The Romulan secret agent was last seen being dragged away by Soji’s brothers and sisters, pleading in vain for her to listen to him – something Soji won’t do again after he tortured and tried to kill her aboard the Artifact. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Can’t anyone just become an android? We know, we know. Next: Where Every Star Trek Character Is After Picard. New Star Trek: Picard Photos Reveal First Look At Season 1 Finale, Picard a synthetic body that’s exactly the same as his old one, Andrew Garfield Reportedly Hesitant To Return As Spider-Man Because Of How Sony Treated Him, Spider-Man’s Parents Will Reportedly Be Revealed To Be [SPOILERS], Donald Trump Refused To Meet With Chris Evans Twice, Watch: Tom Holland Becomes Marty McFly In Back To The Future Fan Trailer, Watch: Nicolas Cage Is On The Hunt In National Treasure 3 Fan Trailer, Watch: The Dark Knight Battles Machines In Batman Vs. Terminator Fan Trailer, Wanda Will Reportedly Be Responsible For Electro Coming Into The MCU, Marvel Reportedly Plans To Make At Least 3 More Deadpool Movies, New Matrix 4 Theory Says Neo’s Return Is Part Of The Oracle’s Plan. Powered by WordPress using DisruptPress Theme. Still, this is all conjecture and, since it wasn’t shown in the aired episode, Chabon’s explanation doesn’t hold as official canon. The Best Horror Movies To Stream This Halloween. A casualty of the editorial process, alas. If anything, the character who was developed the most was Data: an android who had already died. Does Picard get recommissioned again? This mistake is just one example of some pretty slack storytelling in the first season. The CBS All-Access series starring Patrick Stewart as Jean-Luc Picard wrapped in grand fashion with the Starfleet legend saving the galaxy once again. They said she’d have to turn herself into the Federation, but by the finale, she’s smiling on the Bridge with the rest of them. Brent Spiner and Patrick Stewart bring the best parts of their characters. Doctor Who Season 12x08 "The Haunting Of Villa Diodati" Revi... New Star Wars Comic Takes A Shot At The Sequel Trilogy, The Emperor Almost Kills Darth Vader In New Star Wars Comic. Now, however, showrunner Michael Chabon has opened up about this on Instagram, admitting to the error and saying what should have happened. 10 Easter Eggs And Nods In Joker That You Might've... 10 Moments In Avengers: Endgame That Surprised Eve... New X-Men: The Animated Series Trailer Fuels Reboot Rumors. But I could not help but feel that there were too many characters and not enough screen time to serve them all. The Romulan Zhat Vash agent showed his duplicitous, manipulative nature by tricking Isa Briones’ Soji into revealing the location of the synthetic homeworld. All of which made it a bit of a head-scratcher that Narek just disappeared during the season finale’s final scenes, leaving viewers wondering where the hell he went. Throughout the first season of the show, it is Data who has hung over much of the story. By the end of Star Trek: Picard‘s season 1 finale, Narek’s fate is left completely up in the air. The level of plot convenience is off the charts — and you create problems for the show down the line. The gift from the synthetics to Raffi essentially ended up being a “Whatever You Need for the Plot” device. Click the button below to start this article in quick view. It is Data who fundamentally pushes Picard to realize his emptiness on the vineyard with an incomplete painting. By the end of Star Trek: Picard's season 1 finale, Narek's fate is left completely up in the air. They both know he is not coming back. Star Trek: Picard‘s season 1 finale never addressed the fate of the Romulan spy and it’s a major unanswered question left hanging. After the Star Trek: Picard season finale, fans were left wondering what happened to Narek. Starfleet owes Picard a huge debt once again. There is a reason “The Search for Spock” wasn’t nearly as well received as “Wrath of Khan.”. But the show has been very public about there being a second season, so what was the point of an extended death scene? On top of this, Picard knows he is dying, and for some reason he doesn’t ask Riker to stick around after Riker risked his life to come save him. It had its bright spots, and Stewart made every scene he was in watchable. Surprisingly, Narek asked the ragtag crew of Picard’s conscripted starship, La Sirena, to help him destroy the beacon that Soji was using to summon an ancient army of synthetics to destroy all organic life in the galaxy. So what is going on with the Borg cube? And whatever convoluted plot got us to this point, the scene featuring a post-death Picard — and we’ll get to Picard’s death shortly — and a pre-death Data is a truly wonderful scene. So what happened to Narek exactly? For several episodes, the show’s writers were telegraphing that Picard had limited time left. Yes, the scene in “Picard" was well acted and well directed. Related: Star Trek: Picard Season 1 Ending And All Twists Explained. What more could you ask for to say goodbye to a character? Note Raffi and Seven getting together at the end of the episode. And the cinematography when Picard (now alive? After Soji caught and destroyed Narek’s grenade, the synthetics overwhelmed La Sirena’s crew. John can be found @BackoftheHead, counts a Black Canary and an Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. In each case, the writers ended up weakening the story and the emotional weight that the previous scenes carried. These are two actors — and characters — who understand the other’s beats just right. The Top 20 Horror Movies Of 2019: Tethered Terrors (Part I). “Yeah. Their roles in the story ended up being minor and tangential at best, even though their screen time suggested something more. (One of the most famous Trek instances of this, of course, is Spock, who died at the end of “Wrath of Khan” and was brought back in the very next film.) The Romulan Zhat Vash agent was the key in breaking open the mystery of Data's daughter Soji Asher, and her secret community of next-generation synthetics. After all, thanks to Picard, Coppelius opened diplomatic relations with the United Federation of Planets and is now under the protection of Starfleet. We already have a show with these problems. Alas. