This is considered to be the most important day of Muharram. On the 10th day of Muharram, also known as Ashura, Shia Muslims across the world mourn the death of the Prophet Muhammad’s grandson, Imam Hussain Ali. According to the beliefs of Islam, Hazrat Imam Hussain along with his family and companions reached Karbala on 2 Moharram. — Watch Video, Police arrest 10 in Portland, 50 in New York on night after US vote, Did Hrithik Roshan audition for a Hollywood action thriller at his home? Sunni and … Browse through the following lines to know the rituals of Muharram and how it is celebrated by both the Muslim communities worldwide. On the first day of Muharram, the Islamic New year is celebrated and the tenth day of the Muharram is of most significance. Muharram is a day to celebrate mourning and remember the martyrdom of Hazrat Imam Hussain, who protects religion. Shias mourn the death of Prophet’s successors and on the occurrence of the crescent moon, they recite the plaintive verses and have a sweetened cold drink. Just a pocket of dough filled with a sweet or savoury... We all have heard about crocs and we all want to purchase it for ourselves. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. According to the beliefs, Emperor Yazid persecuted Hussein and his family members to establish his power and killed 10 Muharram with impunity. After Makkah-Madina, Karbala is the main place for the followers of the Muslim religion. The word ‘Muharram’ is derived from the word ‘haram’ which means “forbidden”. The Shia sects mark the day with meetings, morning processions, fasting and feeding the poor. People want to be in them when travelling. #KeepAWatch on your Vitals In Real Time with GOQii, Muharram 2020: Wishes, Quotes, WhatsApp status and messages to send on Hijri New Year. It is considered one of … Muharram 2020: History, significance and why is it celebrated. As it is evident, different factions of the Muslim community observe this day differently. While not all Muslims observe this occasion in the same manner, Muharram is primarily an Islamic holiday. You Season 3 To Resume Shoot, Plot, Release Date And All... Melania Trump Net Worth, Personal Life, Modeling Career, Real Estate And... Diane Sawyer Net Worth, Career, Age & All You Need To... George Stephanopoulos, Net Worth, Personal Life, Career & More. When is Muharram Celebrated ? On the morning of 10 Muharram, Hussain offered Namaz. Yazid ordered a man named Hurmal to kill Hussein’s son. They also refrain from attending and celebrating all joyous events in this period. Muharram marks the Islamic New Year for both Muslim communities, Sunnis and Shias. Although Muharram is the month of the Islamic calendar, people usually give the 10th Moharram the most importance. It is an important day for all Muslims. It is the first month in the lunar Islamic calendar and is one of the four most sacred months of the calendar where fighting is prohibited. ALSO READ: Muharram 2020: Wishes, Quotes, WhatsApp status and messages to send on Hijri New Year. The little child died right there. Some gather at mosques to cry over Hussein’s death and to remember the importance of what the Prophet’s family did for justice, while others perform public rituals that include chest-beating, self-flagellation with chains and forehead-cutting.

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