Answer:C. John Adams is the correct answer. When the Mormons appealed to the Federal government, President Martin Van Buren said. authors of the federalist papers include all of the following except Richard Henry Lee. The points of similitude consist in the rivalship of power, applicable to both, and in the CONCENTRATION of large portions of the strength of the community into particular DEPOSITS, in one case at the disposal of individuals, in the other case at the disposal of political bodies. The power of the head of the nation was commonly too weak, either to preserve the public peace, or to protect the people against the oppressions of their immediate lords. The paper attempted to When the sovereign happened to be a man of vigorous and warlike temper and of superior abilities, he would acquire a personal weight and influence, which answered, for the time, the purpose of a more regular authority. This is what the 1787 Constitution established. Allowing the utmost latitude to the love of power which any reasonable man can require, I confess I am at a loss to discover what temptation the persons intrusted with the administration of the general government could ever feel to divest the States of the authorities of that description. Some of the state-level passion that Alexander Hamilton writes of in the Federalist Papers #17, with the wrinkle of whites successfully making themselves much more politically potent than blacks, was behind the end of Reconstruction. But his imagination failed to see all the wellsprings of federal power that would arise in the following two-and-a-fraction centuries. This review shall form the subject of some ensuing papers. Each principal vassal was a kind of sovereign, within his particular demesnes. To make the difference between 2 and 3 vivid, let me give two examples from Mormon history. The stick was that the Federal government did not have to act against the state government in this, but could act against the Mormon Church. Most accurately describes the federalist papers? Who is the longest reigning WWE Champion of all time? Why don't libraries smell like bookstores? The proof of this proposition turns upon the greater degree of influence which the State governments if they administer their affairs with uprightness and prudence, will generally possess over the people; a circumstance which at the same time teaches us that there is an inherent and intrinsic weakness in all federal constitutions; and that too much pains cannot be taken in their organization, to give them all the force which is compatible with the principles of liberty. (For example, the current version of the Wikipedia article for “United States Environmental Protection Agency” says the EPA has 13,758 employees.). What is the rhythmic pattern of bahay kubo? The regulation of the mere domestic police of a State appears to me to hold out slender allurements to ambition. It is therefore improbable that there should exist a disposition in the federal councils to usurp the powers with which they are connected; because the attempt to exercise those powers would be as troublesome as it would be nugatory; and the possession of them, for that reason, would contribute nothing to the dignity, to the importance, or to the splendor of the national government. How long will the footprints on the moon last? The carrot was that the Mormon Church desperately wanted statehood to gain more autonomy than a territory could afford; they were willing to promise to end polygamy to get statehood (though officially-sanctioned polygamy continued in secret and in Canada and Mexico for some time after that). The Federalists papers were designed to inform the US citizens The reasoning on this head has been abundantly exemplified by the experience of all federal constitutions with which we are acquainted, and of all others which have borne the least analogy to them. It will be well if they are not able to counteract its legitimate and necessary authority. After the Edmunds Anti-Polygamy Act of 1882 the Federal government sent federal marshals to catch and imprison polygamists. The superiority of influence in favor of the particular governments would result partly from the diffusive construction of the national government, but chiefly from the nature of the objects to which the attention of the State administrations would be directed. The variety of more minute interests, which will necessarily fall under the superintendence of the local administrations, and which will form so many rivulets of influence, running through every part of the society, cannot be particularized, without involving a detail too tedious and uninteresting to compensate for the instruction it might afford. This strong propensity of the human heart would find powerful auxiliaries in the objects of State regulation. Martin Van Buren was saying he had very little power to tell Missouri what to do. In part, he thought that the Federal government would not be adequately staffed to do such a thing, not conceiving of the rise of the administrative state and its large agencies. It is that which, being the immediate and visible guardian of life and property, having its benefits and its terrors in constant activity before the public eye, regulating all those personal interests and familiar concerns to which the sensibility of individuals is more immediately awake, contributes, more than any other circumstance, to impressing upon the minds of the people, affection, esteem, and reverence towards the government. Conceptually, there are three levels of federal power: Having authority only over subjurisdictions—and that only if the a subjurisdiction did not object—as was true in the Articles of Confederation. Until almost my lifetime (I was born in 1960), the main example of the Federal government enforcing its will against states was the Civil War and Reconstruction. How will my inability to eat during the first trimester affect my baby? But in general, the power of the barons triumphed over that of the prince; and in many instances his dominion was entirely thrown off, and the great fiefs were erected into independent principalities or States. For the Independent JournalTuesday, December 4, 1787. On the whole, Alexander Hamilton has good insights in the Federalist Papers #17 about the wellsprings of state power vis a vis federal power. In those instances in which the monarch finally prevailed over his vassals, his success was chiefly owing to the tyranny of those vassals over their dependents. demonstrate the ways that the Articles of Confederation were ill conce. There is one transcendant advantage belonging to the province of the State governments, which alone suffices to place the matter in a clear and satisfactory light,--I mean the ordinary administration of criminal and civil justice. It may be said that it would tend to render the government of the Union too powerful, and to enable it to absorb those residuary authorities, which it might be judged proper to leave with the States for local purposes. And his contention that federal power would be quite limited was true for a long time. Relating to more general interests, they will be less apt to come home to the feelings of the people; and, in proportion, less likely to inspire an habitual sense of obligation, and an active sentiment of attachment. What does mbs adj on a bank statement mean? In 1846, the main body of Mormons was driven out of Illinois. A Partisan Nonpartisan Blog: Cutting Through Confusion Since 2012, Link to the Wikipedia page 1838 “Mormon War, Link to the Amazon page for The Mormon Rebellion, Link to the full text of the Federalist Papers #11-#20, In the Federalist Papers #17, Alexander Hamilton has trouble imagining a Federal government that horned in on a large share of the internal powers of states. The only reason it took that long was that the murder of Mormon founder Joseph Smith mollified those in Illinois who hated Mormons for a while.

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