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. After Soji caught and destroyed Narek's grenade, the synthetics overwhelmed La Sirena's crew. Ever? Let’s take a look at Data’s previous death in “Star Trek: Nemesis.” In an otherwise weak film, Data’s death is actually quite profound. Every time an arc began — say, Narek and Rizzo’s weird relationship — we quickly moved on to something else and never come back. Picard then joined his crew, including Soji and Seven of Nine (Jeri Ryan), as they left Coppelius and warped into the final frontier together. literally pulls the plug on Data, showing Data truly aging for the first time, was a master stroke. Note Raffi and Seven getting together at the end of the episode. I hope the next one comes at warp speed. Star Trek: Picard is available to stream on CBS All-Access and internationally on Amazon Prime Video. Doctor Who 12x10 "The Timeless Child" Review, Doctor Who Season 12x09 "Ascension Of The Cybermen" Review. But what happened to Narek? All company, product and service names used in this website are for identification purposes only. Currently you have JavaScript disabled. Will anyone ever be able to die? Doesn’t seem to concern Rios, as they passionately kiss at the end of the episode. So Picard is an android now, apparently. Onto Picard’s death. Spiner plays Data’s calm, naïve curiosity as he always has, with great expertise. By the end of the series, he’d teamed up with the heroes in an attempt to stop Soji summoning the apocalypse and, while he’s absolutely not a good guy, he’s still got some interesting complexities. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. It’s called “Westworld.” And its audience isn’t growing. After all, it’s possible Narek escaped captivity again; he may have fled back to the Artifact, which is crashed on Coppelius, and reunited with his aunt Ramdha (Rebecca Witsocky), who is his last living relative. Thanks for following along this season. Simply having a key character disappear from the plot apparently by mistake just seems a bit lazy. Narek. Your email address will not be published. Hundreds Of Top Apex Legends Players Have Been Banned For Ch... Magic: The Gathering Is Giving White Big Buffs With Commande... Star Wars: Republic Commando Might Be Getting A Remake, Xbox Series X Review: Microsoft's Best Console Ever, Jurassic World Evolution: Complete Edition Review, The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope Review. Narek, Cristobal Rios (Santiago Cabrera), Raffi Musiker (Michelle Hurd), and Elnor (Evan Evagora) tried to plant a grenade at the beacon but the Romulan’s ill-conceived and desperate gambit failed. On the Scimitar, Data rescues Picard and sacrifices himself to save the Enterprise. I hope we find out what happened to the romance between Seven and Chakotay at some point! Use of these names, logos, and brands does not imply endorsement unless specified. It turns out that a show called “Star Trek: Picard” ends up actually being about Data. Watch: The Dark Knight Battles Machines In Batman ... Harry Treadaway’s Romulan spy Narek was one of the more interesting characters in Star Trek: Picard. Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time Review. (Rios shedding tears after Picard’s death seemed out of character to say the least. But for the entire season to lead to terrain we had already explored seemed unnecessary to me. ), This kind of fake-out is a feature of “Star Trek: Discovery,” in which several characters “die” and then somehow reappear. There is only so much you can attempt to subvert an audience’s expectations before you lose its trust. However, in Star Trek: Picard‘s two-part season 1 finale, “Et in Arcadia Ego”, Narek also learned his own lesson about the logic of sacrifice. It was an ambitious attempt to revitalize Picard. Every Friends Actor In How I Met Your Mother. And speaking of justice, it is Data’s impenetrable and idealistic sense of right, wrong and — paradoxically — humanity, that brings the season to a close. A lovely touch that “Blue Skies” is playing in the background and that Picard sits by Data in his old captain’s uniform. However, during … Knowing that Starfleet royally screwed up and that Picard doesn’t want to retire quite yet, what does Season 2 have in store? Copyright © 2020 by Daily Pop News. But maybe in Season 1 it wasn’t. I don’t believe Picard tugged his shirt once all season. For example, the characters seem to forget that Alison Pill’s Dr Agnes Jurati committed cold blooded murder mid-way through the season. I am not entirely sure Data needed yet another death. John has been writing about what he likes – movies, TV, comics, etc. By the end of Star Trek: Picard‘s season 1 finale, Narek’s fate is left completely up in the air. the entire Enterprise crew toasts to Data. He’s worked in movies and rubbed shoulders with big names but somehow forgot to ask for money a lot of the time – hence, he is happy to be with Screen Rant. The intention was for him to be taken into Federation custody.”. Leading by example, Jean-Luc showed Soji (Isa Briones) and her synthetic family on the planet Coppelius “the logic of sacrifice”, something Data’s (Brent Spiner) daughter struggled with when she was faced with her desire to kill Narek, her abusive ex-boyfriend. Narek has proven himself to be a survivor, however, so odds are the Romulan secret agent will be back in Star Trek: Picard season 2 – and he’s probably still pathetically pining for Soji and scheming how to win her back. But he found himself torn between his genuine feelings for her and his Romulan extremist philosophy. Your email address will not be published. ‘Star Trek: Picard’ Season 1 Finale Recap: Another Goodbye. As the first season of “Picard” comes to an end, our recapper asks, “Who was this show really about anyway?”. After Picard is beamed back to the ship, Data whispers, “Goodbye.” He did not need to say much in either instance to express his affection. The first season wasn’t a disaster by any means, but it really could have used a few more drafts to tighten things up a bit. – for over a decade. After Soji caught and destroyed Narek’s grenade, the synthetics overwhelmed La Sirena’s crew.

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