Zoo animals have to spend day after day, week after week, year after year in the exact same enclosure. Some people say that caging the animals is a money-making gimmick and it is unethical as it deprives them of their freedom. They can’t walk or turn around. If the humans kept the wild animals in the zoo, they will ruin the food chain. However, is the really practical? 0 No matter how big some zoos try to make the enclosures, no matter how many branches they put in them, no matter how beautiful they make the background paintings on the wall, they don’t compare with the natural habitat the animals were meant to be in. Get a verified writer to help you with Why Animals Shouldn’t Be Caged. Virtually unable to move, these animals can’t perch, nest or dust bath. The predecessor of the zoo was the menagerie, which involved the captivity of birds typically for the entertainment of the aristocracy, and has a long history running back to ancient times. It always seemed as if he was getting bullied. Animals should be allowed to live in the wild, where they belong. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. It seems that they have become the domesticated pets... ...Keeping animals in zoos constitutes one of the greatest injustices of all time. Zoos can also organize programmes and activities to enable participants to understand more about certain... ...where animals are kept. The neighbor was on the small side. Our team totally oppose to the motion. Today’s motion is “Animals should never be kept in zoos”. Arguments for and Against Keeping Animals in Zoos, Ask Writer For Also, animals should be kept in cages for medical reasons. Zoos are premises for the captivity of animals, often in urban areas where many of the animals would not otherwise be found, with the intention of studying the animals and displaying them to the public at large. Caring for a captive animal takes time, money and knowledge to provide everything the animal needs, such as food, water and the correct environment, to prevent... Zoos are places that often visited by the people for recreation, moreover for the family who has child. Type: Majority of the enclosures are too small for the animals inside them. Also, scientists have proven that all animals that are kept in cages small or big become stressed, sick, and don’t live as long as expected. This is the daily life of a testing animal. Essay, 3 pages. And the consequences are we going to have a dramatic increase in reindeer’s population and more plants are being consumed. One reason it is cruel is that it is not the animals’ natural habitat. These animals can barely move for months on end. Some people argue that animals shall not be kept in zoos as they deserve freedom. Additional materials, such as the best quotations, synonyms and word definitions to make your writing easier are We, human beings, should never disturb them. If they are out in the wild, they can dye from lack of food, droughts, predators, diseases, and natural disasters. They can’t develop skills like the normal wild animals can do such as hunting, attacking, mating or bonding which means they have no chance when or If they let on and Into the wild. Do you agree? 2010-05-04 22:57:20|  分类: 默认分类|字号 订阅 Essay, 2 pages. I will illustrate my viewpoint in three aspects. Dealers will sell them to hunting ranches, pet shops, circuses, and the exotic meat industry and research facilities. Furthermore, animals should definitely not be kept in cages because it’s not their natural habitat! Some people believe that zoos can protect them from various dangers while others argue that it is inhumane to confine animals in such man-made environment. Hence lose their ability to hunt for food and die from starvation Write a debating speech on the topic “Animals should never be kept in zoos”. As a result of not having a lot of money, circus operations will frequently not give their animals enough water or food, clean their cages properly or give them adequate medical care. Zoos should keep their animals and keep them alive. Tens of millions of animals are used each year in federally and privately funded experiments. also offered here. Some animals should be kept in cages for medical reasons. First of all, animals kept in zoos will reduce their wild nature. -Keeping animals in cages increase the chances that they do not go into extinction. Also if they are sick they will need to be put in a cage so they do not make people or even animals sick which could make all the animals and humans sick witch is very bad because most likely people will die maybe a lot of people will die. Nowadays, there is an ongoing heated discussion among people on the topic whether wild animals should be kept in zoos, and there is no common consensus among people on it. This is how many animals live. Type: The average life span of zoo elephants is about 16-18 years, while wild elephants can live 50-70 years. Some are found and rescued, given the chance to experience how great life and humans can be; others aren't so lucky. Most of the time, it is nowhere near the animals fault, sometimes owners have no money to care for their pet, though that is no excuse for not turning their pet in to a nice shelter. The procedures are cruel, unreliable, and harmful. The major problem with zoos is that the animals are kept in enclosures that don’t allow them to live their lives in a natural way. First of all, zoos keep animals for educating the public. Based on the conventional geological sciences, mass extinctions... All living animals communicate. Like Reply This is sad because animals can become less in numbers and soon they will become instincts. However, what many people tend to forget are the millions of animals that are tortured or killed during the process of these painful, deadly experiments. If you have you know want I am talking about. Essay, 9 pages. To make the circus animals perform their tricks, often brutal training methods are used, electric shock devices, sticks with concealed screws or spikes and severe beatings from their trainers. At zoos there are veterinarians on hand, constant food, and there are no predators. As Professor Neal says “animals should not be put in cages because it will cause animals to die faster.” Soon they will all die. People nowadays keep animals in cages for entertainment and profit purposes. In fact, it is pure torture for the animals. It can cause them to be stressed out. The first modern zoo evolved out of an aristocratic menagerie in Vienna in 1765. By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our cookie policy. He was seldom seen in the yard playing or anything. Left in unsanitary conditions with no food or water, they have little hope as they live out their days without the compassion they deserve. Far too many wild animals are kept in zoos being poorly treated and tried to shape into domestic pets. Without fierce competition, lots of animals, such as tigers and lions, become considerably mild.

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