Pilot RDR8 Cast Advice Traveling Dating Dating PART 2 Sex in Drag Worst Hookup RuPaul's Drag Race Season 8 Grand Finale … If it's either UNHhhh or Netflix, I've somehow missed it in dozens of viewings. Hi, I'm Morgan Freeman's freckle that's getting a little bigger, making him a little nervous... Trixie Mattel. Oh yeah when did your dad die? Start your engines...and may the best woman win! I literally fucking screamed when Trixie said "Hi I'm the pig that they found dead under a mattress in a drug den, Trixie Mattel" channeling all the WeHo girl drama. "When do I get to see the sun?" ", New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the rupaulsdragrace community. Comment below.". Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. In Trixie and Katya's Guide to Modern Womanhood, the pair channel that energy into an old-school etiquette guide for ladies. Don’t quote me, UNHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. While we wait for the next season of UNHhh to come, why not talk about our favorite moments from these two blonde hookers? I'm the star of a soft core Iraqi porno, stuck between Iraq and a hard place, Trixie Mattel! IF THA LAWD CAN LEAD YA TOU ET 'E CAN LEAD YA THRU ET! death drop* "i don't get any love girl, please.". A page for describing Funny: UNHhhh. 223. Oh honey Thanksgiving? We went on vacation together this last weekend and I swear it's the only sentence we used to communicate. The last date I went on was just so long ago. I will not Jodie Foster this type of behavior. Only those with Charisma, Uniqueness, Nerve and Talent will make it to the top! Dedicated to everyone's favorite drag queen tv show. Shhh, you live here now. tags: husband, marriage, opening-lines, wife. But I don't think that's the episode :(, I finally found it! The show then carried over to Viceland in the form of the Trixie and Katya Showwhich premiered on November 17, 2017. Knick knock knick knock. 06:12. your kid will be fine! "Driving": Trixie describing her body as a car: Ep. That's the golden gate bridge." for what, he's not gonna remember it! Katya in her Maureen voice - Nothing gets me laid not even my...bowlegged knees. Archived. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the rupaulsdragrace community. 86 where a fan got her phone number and pretended to be. Together, Trixie Mattel and Katya Zamolodchikova have built a media empire out of their friendship. The first season of the show ended on December 30th, 2016 (episode 37). "Just because you paid a lot for it, doesn't mean it's nice." In episode 17 the Bloopers Trixie says "Why don't you eat a cheez-it and shut the fuck up.". Cookies help us deliver our Services. really the entire again episode is perfect... T: "We are aging at the same rate, we're in the same boat. he'll be better for it! I'm a mountain biking vampire witch from the future. when Katya says she's not going to make any more Contact references... "Do you guys have any friends that are liars? Dedicated to everyone's favorite drag queen tv show. "Low lights for a low life." I don't remember from both UNHhhh and the Netflix eps, oh yeah where her grandfather's like "well both of you better marry girls cause i've had enough of that bullshit", oh i just thought about it it's queens who like to watch - dolly parton's heartstrings, Yes this is definitely the quote! you know what i mean!? Since UNHhhh just uploaded it's last episode I thought it'd be nice if we listed our favorite quotes from it. When a building is burning down and you couldn't find the exit, honey you didn't want to live anyway. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Funny/UNHhhh. Author, Please welcome to the stage, Pennies Mean Blood, Episode 6 and 7: Sex in Drag and Worst Hookup, Episode 18: "RuPaul's All Stars Drag Race". I'm the only sure-fire way to disengage your temporomandibular joint, Doctor BITCHCRAAAAFT. Talk about that show featuring Tracey Martel + a true biological woman, Press J to jump to the feed. And then Trixie's breakdown, "I don't know what happened to you...", Santa Claus is coming to SNATCH YOUR FUCKING WIGS YOU SHOOK ASS BITCH, "You're going to die up there. AAAAAAAAAAAAAA. Only those with Charisma, Uniqueness, Nerve and Talent will make it to the top! By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Dating Part 1. Coaster Set of Trixie Mattel and Katya Zamolodchikova, unhhhh, Coasters, Drag Race by Albi Arts Sale Price £7.97 £ 7.97 £ 8.85 Original Price £8.85" (10% off) I had to scroll down waaaay further than I expected to find this! 11 months ago. … In the hygiene episode, Trixie's long, drawn-out description of Katya in drag in her twenties having just cleaned up and looking for a trick: This is immediately followed up by Katya admitting that showering up in drag once (because as Trixie explained earlier, it's a quick and lazy way to clean your outfit), she put her hair in a banana clip despite her wig not even being attached. Dedicated to everyone's favorite drag queen tv show. I watch compilations of their white girl voices way more often than I should probably admit. I'm the blemish on your face you have managed to conceal for the past seventeen years Katya. ! While not the funniest, Trixie's ' When I was younger, I would say to my granhdparants, may I please have bred.' Sounds like you guys were close (mouthing at camera “one and five years ago?? