You requested a very large number of pages in a very short time, causing problems for our server (this can happen if you hit 'refresh' over and over). Did you install a browser extension (such as Realplayer/Realdownloader) that helps you download YouTube videos or other content? From there, THE MIXTAPE ABOUT NOTHING blends Wale guest appearances (alongside the Roots) and freestyles (over Jay-Z’s “Roc Boys”) with a number of concept songs loosely based on dialogues from the sitcom. You're not artistic and you have no integrity.") You could have been banned by mistake. Enjoy this excerpt of cultural anthropologist Maureen Mahon's Black Diamond Queens, courtesy of Duke University Press. The Mixtape About Nothing, the latest release from D.C. lyrical prodigy Wale, is simultaneously beautifully crafted irony and the genuine mental struggles of a man who proves every theory Freud has ever penned. Genres: East Coast Hip Hop, Conscious Hip Hop. All seem remarkably plausible. Playing off the ideas and structure of his 2008 mixtape The Mixtape About Nothing, rapper Wale's fourth studio album uses the television sitcom Seinfeld as the framework for an introspective and autobiographical effort, and as odd as that sounds, this is the second time it has worked. Therein lie the contradictions, intentional and otherwise. It was mixed by Nick Catchdubs in collaboration with New York streetwear brand 10.Deep Clothing as a free download. And even though Wale employs the help of powerhouses such as Lil Wayne, Bun B, and Pusha T, he is never once outshined. On “The Kramer,” Wale bookends a discussion of the volatile nature of the N-word in a rap music context with samples of Michael Richards’s infamous comedy club freakout (and his unsmiling … (2008) Attention Deficit. Punctuated by an audio clip of Richards' infamous 2006 night club explosion in which he called a few black hecklers "nigger," the track is an ambitious meditation on American colloquialisms, linguistics, and the co-opting of a primarily black art form into mainstream white culture -- Wale flows in an embarrassed hush about the hip-hop adoption and use of "nigga" coloring the world we live in. Its ambiguous intention could mean a bevy of different things: An attack on Richards? Roc Boys) by WALE published on 2019-10-08T10:11:41Z. It's really a shame how good Wale's brand new mixtape, "More About Nothing" is. We are hoping to eventually work on a solution for this when we have the resources to do so. 0. When, on "The Artistic Integrity" -- the first of a quartet of tracks dedicated to embarrassing, cliché trends in hip hop -- Wale samples a conversation between George Costanza (Jason Alexander) and Jerry Seinfeld from the show (Seinfeld inquires quizzically, "What were you thinking, what was going on, artistic integrity? The roots song wale is on f chrisette michele, The feature heavy song f bun b pusha t and tre from ucb, The remake of a remake (all i need) f tawiah, The cliche lil wayne feature (it's the remix baby! PopMatters have been informed by our current technology provider that we have until December to move off their service. Added: 08/07/2008 by richter1605. You might have a buggy browser extension installed. On “The Kramer,” Wale bookends a discussion of the volatile nature of the N-word in a rap music context with samples of Michael Richards’s infamous comedy club freakout (and his unsmiling apology). There is some food for thought that comes with Wale's music. Paul Weller's misunderstood, underappreciated '80s soul-pop outfit the Style Council are the subject of a multi-disc collection that's perfect for the uninitiated and a great nostalgia trip for those who heard it all the first time. The Mixtape About Nothing, the latest release from D.C. lyrical prodigy Wale, is simultaneously beautifully crafted irony and the genuine mental struggles of … Ill Scholars MC Mattic and Johnny Madwreck, among hip-hop's newest (though seasoned) progenies, offer an explosive debut album full of heavy, jazz-laden hip-hop. There's not much we can do about this right now; you'll have to turn off your VPN in order to continue using the site. At 26 minutes, the band's abrasive punk is quite listenable. The fast-rising D.C. MC known as Wale showcases his mic skills over 18 inspired tracks on his Seinfeld-themed mixtape. It features 19 tracks with appearances from Bun B, Pusha T and more. It's a fame so huge that Jerry Seinfeld is actually Wale's friend now, and while the sitcom star was sampled for the 2008 mixtape, he narrates this album. A love of the show, or accusatory finger pointed firmly at mainstream MCs? 1. Rock goddess Cathy Richardson speaks out about honoring the legacy of Paul Kantner, songwriting with Grace Slick for the Jefferson Starship's new album, and rocking the vote to dump Trump. Package all this weighty material with Jerry, George, and Elaine in the mix and the album is a creative triumph, but although Wale's got so much to say, he often says it over the same tempo, and if it weren't for "The Girls on Drugs" (rescued from another Seinfeld-themed mixtape, Festivus) and a couple other kicking moments, the musical spectrum here would be narrow. Both freestyles & original production are on The Mixtape About Nothing. Where did you come up with that? The concept and inspiration behind The Mixtape About Nothing were theirs, but the execution is his, and that’s something notably pulling at every snare rip and sample on the disc. © 1999-2020 As Paul Simon would say, it's a modern desultory philippic about the state of the nation. A routine about relationships ("When you get engaged it's like starting on the roller coaster...") inspires "The Matrimony" with special guest Usher, but the Jerry device is used as needed, and this ironically titled effort is heavy with Wale's own hopes, dreams, and disappointments, including dealing with a recent pregnancy, then miscarriage. When Punk Took on the National Front It Screamed, 'White Riot'! Featured peformers: Nick Catchdubs (host, aka_text mixing role_id 1327.aka_text). Modeled after the famed '90s sitcom -- the proclaimed "show about nothing" -- The Mixtape About Nothing plays in an oddly similar fashion: If you don't