The reboot was first announced in July 2019 and the synopsis, according to Deadline, reads: "Eight years after the original website went dark, a new generation of New York private school teens are introduced to the social surveillance of Gossip Girl. es, Tavi Gevinson n’en est pas à son coup d’essai dans le monde de la comédie : on a pu la voir dans un épisode de Scream Queens (2015), et dans le film Manhattan Stories (2017). Variety and the Flying V logos are trademarks of Variety Media, LLC. Tavi Gevinson, Thomas Doherty, Adam Chanler-Berat, and Zion Moreno have all joined the upcoming s… L’actrice de 17 ans, née au Ouganda, a déjà fait sensation dans la troisième partie des Nouvelles Aventures de Sabrina sur Netflix. Le reboot très attendu de la série teenage iconique Gossip Girl vient de dévoiler son casting entier. A post shared by Tavi Gevinson (@tavitulle) on Dec 2, 2019 at 9:00am PST. NEXT: Every Gossip Girl Season Finale, Ranked (According To IMDb). Tout droit venue du Texas, Zión Moreno n’est pas la plus connue du casting. Gossip Girl fans, it's finally time to meet your new batch of Upper East Siders. Astrologie : voici les signes astro qui auront le plus de... Lune Bleue du 31 octobre : quelle sera l'influence de la... Reconfinement : peut-on encore envoyer ou recevoir ses... Horoscope de reconfinement : toutes nos prévisions du 2 au 8... Votre adresse de messagerie est uniquement utilisée pour vous She played the role of Judith Blackwood in part 3 of Netflix's Chilling Adventures of Sabrina for a handful of episodes. At this time, it isn't public knowledge about what character he will be playing. The personal storyline aligns with the actress' real life narrative as Zión is part of the LGBTQ+ community and reportedly transitioned at a young age. INSCRIVEZ-VOUS À NOTRE NEWLETTER POUR RECEVOIR CHAQUE SOIR LE MEILLEUR DE, Inscrivez-vous à notre newsletter pour recevoir chaque soir le meilleur de Vanity Fair, Une publication partagée par thomasadoherty (@thomasadoherty), Une publication partagée par Zión Moreno (@zion.moreno), Une publication partagée par Adam Chanler-Berat (@adamchanlerberat), Une publication partagée par jasongotay (@jasongotay), Une publication partagée par Whitney Peak (@whitneypeakk), Une publication partagée par Eli Brown (@elibrown.jpeg), Une publication partagée par Johnathan Fernandez (@jthanprime). it will be interesting to find out who exactly he will be playing once the show finally premiers. Plongée dans le monde du cinéma depuis son plus jeune âge (son père est un grand producteur Hollywoodien et sa mère une actrice récurrente de la série Les Frères Scott), on a pu l'apercevoir dernièrement dans The Babysitter, Doctor Sleep ou les séries Revenge et Medium. We've already told you how Kristen Bell will be returning to narrate the brand new reboot, and introduced you to newbies Emily Alyn Lind, Whitney Peak, Eli Brown, Johnathan Fernandez, and Jason Gotay. A post shared by Zión Moreno (@zion.moreno) on Feb 23, 2020 at 5:19pm PST. Gevinson’s previous credits include “Scream Queens,” “The Twilight Zone,” and “Enough Said.” She is repped by UTA and Untitled Entertainment. The new iteration of “Gossip Girl” at HBO Max is continuing to build out its main cast. Queer Eye: Antoni's 10 Best Episodes, Ranked, Here's The Cast Of The Gossip Girl Reboot (& Everything Else We Recently Learned), Gossip Girl: Why Blair And Jenny Are Great Friends (& 5 Why They're Better Enemies), Gossip Girl: The Main Characters, Ranked By Wealth, Every Gossip Girl Season Finale, Ranked (According To IMDb). We'll let you know when we know more - xoxo. On suppose donc que son arrivée dans le reboot réserve son lot de surprises et peut-être un personnage à la hauteur de la singularité de sa jeune interprète. À la télévision, Jonathan Fernandez a enchaîné les rôles comiques, de Girls à Younger en passant par Lethal Weapon. She previously appeared on TNT's Claws. Meet transgender model and 'Control Z' actress Zión Moreno! Set eight years after the original’s finale, the “Gossip Girl” update will follow a new generation of New York private school teens who are introduced to the social surveillance of the Gossip Girl site. While we're still holding tight for a release date, what we do know is that the series is set to land on HBO's new streaming service, HBO Max, which arrives this May. SERIE - Gossip Girl vient de dévoiler le casting de son reboot : qui remplacera Blake Lively et Penn Badgley dans cette jeunesse dorée de Manhattan nouvelle génération ? The cast also includes relative newcomers Savannah Smith, Evan Mock, Jordan Alexander, and Adam Chanler-Berat. Prior to Gossip Girl, she has appeared on Claws from TNT's network. A post shared by Adam Chanler-Berat (@adamchanlerberat) on Jan 3, 2017 at 12:34pm PST. MacGruber Savanah Smith is a brand new actress on the rise these days. Autant dire qu'on a hâte de le découvrir en golden boy new-yorkais. Thomas Doherty a fait ses gammes d'acting chez Disney (dans Descendants 2 et 3) puis a poursuivi sa carrière prometteuse dans Catherine the Great, High Fidelity, et Legacies, le spin-off de Vampire Diaries. Kristen Bell (The Good Place, Veronica Mars) is returning as the narrator of the show. En effet, la série voit l’arrivée de Tavi Gevinson (Scream Queens), Thomas Doherty (High Fidelity), Adam Chanler-Berat (The Code) et Zion Moreno (Claws), dans des rôles inconnus pour le moment. Si on ne sait pas encore quels rôles vont camper les acteurs, le casting éclectique et jeune de ce reboot 2020 annonce déjà un changement significatif mais positif, à la série mythique Gossip Girl. Besides Doherty, other new actors that have been added to the show’s main cast are Tavi Gevinson (Scream Queens), Adam Chanler-Berat (It Could Be Worse), and