No connection since monday. I think the high signal levels are the root cause of the issue, just don't know how the tech will approach this. So assuming that I have the same issues where I get connected at a slower speed it doesn't explain the random disconnects I am getting. Either that, or the connectors at one or both ends of the external cable are in very poor condition. Note the replacing the cable could be a pain if the pedestal is sitting on your neighbours yard. They eventually decide to send out a tech to check things out. 3, Technicolors. Fwiw, the XB6 modem uses an OFDM channel for the downstream data, but I don't know if that channel is used exclusively or if the modem runs a hybrid mode, combining the DOCSIS 3.1 OFDM data with the DOCSIS 3.0 SC-QAM data. The 7 dB ports would keep the upstream below the failure point at 51 dBmV. Just ask! I'd definitely check as I know there's a lot of corrective maintenance going on in Calgary affecting multiple areas. Haven't contacted Rogers directly yet. NAT? Downstream registration. That ping test will run for 1 hour and terminate when complete. Just looking at my downstream i can see in this short time that its jumping up and down quite a bit. Green (flashing) Upstream registration. Would gladly appreciate any help in troubleshooting steps or what I should be trying next. [IPv6] Home network addressing with IPv6 and Comcast? 10:12 PM. - edited This is the second Netgear router it happens too. Clamp Multimeter with 0.01 DC Amp Resolution (from the actual clamp) and Min/Max Function - $37 shipped, Anniversary sale is LIVE NOW, [Bhphotovideo] I have had the same issue (internet slowdown, choppy sound/picture on some channels time to time) since I signed up with Ignite TV back in March. How to restart the Gateway. I really don't want to spin up a watchdog VM to power cycle the modem when this happens, so I'm curious if anybody else is having struggles with the XB6. In fact the first few days i think were pretty rock solid, but I wasn't using it much so I can't vouch. Do you have a drop amplifier in your place? ‎05-15-2020 Subscribe for Updates. Here's an example of a ground block, in this case used for an external antenna installation, however, its basically the same, antenna or cable installation: Note the typical downstream levels at 0 dBmV across the board. Both models are being used though and both are labeled XB6. The tech should be able to make some headway with that. It would be were the coax cable first comes into the house. @danewfie you have severe problems with your external cable and/or the connectors. If you had a powered amplifier installed, I'd remove it and repost the signal levels, just to see where there at. (I consistently loose internet during my morning conference calls while at work) Each tech representative looks at the modem and says things are fine. Select All. So, with underground cabling I'd say that you probably have water ingress into the cable, which shorts out the cable. Any benefit to adding a splitter and capping it? Edit:  If you run a ping test to the Rogers primary IPV4 DNS, you can quantify the disconnects that occur with an ICMP ping. White (flashing) Ready for WiFi setup. Have you tried checking the XB6 Connection Status page at to make sure it's not a signal levels issue? Its an interesting case to say the least. I left my modem plugged in for hours, just in case. When trying to connect, the upstream and downstream lights first go solid, then the internet light blinks, then the internet light goes out and the upstream and downstream lights start blinking continuously. This topic has been marked solved and closed to new posts due to inactivity. (Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, Manage Consent Do Not Sell My Data), Creating this thread to track issues with the XB6 Modem. Not only do I see reduced speeds but my modem drops connection quite frequently (once every few days). Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. As you can see, there is a blinking orange light and a blinking coax light. Yeah, I am bridged. CIBC: Transfer Funds to Investor's Edge, get cash back (Max $2,000) - New and Existing accounts. If the original tech changed the connectors, the only thing left is the cable itself. We can't get Shaw in until Saturday so I'm just trying to see if I can fix it myself, but I'm no wizard when it comes to connection stuff. Modem appeared offline to techs. Speeds are registering as desired. The external Rogers box usually contains a cable ground block, with one cable arriving from the local tap, either via underground or overhead path, and the connecting cable heading inside the home. I'm not happy with that, given that you would be running at or just above 50 dBmV, so, not much room for any signal level fluctuations. I keep one going that currently dates back to Jun/Jul 2014. @danewfie personal opinion, all of your downstream signal levels are too high. Edit:  Your signal levels should be fairly stable. My apologies in advance to your neighbour. 