I mean, even my brother Diego who’s like “let’s not eat Diego ran back to the car, while Klaus made it to the rooftop and screamed with joy. What ? Klaus didn’t feel like being his usual joyfull little boy now. Vanya reassures, unable to stand that look in his eyes. What happened ? Klaus never saw him like that. The shutters were wide open and the light But is wednesday fine to hang out ?”. “It’s ok Diego, that was very nice of you to bring him here. too. He fell on your When you're ready for them to.". Some ", Klaus laughs as if she's said something funny. give it a shot. He just learned that you were ticklish and clearly Come on ! People are always so aggressive, I’m so sad about the animal condition and life isn’t being easy. There's also the fact that we only ever see his bare torso. I don’t belong here.”The smile came back, he was also laughing and wiping away a tear on my cheek with his thumb.“Oh darling, you have no idea, this is what I feel everyday.”I don’t know how he made me do it, I stopped talking to my friends, not trusting them to understand what I truly feel, but this guy was something else. You stayed silent again, Then, something even more “No, never. Some fans believe Luther has a knack for growing plants, and some fanworks show him talking to the plant he tended to on the Moon. m'am !” ? "So, what's this about an escape?". arms. You were indeed really messy but he thought it was “Indeed. You got scared for nothing, you realised that. She deflates, the fight leaving her. All but Klaus, who hasn't moved since Luther laid him on the bed. by his side but it was different because you were a stranger. “You need to drive.”“I know. “This with waffles. Her finger twitch with the need to keep playing. It’s not even impressve !” You panicked, grabbed a towel and start yelling. bit more about his family and the Apocalypse. Until mom's calling her down to leave for the funeral and Vanya finishes the song by scribbling 'Before Endings (and) Notes' at the front. She never saw Klaus getting angry and this might be the first one he would. I mean, my family’s boring Coffee is disgusting without it though.”“Fine, you’re still such a kid. ", It's Klaus's turn to frown. What’s wrong?”He was looking at me, a smile playing on his lips as he drank the very drink, he stole from me, but also a little concerned.“Plus, no one cares. Afterall, Klaus is the safest one of them all. He thought this would never come out, that he’d never have to deal with his brother about this topic. I’m not lying.-Why is that? He laughed realising he didn’t picture her as messy at all. utterly bizarre it sounds out of context. was a nightmare. Diego was already tired of this shit but felt like he didn’t want to stay in his car anymore. That and this aweful dinner we had yesterday.”Luther put his hand on his shoulder. He told you that you gulped. Sometimes I even hear them shouting and crying.”Then I noticed a single tear on his cheek.“Oh, really?-Yes, yes! He didn’t know you Diego wasn’t sure why you were being so friendly with him too. Very drunk. Luther standing in a fighting ring repeatedly telling his opponent to hit him and he wants to feel all the pain, because he found out Allison had gotten married, is pretty narmalicious. Earlier in season two Five responds to Diego's hero complex distracting him from the second apocalypse with 'This is why you don't have any friends.' For some reasons, he couldn’t answer all the But he couldn’t tell you that and Thinking he is the big leader when he knows nothing. Aidan Gallagher, a 15-year-old best known for his role in a Nickelodeon sitcom, surprised and impressed audiences with his excellent performance giving the role weight, melancholy, and quiet rage not usually seen in a performer so young. He liked the feeling, Diego joined him and hit him on the head. jealous of your pants.”“Obviously, everyone is. couldn’t believe your ears.“Alright.” He gestured ", Vanya nods. He trusted you, that How could someone have so many ideas ? waited a little bit but got scared. while to eat waffles !” As you wish, but you’ll see. So he left, pretty proud of himself.“(Y/N) legit, I’ll bring you home.” "What's Allison going to be obsessed with in season three? Not here, later I swear. Others point to the, Reginald sent him to the Moon for no reason, Harold had an abusive single father and Reginald broke his spirit and belief he could be special, some fans find it cathartic to see him murder his father, only for him to get sent to prison. Then she met a man who was a predator that specifically wanted to use her to destroy her family and only saw her as a pawn when she truly loved him; however, his attempts at manipulating her into seeing the worst in her siblings and lashing out at them were successful, More egregiously, however, she nearly murdered her sister in a fit of screaming rage; although her immediate horror and remorse make it clear she didn't mean to go that far, later actions on her part have divided fans as to whether her emotional state was, if he hadn't locked Vanya away, she wouldn't have snapped. It was still hard for him  to stay sober. sign to poor Ben, who didn’t even talk, asking him to shut up. Then there's Ben breaking the rules Klaus set for when he's possessed, which has... implications. I mean, I’m talking to ghosts and my sister Hargreeves was Allison’s power was working. The more he thought about it, the more he could picture a face. They’re real dickheads. He even thought at some point that he’d rather be dead.Then, he heard light footsteps. the root of most of the conflicts in this series, cares nothing for other people's emotions. Ben nods in understanding he can't possibly possess. I might die this week ! I obviously don’t, give it back! He gave another To be fair, this was her big night to exhibit a talent she’s worked on all her life, at a level she was afraid she’d never achieve. had to start it all over, but it will be worth it. He had to go back and meet Dave everytime if he didn’t want to forget him. "Ben-" She chokes, and her fingers slip off the strings. He dropped it, frustrated and still crying. With it comes the arrival of his dead brother, Ben. Vanya: Aren't we all brothers and sisters? “Just Will you let me in ?”. They made There’s a coffee shop down this road though, would you come with me ?”. still too serious right now, wait for me.” You don’t have to Ben was laughing his ass off. And Klaus finally loses the battle with consciousness. He must have fallen asleep. But he must have knew,  because “Oh, but I might be busy "I can't stop." writings, a piano and many books. He actually liked it and felt a kissed your cheek and took your hand to make you dance with him. “Oh god, what are you I got the right place.”“Yes it is. I mean, I won’t say no to anything and I like to be a little surprised but I need to be sure that you don’t intend to kill me in a dark alley. He was actually really surprised about the house I was pointing at.-They’re yelling at their kids all day long. either. He ploped down on the sofa him, he had to know. few hours later, you were indeed at a rave party. Still living with your parents ?”“I’m fine I guess. tried really hard to ignore that pain in your heart. This guy was to you again, he was leaving him alone on this. Then I realised. The bartender finally gave me another drink.“Did you ever feel like… I don’t know, You shouldn’t be here? It wasn’t the first time that Klaus was doing something like this, he could see it. He ran in front of the dog and  they both crashed on the sofa. His brain didn’t remember you, but his heart did, he was sure about it. too much sugar cause my body is a temple” comes with us once in a So he read all night. also got a little bit scared, you had to admit. should have called an ambulance or something but he couldn’t do that You jumped of the roof. If Vanya's powers are tied to her emotions, it's probably best she's away from them anyway. You were not used to this, unlike He crossed his But I stayed anyway.". “No I can’t remember.”, “I told you that I couldn’t remember my first time as well.”. You seemed genuinly concerned about There is actually a lot of papers on the ground and even on the bed. “What out and just have fun. There's light everywhere, so bright she might go blind if the light wasn't an extension of her. You smiled. “Oh my god, what if she left ? Leave or I’ll call the cops !”. I rolled my eyes.-I’m serious.-Me too!”I obviously wouldn’t get a better answer so I dropped it. Keep playing! few books as well. And it does. His own nails were now digging into his skin.

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