When elections are near, all parties and politicians do this, irrespective of if its capitalistic, mixed economy or state capitalist. If socialism were not instituted, the economy might still have failed due to corruption, but the type of failure would have been so different that it would be wholly unlike what is happening there now, and we wouldn't be able to predict exactly what it would look like. It started when Marcos Perez Jimenez (right wing dictator and communist/socialist killer) was removed from power by "social democrats", during Jimenez's rule the VEF currency was almost at pair with the US dollar and even some Americans wanted to come here, this was the new country of opportunities, newly discovered oil, completely safe, heavily respected property, criminals were just eradicated along with any person doing evil things in society, of course there was the drawbacks of living in a dictatorial country, you couldn't publicly criticize the president, at least not on TV/Radio or if you had a somewhat recognizable voice among the population. TL;DR: Socialism is split on many areas other than its attitude towards Capitalism (the most frequently discussed area). Joe has a long format show so maybe there'd be some substance? What we can say without reservation is that Socialism is not the cause of the problems in Venezuela, and the reason we can say this unequivocally is because Venezuela is not Socialist in nature. May 2016: The opposition launches a recall attempt. Core dichotomies associated with these concerns include reformism versus revolutionary socialism, and state socialism versus libertarian socialism. By Hugo Chavez's election, the economy had lost - per capita - 30 years of growth. While the large concentrations of capital in industries such as energy and steel may necessitate some form of state ownership, many consumer-goods industries might be best run as cooperatives. This follows National Security Adviser John Bolton —  a key neocon architect and cheerleader for the 2003 invasion of Iraq and who has also advocated regime change in Iran, Venezuela and elsewhere — calling Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua a “troika of tyranny,” a hypocritical characterization reminiscent of Bush’s “axis of evil,” and one that utterly ignores the far worse, but far more subservient, regimes backed by the Trump administration. Ugh yes. Then you are the enemy'. The power grab of the right’s Juan Guaidó is brazenly unconstitutional. This moves the election, long planned for December, to being a snap election.

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