09:46 AM. Looking at the Uncorrected Codewords, I would have expected to see low signal levels and low signal to noise ratios as well, but, that's not what the data shows. For official Shaw support, please visit, Press J to jump to the feed. Does anyone know what this means? We can't get Shaw in until Saturday so I'm just trying to see if I can fix it myself, but I'm no wizard when it comes to connection stuff. not able to connect google home to xb6...anyone having similar issues? The ground cable ends should be clean without an excessive amount of corrosion. You could try both 3.5 and 7 dB ports. I was having issues where the network ports on my modem (in bridge mode) were stopping to work, no activity randomly. The three port splitter usually contains one port at 3.5 dB and two ports at 7 dB. Later this week I"ll have that checked on. 09:49 PM. (Time will tell if that's true). ; A message is shown confirming that you'd like to restart your Gateway. Is there a possibility the modem isn't working as intended and a new one could fix it? ‎05-14-2020 If you are experiencing home WiFi connectivity issues, you can restart your BlueCurve Gateway from the Overview section of the BlueCurve Home mobile app or web portal.. Open the BlueCurve Home mobile app or web portal. This is the result. This can slow registration of the XB6. Shaw Arris XB6 Modem issues tracking thread, Display posts from previous: All postsLast dayLast 7 daysLast 2 weeksLast monthLast 3 months6 MonthsLast year, Sort by AuthorPost time Unfortunately when it gets stuck in limbo, it doesn't issue me a new public IP, so I'll have to see if I can route it to my subnet. Is it something I can buy and try out or something the tech needs to do in the box? ‎05-14-2020 On a minute to minute, hour to hour, day to day basis, those signal levels should be rock solid. by DOWNSTREAM: Flashing Amber: Registration: None. Like you, I too have have over a BILLION corrected errors and this is just in the last couple of weeks. I am trying to connect to the internet via Time Warner (now Spectrum) internet. He was outside the house probably 5-10 min with this toolkit before giving me the modem to hook up. Ping statistics for Sent = 3600, Received = 2576, Lost = 1024 (28% loss),Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:Minimum = 7ms, Maximum = 93ms, Average = 16ms, My question now is ... how come i'm getting fairly high packet loss, but the modem looks to be rock solid now. The previous owner had it setup connecting into a 6 port switch and I didn't want to deal with all that mess. [Innovation Credit Union] Modem going offline at random times at night could indicate headend work or planned maintenance in your area. However, I had an issue a few nights ago where the modem failed to re-establish a connection, stuck on Upstream Registration (green flashing light). I have Comcast Xfinity, called them and said everything was good on their end. Would the attenuator go inside or outside? Please do not share any personal information, even if someone claims to work for Shaw. There is a power level extension for DOCSIS 3.1 modems up to 63 or 67 dBmV, but I've only seen one instance of that in a U.S. post, so I suspect that use of the higher power level extension is pretty rare among ISPs. Actually, there's a new variant that has the Broadcomm chipset. 09:36 AM attenuator go inside or outside? The last one i had to get replaced through Netgear. I am underground wiring. However my expectation will be that the tech will not find anything and as the disconnects are fairly random but usually happen in the morning that I can tell. I see that its missing a number of channels but look at those power levels. @Datalink is there a an expectation for how much the power levels fluctuate? @RogersGordon Is it possible if you could confirm that the new firmware update won't have the random disconnects as well? I haven't had any noticeable outages the last few nights, so I'll be setting up a VM to test the uptime. Browser cache clear might not hurt also. I also have an unusually large amount of Uncorrectable Codewords however .. it seems that this is a normal expectation? My connection was dropping all of sunday night and monday morning, once an hour for 10 minutes at a time. Packet loss pings », Time To Treat Broadband Like The Essential Service It Is; Starlink Beta Outperforms Most Internet In The US; + more news, Stonepeak Acquires Astound, 6th-Largest US Provider, For $8.1B; AT&T Loses 6 Million Video Subs In 2 Years; + more news, Surprise! Rogers typically uses 52 dBmV for a failure point. I had the hitron previously which had no real issues once I had it reconfigured for passthrough instead of bridge mode. I'm not sure what to interpret from that. From some googling I found that the blinking orange light on this modem router means "downstream registration". BR500 VPN Currently Experiencing Intermittent Connectivity Issues. But the ping test failed 100%. 08:00 PM I am on a conference call for the past 2 hrs and it dropped me for about 2 minutes. That should get the point across that the cable and connectors need replacing. ‎05-14-2020 Package Contents 1 x Predator XB273K GP Widescreen LCD Monitor 2 x Displayport Cable. Every day I'm talking to Tech support to look at the modem and the first one just reset modem. Provided a new modem and that would not connect also. - edited I wouldn't expect to see any variations within this short period of time. Technicolor speed issues in bridge mode so I've disabled that and am running in standard modem configuration for now. Setup the initial configuration and the modem dropped for a bit, Tech said it was just doing an update and things would be normal after it came back up. Curious if you've fixed your problem at all. 01:36 PM Something is wrong, powerful the modem and check again. A poor ground can also cause problems. Curious if you've fixed your problem at all.

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