Those born on the lunar day will deal in pod-grains, black magic, sorcery, exorcism, and will delight in murder, torture, lying, theft, cheating and adultery. It represents the west in terms of direction and the autumn season. A Denver craft destination! The name Pictor means “the painter” in Latin. Many constellations are derived from old traditional asterisms, which are star patterns within a constellation. It is 300,000 light years distant from the galactic centre and about 275,000 light years from the solar system. Table Mountain, South Africa; a modern constellation introduced by Lacaille in 1756, celebrating his southern-hemisphere observing site. After helping Theseus defeat the Minotaur and find his way out of the labyrinth, Ariadne sailed off with the hero, but was abandoned by him on the island of Naxos. It appears nearly edge-on when observed from Earth. The lion of Nemea; in Greek mythology, a monster slain by Hercules. Ancient Chinese Astrologers call it Shen, three side by side, ruled by Mercury. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Two fishes, swimming in opposite directions with their tails connected by a cord. A modern constellation introduced by Lacaille in 1756. Crux constellation is associated with many myths and stories across different cultures. Its brightness only varies slightly, by 0.05 magnitudes, but this indicates that the star will eventually turn into a long-period variable similar to Mira (Omicron Ceti) in the Cetus constellation. It represents the west in terms of direction and the autumn season. Two of the constellation’s brightest stars carry the twins’ names. The fox; a constellation introduced by Johannes Hevelius in 1687. Leo Minor is one of the constellations introduced by Hevelius in the 17th century. PISCIS AUSTRINUS – THE SOUTHERN FISH The book is an unfinished work published by Hevelius’ wife around 1690, a few years after his death. 12 Lyncis is a star of the spectral type A3V. CANIS MINOR – THE SMALL DOG It represents the bigger dog following the mythical hunter Orion in pursuit of a hare, represented by Lepus constellation. The constellation is also sometimes associated with Laelaps, the fastest dog in the world, given to Europa by Zeus as a present. Crotus was said to have two feet and a satyr’s tail. The hair of Queen Berenice of Egypt; introduced as a constellation by Vopel in 1536. Cassiopeia constellation represents the boastful queen Cassiopeia, wife of Cepheus and mother of Andromeda in Greek mythology. Orion is still said to be fleeing from the scorpion, and this is why the two constellations can never be seen in the sky at the same time: Orion sets just as Scorpius rises. It was created by Nicolas Louis de Lacaille, who originally named it Pyxis Nautica. The constellation Canes Venatici was created by the Polish astronomer Johannes Hevelius in the 17th century. He said that the constellation represented a fox carrying a goose to Cerberus, the dog that guarded the entrance to the Underworld in Greek mythology. The constellation Phoenix represents the mythical firebird, sacred across many cultures and mythologies. The telescope; a modern constellation introduced by Lacaille in 1756. Genitive: Monocerotis. Ara is associated with the altar on which the gods formed an alliance before going to war with the Titans in Greek mythology. When Arcas grows up, he comes face to face with his mother in the woods and does not recognize her. Caelum is one of the constellations created by Nicolas Louis de Lacaille. Chamaeleon constellation was created by Dutch explorers in the 16th century. It was the American astronomer Carl Lampland who discovered that it was really a globular cluster of stars. King Cepheus of Ethiopeia; in Greek mythology, the king of Ethiopia, descended from Zeus and Io. The galaxy has a visual magnitude of 10.6 and is about 25 million light years distant. The constellation’s original name was Sextans Uraniae, but it was later shortened to simply Sextant. Ford. Pavo constellation was introduced by Petrus Plancius in the 16th century. Zeus had to prevent further disaster and he struck the young man down with a thunderbolt. Corona Australis is one of the Greek constellations. The crab; in Greek mythology, a crab which bit Hercules's foot. Norma constellation represents the draughtsman’s set-square and rule, or a carpenter’s square, one used by carpenters on exploratory vessels. Phoenix was one of the southern