95% Upvoted. Here is the video that doomed me - worth listening to the whole thing for sure, but the Monuments harmonic mode specifically starts at about 24 minutes, and is compared to a vintage Fender Super. I can't really comment on the comparison to Fender trems but I will say that the Monument is a fairly nice sounding tremolo pedal. Anybody have any thoughts on the V1 vs the V2? Posted by 2 years ago. And if you don't like one of the front engines, IE have little use for it, you can always switch it out with another engine. Monument Harmonic Tap Tremolo V2. The Vertigo is far more versatile...it has like 24 engines. Monument augments its stellar vintage-style trem tones with modern functionality and multiple modulating waveforms for unconventional pulsations. Which circuit are you referring to? Archived. 5 months ago [NPD] Ibanez TS9DX + Walrus Audio Monument V2. Posted by 2 years ago. The Verdict 28. Privacy Policy | Any differences I should consider when deciding on either one? Quality build. The Lillian is a true bypass, all analog, multi-stage Phaser drawing inspiration from her cousin Julia. Earlier Fender amps employed “bias” tremolo, wavering the voltage to the power tubes, as on some Princetons and Vibroverbs, or at the preamp tubes, as on Vibro Champs and some Tremoluxes. It divides your signal into two frequency bands, each modulated separately and offset by 180 degrees. Just curious, I am assuming you haven't tried the pedal before, but would you see this as something that's on the same level as say a demeter tremulator or fulltone supa trem? Be the first to know about new releases, demos, events and sales. Anyone ever pass/quit a band due to disagreement over "personal beliefs"? Pros: For the money it is ridiculous how many options you have (not necessarily pure tremolo), I love the Monument - the TPS videos with Joey Landreth specifically got me to think '**** - now I need Tremolo, and I need THAT ONE specifically.'. Rig Rundown: Deep Sea Diver's Jessica Dobson, 1. save hide report. It's great. Julianna is an all analog, digital LFO, stereo chorus/vibrato with new expanded features. The far left position, with more clipping, is also my favorite setting. Sort by. Sale Free 2 Day domestic shipping on orders $75 and up! It runs on standard 9V power and has no battery compartment. But if that’s not a concern, you’re likely to love Monument’s world-class wobble. Joe has written several thousand articles about music and musicians and has contributed to many musical products, including Apple’s Logic and GarageBand programs. You can hear both modes at the beginning of my audio clip, where I play a phrase twice—first in standard mode and then in harmonic. 8 comments. I preferred it to the initial one loaded on the pedal. Rig Rundown Best-Ofs: Blues-Rock Pedalboards, 5. I don't make knob changes a lot so I can't comment on how glitchy it is but the tap tempo works fine. Joey Landreth sounds like heaven with that pedal. Walrus Audio Iron Horse V1 vs V2. The Gear Page is the leading online community and marketplace for guitars, amps, pedals, effects and associated gear. That means small pedal moves can trigger big rate changes, and it can be tricky to hit specific targets. No I haven't tried the walrus myself yet, but have been impressed by several demos. With controls like Rate, Width, Feedback, and D-P-V blend, the Lillian is packed with a wide array of analog phaser goodness waiting to be dialed in.
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