As others have said the important takeaway is that Oropo's dimension was the only thing that was deleted by the bomb. I hope there is another season! I don't recall them saying what that was. I wasn't all that invested at Yugo as a character during the first two seasons, I think he lacked depth when compared to other characters, the OVA and Season 3 have deffinitivelly see some improvements on him. Only thing i didnt like was the voicwacting hearing torb Rael threw me, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. If so, will dathura be featured in it since we haven't seen her at all during the series I think . Manage Cookie Preferences. But other Yugo, I think his name is Oropo? As others had pointed Ruel's secondary role was due to factors beyond the show writter's control, which makes me wonder if they will bid farewell to his character or change his voice actor for a possible next season. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. ok ok, I liked season 3, it became confusing at times but that's because I zoned out a little at some points. 18. The good, epic and emotional moments are still there. was the one who caused the events of the OVAs, how is it that he was created at the end of the OVAs? Wakfu Season 3 ending spoilers. Long story short Oropos (bad guy) wanted to blow up the world of gods and then use our heroes as the replacements with himself the replacement of Yugo. Wasn’t Oropo’s dimension also the world of 12 (le monde de douze)? Cookies help us deliver our Services. spoilers wakfu season 3 spoilers wakfu season 3 there were so many things left unanswered and i am a little ( irate about it. If you love the MMO, the gorgeous French-language anime, or the Xbox Arcade game, then you've come to the right place! Oropo and the clones of Yugo (Eliotropes) where created at the end of the Ova's yes, but he explains that they we're sent to the past until de Dofus Era (that's also why they are in the actual Dofus game). INFO - 2018-03-26 14:38:39 . I guess he kinda did with stealing the Dofus, but he apparently caused the situation that required them in the first place. Actually the episode clearly shown the entire universe dying. So, he was pretty much forced to lay low up until the point that Yugo used the Eliatrope Dofus' to fight Ogrest, cementing his creation. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. 3 months ago. If Ogoro (?) I can't really answer questions about the OVA or anything, but the writing did feel a bit rushed this time around. they are having a few issues with moeny to fund the next seasons it sounds like, largely the channel they had been airing wakfu on originally. Ruel's voice actor actually passed away, and as you say, he didn't appered much after episode 9 because of the same reason. Her father was dying at the start of the season, you could have done more about that plot point. This show really feels like a poor man's ATLA, which is a good thing because ATLA is so good! Ruel didn't even appear that much in most episodes. Felt like "The Yugo and Dally Show." zymphe . And is kinda of a paradox because he caused the Chaos Of Ogrest so at the end... he caused his own birth and the race of the Eliotropes. He intends to open a portal to Inglorium, the realm of the Gods, and use the bomb to destroy all the Gods, like forever. *Owlface wanted to build a bomb to send to Inglorium to kill the gods. Obviously Eva was in a similar boat, but at least she was pregnant. Press J to jump to the feed. Ok, quick rundown of the end of Season 3. Also, where can I watch the Dofus movies (the ones with master Joris). If you allow me, I would like to say some things and maybe even answers some questions you have: Ruel didn't even appear that much in most episodes. I recently got into the Wakfu series and basically binge watched all 3 seasons available on Netflix over the weekend. Oropo uses the Six Eliatrope Dofus, being amplified by the Eliacube to make a massive bomb, like a reality destroying bomb. I guess he kinda did with stealing the Dofus, but he apparently caused the situation that required them in the first place. I really hope the deal they made with Netflix was enough to draw attention to the series and make a fourth season worthwhile. The ending was confusing and deeply unsatisfying. log in sign up. But Season 3 was much shorter and left less space for the other characters. But I got a general Idea. I got all of that, but I didn't recognize where it was that they found themselves at the end. *Owlface opts to keep the bomb in his dimension, causing it to collapse on itself. They say April of next year, but haven’t put out any statements saying how the coronavirus will affect that, especially in France. The reason the French Channels do not want to fund the show, is that they want it to remain a children's show, while Ankama wants the show to age up with its viewers. Press J to jump to the feed. Remember that those visions are created by Oropo, while he and Yugo are one. 1 History 1.1 Background 1.2 Season 1 1.3 Season 2 1.4 OVAs 2 Personality 3 Physical Appearance 4 Powers/Abilities 5 Trivia He is seen very briefly in the first OVA feeding his chicks and eating Ruel's food with Junior. Or keep the bomb in his dimension, sparing them and the gods. Only some of the gods dimension. To be fair we had entire episode arcs devoted to Tristepin and Eva's character in Season 1 and 2. Maybe they can find a good balance in Season 4. I agreed. During the finale, Echo uses some Eniripsa power to move all of the surviving demi-gods, and the Brotherhood of Tofu to Inglorium, forcing Oropo to choose between achieving his goal, but sacrificing all his friends, or failing. Press J to jump to the feed. Katsugaki - MEMBER - October 22, 2017, 11:46:38. If Ogoro (?) Here's hoping for a season 4 thats more adventurey, though conflict will be kinda boring if Adamai keeps his super-op teleporting invulnerability stuffs. I actually warmed up to the boy, but I still hate them by principle. *Echo was like "Nope!" And if his aging is actually tied to his mental state it might be a temporarely solution to his romantic drama. Season 3 questions. 6. Reblog. And if it was because he was created at a random point in the past, why would he not try to prevent the incident that he so loathed Yugo for? If you love the MMO, the gorgeous French-language anime, or the Xbox Arcade game, then you've come to the right place! Close. Press J to jump to the feed. The season had a very memorable soundtrack. As far as I know, I think I read somewhere that they had gotten two more seasons greenlit, for the life of me, I can't remember where (probably somewhere on this sub). Some aspects of the writting could had been improved but as others have pointed out Oropo is trapped in causality loop so at least that made sense. I’m now glad I didn’t watch it in English, I had no idea how bad it really was. Season 3 reaches new levels of absurdity like beyond animes like Gurren Lagann levels of absurdity, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. News. I think the writing was bad this season. In a way the structure of Season 3 compared to Season 1 and 2 is quite comparable to the differences between Legend of Korra's structure and The Last Airbender. So, from what I understand, Oropo (owl face) was kinda caught in a causality loop. Will there be a season 4? All I know is that I really want a Season 4. I think Season 2 is still the best season. The good, epic and emotional moments are still there. Direct link; Share on Facebook; Share on Twitter; Score : 51. After that, he was free to enact his plan. Eitherway his plan is screwed because he wanted BoTT to replace the gods. This show really feels like a poor man's ATLA, which is a good thing because ATLA is so good! Inglorium itself hasn't been visited. was the one who caused the events of the OVAs, how is it that he was created at the end of the OVAs? It was the kinda thing that you could turn your brain off for and have a really good time, but then when you think about it stuff just doesn't line up. Those freaking timpani rolls near the end! Also instead of having the characters go through all the levels Oropo's plan involved separating/replacing them and due to external reasons the last three episodes broke the formula. Has just blown up the place where the rest of the world lives? Is it just me or did Ruel and Amalia have nothing to do this season? There wasn't even a soccer arc, which I find this show does really well. I appreciate the darker tone of this season but I just really hope next season goes back to romping around random towns. I did not like that aspect. Up until this point Amalia was my favorite character, but Yugo's romantic relationship with Amalia and his struggles with growing slowly finally added dimensions to his character. The animation, voice acting (while different depending on the language you watch it in), the production value and the overall quality is just SO much higher. So the ending, they have just gone through the zap to where the gods live (I believe that's correct so far).
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