constellations introduced by Dutch explorers in the late 16th century. However, since he was an inexperienced driver, he soon lost control of the horses and the chariot plunged close to Earth, setting lands on fire and turning Libya into a desert. The Greeks called the constellation Deltoton because its shape resembled the Greek letter delta. The Golden Fleece was later the object of the Argonauts’ quest to Colchis. The winged horse; in Greek mythology, used by Zeus to carry thunder and lightning. He starts to chase the bear and Zeus intervenes to prevent bloodshed and turns them into the constellations Ursa Major (Callisto) and Boötes (Arcas). In Chinese culture, the tiger is the king of the beasts and has been presented with a 王 (pinyin: wáng; lit. Andromeda is a woman out of mythology, so this name could also fit a heroic or mysterious cat as well. Night mode. It is one of the most ancient constellations in the sky. Aquila constellation is sometimes associated with the eagle that held Zeus’ thunderbolts in Greek mythology and other times with the eagle that abducted Ganymede and brought him to Olympus. Vulpecula constellation was created and named by the Polish astronomer Johannes Hevelius in the 17th century. In Greek mythology, Callisto, lover of Zeus. In a different version of the myth, Heracles crushed the crab underfoot and Hera placed it into the sky. 19 Lyncis is a binary star with a visual magnitude of 5.80. PEGASUS – THE WINGED HORSE By continuing to use the site, you agree to the use of cookies. Canis Minor represents the smaller dog following Orion. It is associated with a story about the goddess Aphrodite and her son Eros transforming into fish to escape the monster Typhon. He was the first person to harness four horses to a chariot and is credited as the inventor of the the quadriga, the four-horse chariot. The multi-headed water snake, slain by Hercules in Greek mythology. It was not associated with the wolf until the Renaissance times. The constellation represents an aerial telescope, a type of refractor. It was created by Nicolas Louis de Lacaille in the 18th century. : 'king') on his forehead for centuries. 31 Lyncis is also variable star and is sometimes known as BN Lyncis. CANIS MAJOR – THE BIG DOG It is associated with Poseidon’s messenger, the dolphin that helped the god find the nymph Amphitrite, whom he later married. It is not associated with any myths. The constellation represents the crane. It represents Asclepius, the famous healer in Greek mythology, and is usually depicted as a man holding a serpent, represented by the constellation Serpens. The Armenians and Persians called this constellation Tigris [Allen, Star Names], meaning an arrow in their language: “The tiger (tigris) is so called because of its rapid flight, for this is what the Persians and Medes call an arrow. Old constellations' names usually come from Greek mythology, while the star constellations that were created more recently mostly have names of scientific instruments and exotic animals. The name Vela means “the sails” in Latin. The archer; usually drawn as a centaur – half man, half horse. SEXTANS – THE SEXTANT He originally named it Mons Mensae, which is the Latin name for Table Mountain in South Africa. It represents the Indian. Sagittarius is also sometimes wrongly associated with the centaur Chiron, represented by Centaurus constellation. It is a beast distinguished by varied markings, amazing in its strength and speed. The sixth and seventh names are based on the Chinese constellations, more specifically the four symbols (Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Vermilion Bird, and Black Turtle). Horologium is another one of Lacaille’s constellations. Coronis’ son, the healer Asclepius, is represented by Ophiuchus constellation. The chameleon; introduced by Keyser & de Houtman in 1598. Longitude: SCULPTOR – THE SCULPTOR He originally named it Antlia Pneumatica, or Machine Pneumatique in French, in honour of French physicist Denis Papin’s invention, the air pump. HOROLOGIUM – THE PENDULUM CLOCK Hydrus is not associated with any myths. These cookies do not store any personal information. Boötes is one of the ancient Greek constellations. VULPECULA – THE LITTLE FOX Crater represents the cup of Apollo, usually drawn as a two-handed chalice. The eagle; in Greek mythology, the bird of Zeus and the retriever of his thunderbolts.

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