Zion Moreno (Claws). ), Tavi Gevinson (Enough Said), Thomas Doherty (High Fidelity) and Zion Moreno (Claws). He will easily be able to take on whatever the rebooted version of Gossip Girl throws his way. She will be playing the role of Audrey, a teenager who has been locked down in a serious relationship for a long time and is ready to spread her wings and experience the singe life. On l'a vue dans la série Claws, et dans quelques clips de la chanteuse Melanie Martinez. It will explore how much social media and the landscape of New York itself has changed in the intervening years. That means he has already had his fair share of intense drama acting. On l’a vu depuis dans la série Netflix Spinning Out et sera au casting de deux films à venir, The F**k-It List et Run Hide Fight. From actors like Blake Lively, Leighton Meester, and Ed Westwick to Chace Crawford, Penn Badgeley, and Taylor Momsen, the show was destined to be a winner. She's also their resident foodie, and loves covering exciting new beauty launches, too. Contact her at [email protected], Helen Flanagan Defends Not Having Potty-Trained Two-Year-Old Daughter, Dream Job Allows You To Try On £4k Worth Of Jewellery At Home - And Keep It, Naked Attraction Contestant Walks Off After Being Overwhelmed Seeing Naked Woman For First Time, The 'Gossip Girl' Reboot Cast Has Been Unveiled, You Can View All Seven Of The Planets In The Sky Next Month, 'I’m 22 And Have Long Covid. Prior to Gossip Girl, she has appeared on Claws from TNT's network. On l’a aussi vue dans les films Le Grand Jeu et iZombie. A post shared by Whitney Peak (@whitneypeakk) on Oct 16, 2019 at 3:19pm PDT. Chanler-Berat is known for his work in stage productions such as “Next to Normal,” “Peter and the Starcatcher,” and “Amélie.” He is repped by Gersh and Nani/Saperstein Management. Dernièrement, il était à l’affiche de la série Soundtrack, écrite par… la scénariste de Gossip Girl. One of the older actors who has been cast for the reboot is named Jason Gotay. Tavi Gevinson has been confirmed as one of the leads of the reboot, along with High Fidelity's Thomas Doherty, Next to Normal's Adam Chanler-Berat, and Claws' Zion Moreno. Les pronostics sont lancés ! If you, like me, spent the first part of quarantine watching Gossip Girl on Netflix and actually miss hearing “Good morning, Upper East Siders,” then you’re in luck.HBO’s reboot of the show has begun filming in New York City, as confirmed by a behind-the-scenes photo from the set. Unification france est copyright (c) 1997 - 2020 Unification France. Johnathon Fernandez was born in Brooklyn, similar to the character of Dan Humphrey from the original series. Ce relooking nouvelle génération promet de nombreuses surprises pour notre précieuse élite new-yorkaise, experte en brunchs arrosés de mimosas et coups tordus. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. View this post on Instagram. Une publication partagée par Adam Chanler-Berat (@adamchanlerberat) le 15 Mai 2019 à 9 :41 PDT. Smith has studied the art of acting at NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts which means she is definitely ready for this role. 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Originaire de New York, Adam Chanler-Berat, 33 ans, vient du monde du théâtre. RELATED: Gossip Girl: The Main Characters, Ranked By Wealth. The name of the character she will play is still a mystery for now but what the public does know is that she will be playing the role of a popular student. Prior to landing this role, she had a small part in CW's iZombie as well as Molly's Game, an Academy Award-nominated film. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. View this post on Instagram. Une publication partagée par @emilyalind le 9 Mars 2020 à 4 :41 PDT, C’est le premier nom qui est sorti : Emily Alyn Lind, 19 ans, jouera l’un des rôles principaux du reboot de Gossip Girl. RELATED: Gossip Girl: Why Blair And Jenny Are Great Friends (& 5 Why They're Better Enemies). Doherty recently appeared in “High Fidelity” at Hulu and HBO’s “Catherine the Great.” He is repped by Anonymous Content, Olivia Bell Management, and Peikoff Mahan. She earned my English Bachelor's degree from Cal State Northridge and writes articles about pop culture, dating, and more. Emily Alyn Lind, Whitney Peak, Eli Brown, Johnathan Fernandez, and Jason Gotay were all previously confirmed to star in the show, and Kristen Bell had signed on to return as the show’s narrator. Une publication partagée par Eli Brown (@elibrown.jpeg) le 1 Déc. Brown is 19 years old this year and has appeared on Freeform's Pretty Little Liars: The Perfectionists as Dylan Walker. Kristen Bell narrated the original series leading everyone to believe that the identity of Gossip Girl was a female. (Pictured from left to right: Adam Chanler-Berat, Zion Moreno, Thomas Doherty, Tavi Gevinson). 2020 à 5 :19 PST. The 10-episode new series hails from original series creators Josh Schwartz and Stephanie Savage. HBO's The Vow: Where Are The Former & Current NXIVM Cult Members Now? Ils agiront en collaboration avec Leslie Morgenstein et Gina Girolamo de Alloy Entertainment. Une nouvelle génération d’adolescents des écoles privées de New York est initiée à la couverture sociale du nouveau Gossip Girl. According to Bazaar, the official summary of the reboot says, "Eight years after the original website went dark, a new generation of New York private school teens are introduced to the social surveillance of Gossip Girl.". She appeared in K-12 as Fleur. Plus, we don't yet know if there'll be any links to any character's from the OG series (*prays for cameos from the old cast grown up*) and - of course - the identity of Gossip Girl.

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