Yagura- The fourth Mizukage. He does, however, have an exuberant and defensive side as seen by his exasperated outburst at Naruto Uzumaki for thinking he was a weak child who had died before experiencing the world as well as ignoring what he was saying. First Appearance: Yagura was the Fourth Mizukage (Yondaime Mizukage meaning "Fourth Water Shadow") of Kirigakure, the lover of a myterious woman, somehow the father of Yukimaru, and the second Jinchuriki of the Three-Tailed Giant Turtle . It is likely that Yagura was the Mizukage whom Zabuza tried to assassinate. Während des Kampfes schaffte es Naruto, die Chakra-Konduktoren aus Roushi zu entfernen, wurde dieser kampfunfähig und ging wieder in seine menschliche Form zurück. Anime and Manga - Naruto; Yagura's age? Dort begegnet er schließlich den beiden letzten noch lebenden Jinchuuriki Naruto und Killer B, die Tobi gefangen nehmen will. Registered: 2017-07-24; Topics: 37; Posts: 181; On 2017-07-05 13:54:12 | Show this … Yagura-daiko, that is, taiko drumming from atop a yagura is a traditional part of professional sumo competitions. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts . Skills were 4,4,4,2,1 dog of hell summon. Yagura wirkt auf den ersten Blick gelassen, formell und diplomatisch. Rating. Name Handlung; Charaktere; Jutsu; Waffen; Kämpfe; Narutopedia. Archived. 1 year ago. Not bad at all. Jedoch wurden viele seiner Regeln vom Godaime Mizukage rückgängig gemacht. Geburtstag: As Naruto attempted to remove the opposition's chakra receivers in the ensuing blast, Naruto entered the joint consciousness of the tailed beasts, where Yagura greeted and thanked him for his efforts on behalf of the others. Status: Er scheint schon vor längerer Zeit sein Bijuu verloren zu haben, da es ohne Jinchuuriki von Tobi und Deidara gefunden worden ist. Er scheint es jedoch nicht sonderlich leiden zu können, wenn ihn jemand auf seine Körpergröße anspricht oder ihn mit einem Kind verwechselt, so regte er sich deshalb über Naruto auf, als dieser es tat. Press J to jump to the feed. r/Naruto. - Wallpaper Abyss - Seite 7 He wielded what seems to be a large staff, with two hooks on each end, one larger than the other, along with a flower on the larger end. When the Three-Tails was captured by Akatsuki, it had no host and roamed out in the wild. Sora sealed his once upon a time foe into Yagura, hoping that his grandson would become an even better Mizukage than ever he ever was, and restore the Land of Water to its former glory. 0. Gratis downloaden auf diesen Geräten - Computer, Smartphone, oder Tablet. Toggle navigation Wallpaper Abyss . He can also use this staff in many other ninjutsu of his. Yagura was a powerful shinobi, befitting his role as Mizukage. Discussion. During their first combat training, Kagura killed many of his classmates after falling into a trance, resulting in him becomin… The 4th Mizukage of the Kirigakure of the Land of Water. Yagura (やぐら, Yagura) adalah mantan jinchūriki dariIsobu, si Ekor-Tiga dan Mizukage Keempat (四代目水影,Yondaime Mizukage; Secara harfiah berarti "Bayangan Air Keempat") dari Kirigakure. r/Naruto: Everything related to the Naruto and Boruto series goes here. Despite his tyrannical reign, many in Kirigakure feared that Yagura was being manipulated, a fear which was confirmed by Ao via the Byakugan he later with Kisame learning that Obito Uchiha was behind it. Fortress (矢倉 or 櫓 yagura) is both a Static Rook opening (矢倉戦法 yagura senpō) and a castle in shogi.. However, upon his reincarnation, the Three-Tails was resealed within Yagura. In preparation for the Fourth Shinobi World War, Yagura was reincarnated by Kabuto Yakushi to fight against the Allied Shinobi Forces, where he was mobilised alongside the other deceased jinchūriki. Jinchuuriki des Sanbi(dreischwänzige Schildkröte). This video is unavailable. Yagura came to being during the Third Mizukage's reign. I tried fire main, mei, sage naruto and yagura. Ob er seinen Titel verloren hat oder ihn freiwillig abgegeben hat, ist nicht bekannt. It is usually played in a Double Static Rook opening, which is often a Double Fortress opening. Regrouping with the other reincarnated jinchūriki, after Kakashi Hatake and Might Guy's intervention, Yagura charged past the pair towards Naruto. In this form Yagura was able to perform Coral Palm, a technique which makes corals to grow on any surface he chooses, when used on opponents, it restricts their movement and eventually immobilises them. Despite the two not meeting face to face, during Part I of the Naruto series, Kakashi mentions Yagura as the Mizukage that Zabuza tried to assassinate. Suiton,  Fuuton [2] Yagura Karatachi Ninja-Rang: In that time, he’s grown from one of the more odd characters in the series as a member of Team 8 to becoming a homeroom teacher for the Ninja Academy. Während seiner Amtszeit galt er als grausamer Herrscher, u.a. In the resulting chaos, Yagura evaded the plummeting Seven-Tails by rolling into a ball, before attempting to run over the Nine-Tails. 