catch the beginning, you probably won't understand what's going on at the end. When Sunday Comes: Gospel Music in the Soul and Hip-Hop Eras (excerpt), Iller Instinct: An Interview with Hip-Hop Artists Ill Scholars, 'The Great Dismal' Is Nothing's Sharpest and Most Consistent album, Black Diamond Queens: African American Women and Rock and Roll (excerpt). Released 30 May 2008 on 10 Deep (catalog no. He casually flows about the term's recent backlash even in the hip-hop community, "And P said I should stop saying nigga / But if I did what would be the difference / I'd still be a nigga, he'd still be a nigga in his feelings / I’d still be a nigga with no deal tryin' get one." We are moving to WordPress and a new host, but we really need your help to fund the move and further development. Because for as much as Wale flows about race relations, there’s a similar amount about his not having a record deal and Myspace rappers. But rather than holding himself above the controversy, Wale includes himself in the issue. Adulkt Life eschew catchy hooks on Book of Curses, and its brevity works in its favor. home mixtapes Newest Hot Week Celebrated upcoming singles news gear. John Darnielle explores new sounds on his 19th studio album as the Mountain Goats—and creates his best record in years with Getting Into Knives. Is Carl Neville's 'Eminent Domain' Worth the Effort? If you are using a VPN, and other users of the same VPN are abusing the service, then you'll be automatically banned as well. Official Release . Where Seinfeld found its genius in the depiction of everyday life, so too does The Mixtape About Nothing with its tendency not to hark on one topic for too long. We will continue to publish on this site as we work on the move. By using this site, you agree to our. Mixtape About Nothing; Wale ; 773,989; Stream. As such, he mostly avoids the army of features, self-deprecatingly pointing them out where they appear ("The Feature Heavy Song" and "The Cliché Lil Wayne Feature"). 161,312; 144,221; Rating Failed. A record born of the racial controversy surrounding Michael Richards' comedy club meltdown and Wale's love of Richards' cash cow Seinfeld, The Mixtape About Nothing is a detailed, informed, and humanistic real-world discussion of US race relations, as well as Wale's inability to find a place in contemporary hip hop. "The Divided States of America" relates directly to the US Election Day. The Mixtape About Nothing, a Mixtape by Wale. And this is the beauty of the record: Wale avoids the trappings of conscious hip hop by not placing himself above it; rather, as an insider, doing his best to look at the situation objectively. Wale kicks things off doing his best Jerry-as-rapper shtick over the familiar slap-bass theme song--posing such thought-provoking questions as “What’s the deal with these ringtones?” From there, THE MIXTAPE ABOUT NOTHING blends Wale guest appearances (alongside the Roots) and freestyles (over Jay-Z’s “Roc Boys”) with a number of concept songs loosely based on dialogues from the sitcom. Throughout the second half, Wale’s attention focuses in on various music-industry pitfalls on tracks like “The Artistic Integrity” and “The Hype,” respitting Method Man’s first radio hit on “The Remake of a Remake,” and reserving space for a highly touted Lil Wayne guest-spot on “The Cliché Lil Wayne Guest Feature.”. The Mixtape About Nothing is DMV native Wale's fourth mixtape, dropping May 30th, 2008 following 100 Miles & Running in 2007. Restored by the World Cinema Project and now available from The Criterion Collection, Djibril Diop Mambéty's cheeky critique of colonialism, Touki Bouki (Journey of the Hyena) reveals a great act of myth-making. Step 2 (optional): Enter any other comments/feedback here, Step 3: Enter your email address. done anything to warrant a ban, this is most likely the case. Favorite; Share; Gold; Like; Dislike; Short URL: Embed Wide Player: Embed Tall Player: Mixtape Tracks. Albums from this user; Playlists from this user; Users who like … Chrisette Michele) by WALE published on 2019-10-08T10:11:38Z. (2007) The Mixtape About Nothing. Released on Southern Lord to mark the US election, Dead End America spit fire in the direction of Donald Trump on Crush the Machine. ), The chicago falcon remix f the budos band, People Are Saying Eminem Won Michigan For Joe Biden, Offset Feeds Georgia Voters Waiting In Line, Tekashi 6ix9ine's Kidnapper Anthony 'Harv' Ellison Gets His Sentence, 50 Cent Weighs In On Lil Wayne Breaking Up with His Girl Over Politics, Watch YNW Melly's Mom Throw Her Boy A Stripper Party Outside His jail Cell. Wale's love for Seinfeld ultimately blurs the line between what is his and what is the show's. Tweet. LÉON's Apart articulates the comedown from being out in the grand uncertainty of the world and attempting to heal from those wounds. Your IP was not banned by a person; it was banned by a firewall that uses an automated algorithm. Your computer may be infected with malware or spyware that is making automated requests to our server and causing problems. It's a plea for oneness as the US exercises its essential identity as a democracy on 3 November. You (or someone with the same IP address as you) might be using a script or program to download pages from this site automatically. Rubika Shah's savvy documentary, White Riot, shows punk music's casual flirtation with fascism and the rise of anti-racist punks' hugely popular response headlined by the Clash, Rock Against Racism. YNW Melly's mother has strippers on call. Playing off the ideas and structure of his 2008 mixtape The Mixtape About Nothing, rapper Wale's fourth studio album uses the television sitcom Seinfeld as the framework for an introspective and autobiographical effort, and as odd as that sounds, this is the second time it has worked. If so, you'll need to disable it when using this site, as it spams the websites you visit with fake requests. 100 Miles & Running. The Mixtape About Nothing, the latest release from D.C. lyrical prodigy Wale, is simultaneously beautifully crafted irony and the genuine mental struggles of … Glenwood Place Recording Studio, Burbank, CA.

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