After a two-year legal battle to clear his name, Washington's Court of Appeals has finally quashed his conviction for contempt of Congress. This article was most recently revised and updated by,, Spartacus Educational - Biography of Arthur Miller, National Endowment for the Humanities - Biography of Arthur Miller, Public Broadcasting Service - American Masters - Biography of Arthur Miller, Theatre Database - Biography of Arthur Miller, Clarence Brown Theatre - Biography of Arthur Miller, Arthur Miller - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up), witchcraft trials in Salem, Massachusetts. I Don’t Need You Any More, a collection of his short stories, appeared in 1967 and a collection of theatre essays in 1977. ... His difficulties with the committee arose when he was asked to name other persons present at a meeting of "Communist writers" in 1947. On 7 August 1958, after a two-year legal battle to clear his name, Washington's Court of Appeals quashed Miller's conviction for contempt of Congress. Mr Rauh added that the timing of the hearing - just before his marriage to Marilyn Monroe - would ensure maximum publicity and humiliation for the writer. Arthur Miller later said his trial only went ahead because he had refused one of the members of the HUAC permission to be photographed with Marilyn Monroe. Arthur Miller (b.l915) is a major American dramatist whose best-known work Death of A … So the court today ruled that at the time Mr Miller was led to believe this line of questioning had been suspended or even abandoned altogether. He died of heart failure. After the Fall is concerned with failure in human relationships and its consequences, large and small, by way of McCarthyism and the Holocaust; it opened in January 1964, and it was understood as largely autobiographical, despite Miller’s denials. His first hit Broadway play, All My Sons, was produced in 1947. : The quality in such plays [i.e., tragedies] that does shake us…derives from the underlying fear of being displaced, the disaster inherent in being torn away from our chosen image of what and who we are in this world. 1958: Arthur Miller cleared of contempt Washington's Court of Appeals has quashed playwright Arthur Miller's conviction for contempt of Congress after a two-year legal battle. As a teen, he won a commission in the Spanish army and might have been expected to live out an more. He did, however say that "there were two short periods - one in 1940 and one in 1947 - when I was sufficiently close to Communist Party activities so that someone might honestly have thought that I had become a member". Among us today this fear is as strong, and perhaps stronger, than it ever was. Mr Rauh added that the timing of the hearing - just before his marriage to Marilyn Monroe - would ensure maximum publicity and humiliation for the writer. Arthur Asher Miller (October 17, 1915 – February 10, 2005) was an American playwright and essayist in the 20th-century American theater.Among his most popular plays are All My Sons (1947), Death of a Salesman (1949), The Crucible (1953), and A View from the Bridge (1955, revised 1956). On 7 August 1958, after a two-year legal battle to clear his name, Washington's Court of Appeals quashed Miller's conviction for contempt of Congress. READ MORE: 7 Artists Whose Careers Were Almost Derailed by the Hollywood Blacklist, He was 89 years old. A few weeks after the Miller case, John Watkins won an appeal in the Supreme Court quashing a similar conviction. In just a few months, the Byrds had become a household name, with a #1 single and a smash-hit album that married the ringing guitars and backbeat of the more, Swarms of admirers mob the Hollywood film actors Mary Pickford and Douglas Fairbanks, who arrive in London on their honeymoon on June 21, 1920. Miller was born in 1915 to a well-off German-Jewish family with a prosperous clothing store. But the playwright, married to actress Marilyn Monroe, refused to name names on a point of principle saying: "I could not use the name of another person and bring trouble on him.". History at your fingertips
The full nine-man court held unanimously that the House Committee on Un-American activities had not sufficiently warned the playwright of the risk of contempt if he refused to answer its questions. Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. American playwright Arthur Miller is known for combining social awareness with a searching concern for his characters’ inner lives. In 1956, when Miller was himself called before the House Un-American Activities Committee, he refused to name people he had seen 10 years earlier at an alleged communist writers’ meeting. Miller’s later plays included The Ride Down Mount Morgan (1991), Mr. Peters’ Connections (1998), and Resurrection Blues (2002). The 7.7-magnitude tremor wrecked havoc on the simply constructed houses in the area.
Arthur Asher Miller was born on October 17, 1915, in New York City, to Augusta (Barnett) and Isidore Miller.