Trombone lesson: Pentatonic scales – how and why, Trombone lesson: Pentatonic licks for 2013 | DigitalTrombone, Trombone lesson: Pentatonic scale flexibility | DigitalTrombone. Ok, you got them down. When I write 5#, I mean slightly higher than 5th position. So for example, let’s say we’re learning : The E minor pentatonic scale. 0000042029 00000 n
This is probably the best scale to start with if you are new to improvising, since it will sound melodically any way you play it. This post is about the pentatonic scale, and how to use it. This is no improvisation exercise. You should try them, and make sure that you play in tune even if you play notes unusual places. Printer friendly version here: I have written about how to use pentatonic scales in improvisation here. ��C��ո�8�vˁ���ۆ���� ��~�٣J�7�K����yT��`���K0�Y��60dֱ~v��f�FX� Reading music is weak. 0000035418 00000 n
Scales & arpeggios for trumpet, horn, trombone, & tuba. 0000001431 00000 n
I´ll get back to the blues scale later on. I need to get the read better in order to take some of your lessons. But have you tried to play it over a Fm9, Abmaj7, Dbmaj7#11 or a A7alt? It is a simple trombone flexibility exercise, based on the pentatonic scale. Major Scales This post is about the pentatonic scale, and how to use it. Trombone Scales C Major Major Scales F Major Bb Major Eb Major Ab Major Db Major Gb Major B Major E Major A Major D Major G Major. So pentatonic scale has five notes and the blues scale has six. 0000038720 00000 n
Like the F# on 7th. Label the scale degrees of the major pentatonic scales. Have fun – and I promise that you can use this stuff in your improvised solos! Feel free to leave a comment or share it with your friends! In scales, 99% of the time we’re always referring to the root notes relationship with another note in the scale. 0000027738 00000 n
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And of course in improvisation. %%EOF
Thanks. 0000030466 00000 n
Then notate its relative minor scale and its scale degrees. startxref
Click on the pic to get this exercise as pdf. %PDF-1.3
Then you actually play the 3rd, b5, 6th, 7th and the 9th, all the juicy notes of the chord. I recommend that you spend some time with those five tones in all keys. I like pentatonic scales. Do you know your minor pentatonic scales? trailer
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The blues scale is identical to the pentatonic scale, but it also consists of the b5 (or #11). Just a soft attack on the first note of each phrase, then slur it all the way. When you work with the scales, you´ll probably notice that they are quite well suited for the trombone. Great to see a clear and progressive instruction site dedicated to improvisation on the trombone. FOr reading music, I would recommend the jazzld series of jazz etudes, found at x��T�OA�Mw�-�1@���K-����k������nb�Z 0000030070 00000 n
I use them a lot when I improvise. Hit one of the chord with the sustain pedal on a keyboard and try the pentatonic scale over it! xref
���M�;�f{Nu�����ƿ�oE. There are some alternate positions noted in the sheet music. Of course, you can use it on a C-7 chord. For example, take the C minor pentatonic scale. They tend to fit the trombone quite well, and are in general useful for many things such as bass lines, blues themes and funky horn section phrases. Trombone lesson: Pentatonic scale flexibility, I have written about how to use pentatonic scales in improvisation here. I´ll get back to the blues scale later on. Pentatonic scale or blues scale? �:�ނy����O\���wɦ���S�a.j$�t1Z�֠
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Thanks for reaching out. When you work with the scales, you´ll probably notice that they are quite well suited for the trombone. The idea is to start each phrase on a low note, and working on expanding intervals with ease. MF����v��Eש��FW�[�cɟ�� ��bt9��=t�x��*�E�I(�����R��z[q5#�K���; �C�7'�2v�t}�u�?�������b��G�]= This PDF contains the diagrams for all the Major and minor Pentatonic scales in all keys for guitar in standard tuning. 0000002342 00000 n
Scales are the basic building material of all tonal music and knowing them inside-out has a massive positive effect on all aspects of your music making. ?Oہ�1����V���Q��3.�nnb� ��s�eȄQ;B�92���,ۘG'"hF#="`�s��N�=M�_����o E����X�v��Хh}�N�jG���
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That never help your trombone playing. And you get to play them in a comfortable pattern! Pingback: Trombone lesson: Pentatonic licks for 2013 | DigitalTrombone, Pingback: Trombone lesson: Pentatonic scale flexibility | DigitalTrombone. 0000000016 00000 n
Great to hear that you are back in the game! A Minor Natural Minor Scales D Minor G Minor C Minor F Minor Bb Minor Eb Minor Ab Minor C# Minor F# Minor B Minor E Minor 2. endstream
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Pentatonic scales are a nice tool to get hold of some of the upper structures of the chords. I’ve been away awhile. Now what? Easy 2-5-1 Jazz Improvisation with Pentatonic Scale - YouTube 0000030260 00000 n
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Most of them are rather logical and easy to play on the horn, and you´ll probably discover that some of the more uncommon trombone-keys are quite comfortable as well. They tend to fit the trombone quite well, and are in general useful for many things such as bass lines, blues themes and funky horn section phrases. All the patterns in the sheet music gallery is based on F minor pentatonic scale. 0000033808 00000 n
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You can get more diagrams in the tuning of your choice by using my interactive web app HERE. This is probably the best scale to start with if you are new to improvising, since it will sound melodically any way you play it.
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