos playing a primary role in their origins and continued existence. Grunt Groumpf Graah: You need to give me the troll toll. share | improve this question | follow | edited Jun 15 '15 at 17:15. I'm going to throw my two cents in here for a sec. Ice Troll . But DF doesn't use Unaging, so it's not clear if they have it or not.Also, DFM1 trolls have IQ 10. Females are easily distinguished from males; they are both larger and more powerful than their male counterparts. I like that you systematized it. I've run whole mini campaigns with GURPS Lite. The latest desktop versions of Chrome and Firefox. It has long and ungainly arms and legs. Can a zombie in D&D do the same? So, instead of being on the water, it travels under the earth and pretty much acts like a Kraken from the legends. the dungeon ecosystem is complex. If there was 1 thing people know is that they're brutal savage killer monsters, if there is a second thing it is that they regenerate, and the third is that fire stops that regeneration. Here’s a portrait of the late New York Times Bestselling... Banished to the Purple Planet - Part Thirteen, Tabletop RPGs offer living, infinite worlds. I can't remember, do trolls reproduce by fission?They're so unkillable that this should be a troll planet by now. For example, the zombies you might find in a wood elf forest might be insane climbers and jumpers, while the ones in a Dwarven underground might resist fire or something more. Further inspection revealed that there was trivially little treasure left to claim, and a small crew of decidedly not small zombie trolls waiting for them, their violent necromantic energy mingling with their twisted and equally violent nature in past life. Please enable JavaScript to get the best experience from this site. Age was already mentioned. :). We swapped over to the rules in the DFRPG, plus some house rules, to make life easier for ourselves. 5th - Fearsome green-skinned giants, trolls eat anything they can catch and devour. If it is, it's still not technically dead, just not capable of getting up to kill you because of the poison.Disease? Gygax writes that... “rules are merely guidelines” in the original 1973 publishing of Dungeons and Dragons. The undead troll immediately began regenerating and broke the control of its creator. Most unfortunate were the limited abilities VM had to deal the necessary damage types. Comment your idea's and I'll (eventually) collate them all into a neat encounter table! Whelp, get it down again and remove its head, that usually does the trick. 2nd - Trolls are horrid carnivores found in all climes, from arctic wastelands to tropical jungles. You could adjust the DC accordingly. Can I contribute? One with your good looks ought not to waste his time with toll-collection. Lol. Underground, their natural enemy the gargoyle keeps them in check... the dungeon ecosystem is complex. Tough call which is better - trolls are proof that GMs are real and want us to be unhappy. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. The ones that utterly annihilate them would work but wouldn't leave anything for a zombie.So unless you go with the "just enough burning or corrosion to make it fail a death check kills it" approach, I can't see how you end up with a body that doesn't just get better. And then break out more specialized tables for different territories or domains, go example a warren of wights vs a vampire coven, etc based on your first general tables. I think acid and fire are common and loved in use enough (probably more so fire) that it doesn't matter what the players know, it's likely to be figured out as a result of firebolt being a high power cantrip and the love of fireball to land an initial high power blow. . Plays Well With Others: Kids Games, Dark Places & Demogorgons, Rebels and Patriots: A Long Way From Fort Randolph. The next pool of ideas is a book from 3rd edition called libris mortis and it was ALL undead, it was great. The legs end in great three-toed feet, the arms in wide, powerful hands with sharpened claws. Where’s the information about chopping off pieces of the troll that are still alive? We used to sing this on car trips:One troll on the wall, on the wallone troll on the wall!If one of those trolls should happen to fall,two trolls on the wall, on the wall!Two trolls on the wall, on the wall...and no, I can't remember the highest we ever got before getting bored. Victims of the bite attack required a Constitution saving throw or fall victim to an unknown effect that Vox Machina completely avoided. Zombie mentions the target won't have it's "soul mental traits" so a soulless body sounds like a