Most Popular. You've probably met a family you secretly wished was your own. There are still many noteworthy shows about family life on the air today. Not only do we enjoy eating, but the huge numbers of TV chefs that have been elevated to star status prove that we also enjoy watching food being prepared and discussed. Frankie Heck thinks about the same. Boost Birthday September Sep 6, 2008. TV Moms (TV Common Bond Quiz): I'll Give You the Kids and Spouse, If Any, You Name the TV Mom. These young women are 22, 17 and 14. , vs. 1 minute, 36 seconds for dads, Giving Attention: Preschooler requires mom's attention once every 4 minutes or 210 times / day, Taking Care: Preschooler moms spend 2.7 hrs / day on primary childcare, vs. 1.2 hours for dads, Chores: Women average 2.2 hrs / day, vs. 1.3 hrs / day for men, Laundry: 88% is done by moms, totaling 330 loads of laundry & 5,300 articles of clothing each year, Least Favorite Chore: Vacuuming the stairs, Bathroom Multi-Tasking for Moms: Reading is the most common activity, followed by talking on the phone, meditating, watching TV, drinking coffee, eating and balancing the checkbook, Most Kids: Mrs. Vassilyev of Russia gave birth to 69 children between 1725 and 1765, Oldest Mom: Rosanna Dalla Corte gave birth to a baby boy when she was 63 years old in Italy in 1994, Heaviest Newborn: Signora Carmelina Fedele gave birth to a 22 lb 8 oz boy in Italy in 1955, 1st Mother's Day: May 10, 1908; Founded by Anna Jarvis; made a national holiday in 1914 by President Wilson, Busiest Phone Day: 68% of people plan to call Mom on Mother's Day, totaling 122.5 million phone calls, Card Giving: 50% of households give Mother's Day cards, totaling some 152 million cards, 30 Pounds: Average weight gain during pregnancy, Baby Gender Gap: 105 boys born for every 100 girls, First Year Baby Costs: $7,000 of baby items before 1st birthday, Cost of Raising a Child: Middle-income families spend $242,070 to raise a kid to 18 (not incl. 72% of moms with children over 1 year old work (about the same as childless women) , vs. 39% in 1976. Note: These shows do center around family but may not be appropriate for every member of your family. Give these questions a try and find out. Enjoy! We have a dad, who's married to a much younger woman (Ward and June Cleaver would be horrified! Sound familiar? Birthplace United States. This show proves that families can come together in unusual ways. While most U.S. mothers are married (68%), nearly one-quarter (24%) are solo moms. Everyone can relate to Jimmy's need for information and support and his reluctance to take flawed guidance from his elders as he seeks to give his daughter a better childhood than the one he experienced. The reality is, she has three exceptional kids -- a talented athlete, a teen who does well in school and another who's so smart he has trouble relating to others his own age. When Alan's marriage fell apart, he and his 10-year-old son Jake moved in with Alan's older brother, single guy Charlie. This quiz features 10 of the funniest, wackiest and most annoying TV neighbors from the 50's to the 90's. Famous Birthdays. Modern Family proves that families can be strong even when they don't contain the perfect parts. Some families may be embarrassed that they don't fit that 1950s mold of perfection -- dad, mom, two adorable children and a faithful dog.

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