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. 94, "Self-Care" : Katya revealing she likes Yoga because it's the only time she gets to be fully serious and Trixie's rebuttal. Not yours. Do you have what it takes? RuPaul's Drag Race season 7 queens Katya Zamolodchikova and Trixie Mattel in 'UNHhhh.' "People on a daily basis walk up to me, panic, and tell me something extremely graphic and violent about their life." , “And I’m the 99 people in the room who don’t believe in you, Katya. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from thestaff@tvtropes.org. Do you have what it takes? I'm Katya", And the one where Katya does the combo hip hop pose and Tracy asks Ron on the phone if they can do that was hilarious, My boyfriend and I quote Katya's Australian hookup story daily - "did he say...yih?" Yeeeeeees, I always do the "Oh my gaaawd", The Gia shade is my favorite moment of the entire series, you got me bitch. Just like Gia Gunn is now.". Trixie… Oh so you still have that kid, is that still going on? Posted by. Drag show etiquette episode talking about Gia Gunn being an uber driver and Katya's imitation of her. Cookies help us deliver our Services. When discussing spirits of the dead communicating through dreams in Episode 27: Which is immediately followed up by her talking about darker liquors, and that leads to: Or Trixie talking about a gag she used to do hosting local drag shows: At the end of the Global Warming episode: During the food episode in general, Trixie eagerly plows through the food, whereas Katya can barely stomach anything. "Nar" "I FAHKEN LAHV IT MATE". Or even funnier, when Katya in the one who touches Trixie, then pulls away and says "Don't touch me". Then there's Katya while Trixie is saying this, slowly realizing what the punchline is going to be. While not the funniest, Trixie's ' When I was younger, I would say to my granhdparants, may I please have bred.' ", I put all my cash in a hole and I fuck it, "I'm just looking for a guy who is emotionally available and not filled with bees". makes me crack up. before you leave the house, you give that mobile above the crib a spin and you come back six months later. I will not Jodie Foster this type of behavior. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. ", I won't Jodie foster that kind of behaviour, FUCK ME WITH A RAKE is iconic and anyone who says otherwise is a racist and should be put on the other side of trumps wall, Another is the visual of katya being held up by strings for trixies show, The last off the top of my head is the time katya's fan * Thwooped* in space, im a mountain biking vampire with no future. It's a show about nothing, and yet it's about everything. "I'm getting older, my body's changing, and that's not something I'm going to apologize for.". 7052 likes. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Thanks liviiiiing!! Why? Katya: i'm just more comfortable now (after changing hair), The entire PornOh Honey episode is it for me, When Trixie's like, "I don't really understand the female sexual response" and Katya dies laughing and says "that's an understatement", Also when Trixie is using the megaphone and is "uNhhhh-ber-ber-ber-ber-berrrrrrr" (you know the sound) and Katya once again dies laughing, I think that’s their best episode from this season, It’s the closest they’ve come to actually being post verbal and I loved it, Someone already took Thanks-living so I’m gonna say “‘Did you tell people I look like a swamp witch?’ Meanwhile she’s in a floor length black gown with wet hair.”, "And before I could answer, she flew across the moon. Katya in the voice of that drunk slurring middle aged Boston lady that I am all too familiar with: Spandex is a right, not a privilege! HONEY I'M THE MONSTER, IT'S BEFORE NOON". Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Oh honey Thanksgiving? Oh honey thanksgiving? New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the rupaulsdragrace community. Start your engines...and may the best woman win! … Printed double sided on 160gsm paper, its perfect for felt tip pens as well as UNHhhhhhhhhhhh! ", T: "Why, because dogs don't live as long? Its your favourite drag queen YouTube series in colouring book form! Trixie: "what if your dad shits in your mouth and calls you a racist" Katya: "that's just thursday night girl", New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the rupaulsdragrace community. Cookies help us deliver our Services. In essays, conversations, and how-to sections peppered with hilarious, gorgeous photos, Trixie and Katya will advise re Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. DOOOOCCCCTTTOOORRRR BITCHCRAAAAAFFFFFTTTT! Do you have what it takes? Episode 5 While we wait for the next season of UNHhh to come, why not talk about our favorite moments from these two blonde hookers? just when Katya got up on her stool and went WOWOWOWOWOW, I also like when Katya goes "Don't...don't touch me", for that matter when she's like "THAT IS THE REAL THING" and snatches one or her wigs and throws it to the back , hellomynameismissfameandimEXTRASUPAHFANCYallmyclothesarefromDOLCEANDGABANAAAH, Honeyyyyy....Honeeyyyyyy....HonnnAAAAYY!
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