Copyright © 2014-2020. For Cassie, going undercover is almost a compulsion. Cassie is becoming closer to the housemate she kissed. Could the killer be in plain sight, fraternizing with Maddox on a daily basis, or does an ancient grudge held by the townspeople help to fuel a hatred strong enough to kill? Told with as much deliberate pacing as the previous novel, French shows that she was not a one-hit wonder. A more popular book may have dozens of reviews. [pregnant lone women and their some kind of similar end. There was a hesitation in the evening when Cassie reminded them she could not have alcohol because she was taking antibiotics. Beyond the book | Perfect for acing essays, tests, and quizzes, as well as for writing lesson plans. Even though Broken Harbor did not impressed me but I was ready to gamble, after all I was not on a spree where I was reading great stories one after the other and worry about jinxing the lucky streak. I found myself reading and rereading passages to reassure myself that I knew what events were occurring and why. He allows her undercover project to continue and seems to be helping her get information. No I'm not crying. A summary of 's Bible: The New Testament. Provider of short book summaries. He trained the gun on Cassie. This book absolutely changed me as a person. That I.D. One ay when they are alone, he reveals that he knows she is an imposter. This d. Ohhhh! This isn’t exactly a sequel but it is helpful to have read the first book in the series. [there isn’t a clear villain in the same way as in. I really enjoyed Cassie's character from In the Woods, so I was excited to follow her in her own journey this time. Chapter Analysis of The Likeness; Click on a plot link to find similar books! Cassie discovers that Lexie seemed to have been considering leaving. Khanh, first of her name, mother of bunnies. All Right Reserved. In short, Cassie agrees to go undercover posing as a girl who looks exactly like her but was murdered. This did not detract from the book's essential story but did make it more than light reading. After receiving a frantic call from Squad Detective (and current boyfriend) Sam O'Neill, she agrees to meet him at the scene of his latest case; perhaps her first mistake. As Cassie walked toward them, she sensed tension. In short, Cassie agrees to go undercover posing as a girl who looks exactly like her but was murdered. But Cassie herself is very curious about who this woman, known to her housemates as "Lexie," really is and why she was killed. There are times when trying on someone else's life for size seems like a very tempting idea. I didn't tell anyone. I really enjoyed Cassie's character from In the Woods, so I was excited to follow her in her own journey this time. An apparent suicide exposes a deadly secret in the suburbs of Belfast.

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