If I have a known medical issue or am taking any medications, they are listed here: I have an occasional swelling of the salivary gland, otherwise known as a salivary mucocele. Walking on a leash: I do fine on a leash for trips to the vet of other outing, but I don't particularly care for long walks. Please ✔ check "Also post on Facebook" after typing a question or comment. I think humans make the perfect pillows! Is familiar with fearful behavior and/or has experience with dogs that have been abused/neglected in their past. See a problem? Some people might even say I'm the most popular guy there! ), please consider other ways that you can enjoy this wonderful breed such as applying to foster which does not carry a long term commitment. We spay/neuter puppies at 4 months old. The Italian Greyhound Rescue Foundation was established by the national "parent" club for the breed (IGCA) and is a separate organization.IGRF's mission is rescue, and it has a nationwide organization of rescue representatives, foster homes and other volunteers, including some here in Houston. I'm active during the morning but spend the rest of the day and evening sleeping a lot. Click here for information about upcoming IGRF Rescue-related events and activities in the Greater Houston area. It is not unusual for people to acquire an Italian Greyhound before they are ready to start a family since they offer so much joy and companionship in the home. My house-training Status is: Very rare or no indoor accidents. I follow my Mom around most of the day, talking to her. IG's can live as long as 18 years! I need a home with a female only who is home most of the time and has experience with ultra skittish former puppy mill dogs. OUT OF STATE ADOPTIONS: We do allow out-of-state adoptions for ADULT dogs, however, the adopter MUST come to Houston to get the dog and take the dog home with them. IGRF's mission is rescue, and it The Italian Greyhound Rescue Foundation was established by the national "parent" Has an Italian Greyhound Companion. Rescue Me, RescueMe.Org, and the paw logo are registered trademarks of WO. Click to visit IGRF Rescue for Texas on Facebook: Upcoming Houston-Area Events Though it may be difficult for you to imagine giving up your "IG baby" for your human baby today, the arrival of children in the home is one of the top 5 reasons that IG's are given up by their owners. Has someone that can come home at lunch and let me out to potty. Blue is very brave and adaptable – he got used to our house in no time and gets around perfectly fine. My name is Hopper Dillon. He is scared of loud noises, but I don't blame him since he can't see if he's in danger or not by the noise. Italian Greyhounds are pack animals and they bond closely with their humans. If we fail to ask you about it and children might be in your future, even 10 years from now, please ask your IGRF Rescue Representative about this important topic! *And my third most favorite thing is to end the day cuddled up next to you on the couch or in bed. If the dog being adopted is not already altered at the time of their adoption, the dog will be altered within 2 weeks of adoption at our vet at our cost, with the exception of puppies which will be altered as soon as the puppy is ready. A little more about me and my personality: Blue's favorite thing to do is snuggle under blankets – he can even maneuver a blanket so that there is no opening as he gets it all underneath him – it’s amazing to watch. *IGRF Rescue Blue is a very happy boy and is happiest when he has people and other dogs around. She is a beautiful Italian Greyhound and is 14 years old. If I have a known medical issue or am taking any medications, they are listed here: Blue is 100% blind in both eyes and has glaucoma in one eye. A little more about me and my personality: I love to give kisses and when I get excited I can't stop jumping. A little more about me and my personality: I am a puppy mill survivor who is ultra skittish. Copyright © 1999-2017 World Organization. Also, our puppies can only be adopted to the immediate Houston vicinity as it takes 4 months to get them completely vetted at our vet here in Houston. Is okay with a dog that prefers canine companionship to human companionship. "Whippet for adoption in Houston, Texas." Location (City, State): New Braunfels, TX. When children arrive in the home, balancing dog ownership and parenting can present challenges that result in the dog losing its home. IGRF Rescue*. Are You In the San Antonio Area? As an IG parent you must be willing to commit to a structured and reasonable routine to keep your iggy from having excessive indoor accidents. PUPPIES: Young puppies that have not had their second round of puppy shots will not be at the Adoption Center for our weekend adoption events. Moderate Energy/Activity. We will not allow our dogs/puppies to be adopted out of the area without being spayed/neutered. However, if you have significant foreseeable changes in your life that will conflict with giving a rescue IG a life long commitment (multiple moves ahead of you, overseas travel, financial issues etc. We block people who post offensive messages. A large kennel with the other IGs in my family. My optimal Adoptive Home: Low Energy/Activity. My optimal Adoptive Home: Has Adults Only in it. - ♥ RESCUE ME! Has a Canine Companion: Has an Italian Greyhound Companion. Sometimes I even go off into a quiet room to get away from the craziness of my family. operations are totally funded by the IGRF, SPAY/NEUTER: As we believe proper healthcare of one's pet is a requirement of good ownership K-9 Angels Rescue only adopts out dogs that have been fully vetted. Why buy a Whippet puppy for sale if you can adopt and save a life? Blue has a history of hemangiomas, which were all recently removed and he has recovered nicely. REPORT NOW. At night, I prefer to sleep in: A dog bed. Click here for information about upcoming IG-related events and activities for folks in the SA area. Whippet Rescue and Placement is a not-for-profit 501(C)3 organization. Crate training - please note that we teach crating as a 'safe happy personal space' where the IG can rest/sleep when confinement is necessary. IGRF about Nicholas, At night, I prefer to sleep in: My kennel Dog tent. This will help you make an educated decision on whether an IG is going to mesh with your long term family plans. As an IG parent you must be willing to commit to a structured and reasonable routine to keep your iggy from having excessive indoor accidents. All rights reserved. Has someone that is home mostly during the day. There are times that I  join in with play time with the other dogs and start barking and try to run around. A Family for Life: And 'Dillon' because it's a name of Irish origin meaning 'loyal'. Italian Greyhounds are known for housebreaking issues and most will have occasional accidents. My optimal Adoptive Home: Low Energy/Activity. Crates should NEVER be used as a punishment or 'time out' space: I consider the crate my safe space and don't mind being in there at all for reasonable amounts of time. As an IG parent you must be willing to commit to a structured and reasonable routine to keep your iggy from having excessive indoor accidents. I am smart, ene rgetic, playful and will love you endlessly. Some Things to Consider Before Adopting an Italian Greyhound. We want you to be successful in giving one of our rescue IG's a loving family for life! View the available dogs at Texas Italian Greyhound Rescue, Inc. IGRF about BlueJay, Primary Color: Blue Fawn (Tan with Gray undertones). *My first most favorite thing is being around other dogs or running around the dog park. If you are interested in adopting a puppy, please fill out an application on our website http://www.k-9angelsrescue.org/k9_angels_rescue_adoption_process.html. Crate training - please note that we teach crating as a 'safe happy personal space' where the IG can rest/sleep when confinement is necessary. Crates should NEVER be used as a punishment or 'time out' space: I do just fine being in my crate for reasonable amounts of time. Submitting an adoption application is the first step, and is required before meeting specific foster dogs in which you may have an interest. club for the breed (IGCA) and is a separate organization. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qw45WiURJYQ. NOTE: All dogs are officially the property of K-9 Angels Rescue until they are altered by our veterinarian. Is okay with a dog in their lap quite frequently. Look at pictures of Whippet puppies in Houston who need a home. I can't wait to meet my new family and find my forever home! If the door is left open, I will put myself inside to rest. Must have a securely fenced in yard (not an available dog park area). If I have a known medical issue or am taking any medications, they are listed here: None, My adoption readiness status: I am available for adoption, My optimal Adoptive Home: Moderate Energy/Activity. Has someone that can come home at lunch and let me out to potty. . homes and other volunteers, including some here in Houston. Woof! My name is Hopper Dillon.

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