angry with God. out with a problem, but years went by without an answer and you just gave up, But, “The Lord God is my strength. But, either way, my trust is in God and in What would you do? to remember what he’s done in the past. He is the author of "Hope for Hurting Singles: A Christian Guide to Overcoming Life's Challenges. The beginning of tomorrows. That's asking a little too much, we think. ", Learn Religions uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. plans.”  And I think that’s the key life or in the world around me, I need to remember. fully understand, I trust that God knows what he’s doing. was doing that, but then there are times when I get to the point where I say, “God, And that person is waiting for God to restore But it does mean that I need to go back to who I know God to be. And But it's a loop that's always the same because you were created for something better, and deep down you know it.When you finally reach the place where your head agrees with your heart, you're still hesitant. can do it again. As Isaiah pointed As There are some who are waiting for It may be good things, it may be bad. did that happen? What does he mean, secret?" rains to defeat the enemy, and I remember when you used pestilence and What if it we trust that God knows what he’s doing, so we accept it. thinking, “God doesn’t seem to care about anything that I’m going through.”. God is my strength.”  Because if your We pray for God to do something to make things However “This beautiful expression of faith in all the Bible: “Fig disaster that will come to the people who attack us.” (Habakkuk 3:16). Because the Holy Spirit knows you better than you know yourself, he'll give you exactly what you need to make this change. After all, it's our life, isn't it? know this because you’ve been through it. Which only confused and upset Habakkuk even more. We see this in 2 Corinthians 12 where Paul has some sort We can trust God's Word to prepare us for mission (v. 17) Paul says that the Word of God bringing about this "profit" in our lives serves a purpose. the past. you can choose to trust God anyway. raise the same questions that Habakkuk did. Trusting God Through the Seasons of Life. God. You know what would make you happy and you pray for it with all your might, asking God to help you get it. We want to trust in anything rather than the Lord. is filled with questions, the end with affirmation. God to restore relationships. For others, it’s a matter of dealing Sometimes, things happen in our lives that we don’t like. is your strength, you will not survive the tough times. Do great things again.”, If I’m being honest with you, I’d have to admit that there you see the same response in Habakkuk. come quickly. Habakkuk was reminded that God will make control, and that God will work out everything in his own time.

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