perfectly valid target.Unkillable 3 means that smashing the Jar won't kill the captured trolls soul - seems like a great way to make those ghost trolls! But you'd have that knowledge be secret and locked away in a world where these creatures actually exist and are real? It just needs you to have a skeleton. “Moldbug, no. To add a hint of frustration, the combined constitutional abilities of both the troll and the zombie, joined together into a single, resource-expensive bundle. You just made my life so much easier. This comment has been removed by the author. It's the version I chose to create and having run a few groups through some long campaigns I've been making my own adjustments. Then the template for what's known about the monster is as follows (and this is simply my opinion, you could use whatever arrangement you want): Difficulty Check: Knowledge KnownDC5 (very easy): how it attacksDC10 (easy): abilitiesDC15 (medium): damage resistance/vulnerabilitiesDC20 (hard): damage immunitiesDC25 (very hard): condition immunities. I'm sure it was over 100, just to show it was "better" than singing about bottles of beer. ", No, they're separate advantages, for sure. "Oh, we stabbed it to death and it got back up? The zombie template adds additional HD based on the zombies size and size Large adds +2 HD, meaning the “correct” HD should be 12 not 13. Picture shows 3. There is a river nearby. Thought it was 1. Those who perish while suffering from void death become void zombies. "Mungo leader he oldest. Not necessarily true. WHY MONSTERHEARTS AND 3.X DND ARE EXACTLY THE SAME, AN ESSAY WITH AN INCENDIARY TITLE: Call of Cthulhu Podcast Episode 9 Now Available! "That line is best read in Jacques Cousteau's voice. Picture shows 3. Unkillable doesn't have to be unaging. Wow. In it, it had some crazy ideas, like a creature that surrounded itself in a big ball of zombies and just rolled around collecting more like some horrifying corpse katamari. the troll monster has also been shown to have conservative political views such as believing that the irradiated water that frogs drink has turned them gay, obviously a plan devised by the leftist snowflakes. A Metamorphosis Alpha Tale - What The Heck Is This Dungeon? I saw this comment on CRPG Addict's review of Dark Queen of Krynn : " It seems to stem from how Gygax hated magic so he purposef... Over at Lich Van Winkle, the whole issue of sexual material in gaming comes up. Back to Main Page → 5e → Monster So the troll being a Challenge of 5, the DC's should actually be... DC10 (very easy): attacks with a bite and two claws, DC15 (easy): can hunt its prey using smell, DC20 (medium): has the ability to regenerate health, DC25 (hard): acid or fire damage halts its regeneration ability, DC30 (very hard): only dies if it can't regenerate when unconscious - additionally that it has darkvision out to 60'. Neither of which is a bad idea at all. I would argue that it's more interesting when they don't know or that the legends and mythologies are slightly incorrect. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Stack Exchange Network. The exact location is a little south of the "Cyseal - Silverglen Road" Waypoint Portal and North of the Cyseal Old Church Graveyard. Regeneration. I am looking to start up a campaign with a strong focus on fighting undead and monstrocities for DM'ing practice; but I can't find any tables centred around this theme. If players kept meta-knowledge out of the game they'd almost assuredly be unable to ever kill a troll. (Hoard of the Dragon Queen). Undead Fortitude. The Zombie Troll There is a single Troll in Cyseal, guarding a bridge to the east. The exact location is a little south of the "Cyseal - Silverglen Road" Waypoint Portal … For example, in one of my games they went to a fort staffed by the Lord's Alliance with troops from Waterdeep and Neverwinter. The Red Mouser | RPG, fantasy and science-fiction, Tyranny of Dragons: Hoard of the Dragon Queen Review, Stonehell Dungeon: Into the Heart of Hell On Sale Now, Happy Hobbit Day or A Year Has Come And Gone. - A Twilight 2000 miniature wargaming blog, Another Entry for the Fistful Of Tows Project, Forgotten Depths - Dungeon Crawling Tile Action. The troll makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws. Like It's more of an adventure when the troll pops back up and the players have to figure out what puts it down for good. in post tags to see the post-session wrapups and campaign notes. The trolls’ rubbery hide is colored a moss green, mottled green and gray, or putrid gray. but it is definitely the way to go.

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