You will be shamed for ever. The original text plus a side-by-side modern translation of. And when she speaks, is it not an alarum to love? This is a horrible offense. Oh, sweet England! And thou, by that small hurt, hath cashiered Cassio. I will ask him for my place again; he shall tell me Yes, but, if you don't mind, not before me. Lieutenant—sir Montano—Gentlemen, help!—Some fine guards these guys are. Courtesy would invent some other custom of Though Cassio did some little wrong to him. For 'tis most easy invent some other custom of entertainment. She has an inviting eye, and yet I think she's very modest. As I am an honest man, I thought you had received some bodily wound. IAGO Thou know’st we work by wit and not by witchcraft, And wit depends on dilatory time. First, my wife has to advocate for Cassio to Desdemona. How poor are they that have not patience! The fruits that blossom first are the first to ripen, and before long, we'll reap the fruits of our labors. And speak parrot? The lieutenant, is to be saved before the ancient. CASSIO Our general cast us thus early for the love of his Desdemona—who let us not therefore blame. And would in action glorious I had lost Reputation is an empty, stupid idea. Iago is saying how an old black man is messing with Brabanitio’s white daughter. You know that our plan is based on cleverness and not magic, and cleverness needs time to work. I can't recall the particulars. IAGO I have no time to waste! splinter, and, my fortunes against any lay worth naming, this crack of your love shall grow stronger than it was. Why, then, let a soldier drink. The gravity and stillness of your youth The world hath noted, and your name is great In mouths of wisest censure. Yes, beyond anything a doctor can help with. Othello appears, enraged, and takes Cassio off his post. Have so much experience for my pains, and so, with It's a night of celebration, man! But then, just now, as if some cosmic shift of the planets had affected them, they drew their swords and started lunging at each other in a bloody fight. Some wine, ho! The devil! CASSIO In his rage, Cassio wronged Montano, who was only trying to help, but I think that Cassio must have received some strange insult from the man who ran away that he simply couldn't tolerate. If I can get him to have just one drink, together with what he's already had to drink, he'll be as belligerent and testy as a badly trained as a young girl's pet dog. We're in a town during wartime, and the citizens are all nervous, and you decide to have a fight between yourselves? Apologize to her, and beg her to help you regain your place as lieutenant. OTHELLO The gentlemen want you to join. But his vice is equal to his virtue. I'll sever my ties with whoever started this fight—even if it were my twin brother, I'd do this. Cry within: 'Help! Why, but you are now well enough. I'll say that Desdemona is standing up for Cassio because she is attracted to him. Just a little one, really, no more than a pint I promise, on my soldier's honor. If you don't tell the truth because you're partial to Cassio, then you don't deserve the title of soldier. Cassio has beaten you up, yes. I tell you what you shall do. And by how much she strives to do him good She shall undo her credit with the Moor. Of all that I do know: nor know I aught To have their balmy slumbers waked with strife. Run off and shout out that there's a brawl. Hold! think, gentlemen, I am drunk. He is thought throughout the first two acts to be a very honest and truthworthy man, this often comes up with great irony as people comment of how honest he is. I'll fill you in more later. You or any man may get drunk now and then. Sir, this gentleman How am I then a villain To counsel Cassio to this parallel course, Directly to his good? Iago can easily manipulate people’s feelings. What an eye she has! He was too fast for me, though, so I returned here, as I heard the clink of swords and Cassio swearing oaths. Silence that dreadful bell: it frights the isle It were well The general were put in mind of it. Some wine, ho! Who's that which rings the bell?--Diablo, ho! If I once stir, Or do but lift this arm, the best of you Shall sink in my rebuke. Touch me not so near. She shall undo her credit with the Moor. Hold, for shame! The next one of you to raise a fist must not value his life very much, for I'll kill whoever moves. All you need to do is fill out a short form and submit an order. Cassio hath beaten thee. I would rather have my tongue cut out of my mouth than speak ill of Michael Cassio. Every wound must heal gradually. Sir, this gentleman stepped in to stop Cassio, while I chased after the shouting man, because I was worried his clamor would awaken and scare the townspeople. But here they come. How have you become so out of your mind, Michael? Making it light to Cassio. 'Fore heaven, they have given me a rouse already. And Cassio high in oath; which till to-night Why do we celebrate by willingly turning ourselves into beasts? For Christian shame, put by this barbarous brawl. 'tis a night of revels: the gallants The devil of drunkenness decided to give up his place to the devil of anger. Iago is saying that terrible wrongdoings are at first disguised as innocent. The purchase made, the fruits are to ensue: That profit’s yet to come ’tween me and you. I come here exhausted, like a dog bringing up the rear of the pack during a hunt.

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