143 cm[1] Yagura was a young adult, though rather short for his age. Naruto Online Sage World: Yagura ninja copier - Duration: 23:29. By Ursula Nizalowski Sep 22, 2019 Since the Naruto anime originally debuted in the early 2000s, it’s nearly twenty years old yet still relevant if we count its sequels Naruto: Shippuden and Boruto. Name: It doesnt feel right if it was Obito who killed him. 2. Naruto is one of the most popular manga and anime series of the last couple decades. 3-Tails Jinchuriki and once was controlled by Tobi. Sage Jiraiya Vs Yagura. He has a fair complexion with short, messy, grey hair that falls over the right side of his face and spiked up on the left his forehead, pink eyes and a tattoo with three points running down under his left eye. Manga: Er soll das Dorf mit eiserner Faust regiert haben und durch seine Schreckensherrschaft bekam das Dorf auch den Spitznamen "das Dorf versteckt hinter dem blutigen Nebel". I'm a bit neutral on this character. Nachdem das Edo Tensei aufgelöst wurde, kehrten die Seelen der Jinchuuriki zurück ins Jenseits. However, he was stopped by the Eight-Tails' grasp, but once freed, the rival beasts regrouped and prepare a collaborative Tailed Beast Ball, launching it towards their opponents only to have it diverted by an opposing one. Nach dem ersten Tag des Krieges wird offenbart, dass Tobi sich der sechs Jinchuuriki bemächtigt und sie zu seinen eigenen Sechs Pfaden des Pain gemacht hat, wobei jeder Jinchuuriki, wie er selbst, ein Sharingan und ein Rin'negan besitzt. April[1] Yagura bedankt sich im Namen aller Jinchuuriki bei Naruto für dessen Rettungsversuch, wodurch sie nicht länger die Marionetten von Tobi sind. History Talk (0) Comments Share. yagura has no memory of what happened during the genjutsu; since i couldnt find out how the fuck that all worked; zabuza is also younger than established canon age bc kishimotos timeline is a fucking mess; i did my fucking homework on this one; yagura is a mouthy little shit Combining the perceptual and predictive abilities of the former with the shared field of vision ability of the latter, allowed Yagura to use his attacks in a more precise and coordinated fashion as well as react to enemy attacks more efficiently, both individually and in conjunction and with the other jinchūriki. In Kana: Allgemein Unleashing a Tailed Beast Ball along with the others, the jinchūriki instead resorted to a direct assault when these attacks are deflected by Naruto, only to then be repelled as the latter adopted his Tailed Beast Mode. This article, Yagura Kanpa, uses content from Narutopedia. Kage After the enemy evaded Rōshi's attack, Yagura used his Water Release: Water Mirror Technique to counter their attacks; repelling them momentarily. Spiel: 6. Property "Has improper value for" has a restricted application area and cannot be used as annotation property by a user. Geschlecht: Born to Hamon Kanpa and his wife, he was born the grandson of the infamous Sora Kanpa, the first Mizukage. Yagura (やぐら, Yagura) (real name Yagura Kanpa), was the jinchūriki of Isobu, the Three-Tails and the Fourth Mizukage (四代目水影, Yondaime Mizukage, Literally meaning: Fourth Water Shadow) of Kirigakure. - Naruto … He had short, messy, grey hair, which fell over the right side of his face and spiked up on the left. During his rule, Kirigakure was isolated from the outside world, which is known as the "Village of the Bloody Mist." Yagura. 181 almost had Edo Yagura so I figured it'd be fun to just get those last few fragments and see what he can do. Naruto trifft die Geister der Jinchuuriki und deren Bijuu. I wish his copies were a bit stronger. Close. JinKitsune. Here's my main alternate account, Okbutdummy. Blutgruppe: Zusammen mit seiner neuesten Waffe begibt er sich erneut auf das Schlachtfeld. konnte sein Bijuu kontrollieren The third known Jinchuriki to ever completely control their Tailed Beast, Yagura had Isobu sealed within him at a very young age. Bevor Tobi Son Gokuu wieder in das Gedou Mazou aufsaugte, nahmen Roushi und Son Gokuu im Unterbewusstsein Kontakt zu den anderen kontrollierten Jinchuuriki und Bijuu auf und baten sie, Naruto zu helfen. Was ist Naruto? At 17 during the Great Ninja War, he’s currently 32 years of age. 6 Yagura (Naruto) HD Wallpapers and Background Images. 3. Kapitel 507 Wie sich später herausstellt, wurde Yagura von einem Mann kontrolliert, der sich als Madara Uchiha bezeichnete und den Kisame Hoshigaki später als diesen wiedererkannt hat.

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