[8][9] It was later released for the PlayStation 4 on 6 November 2018. https://discord.gg/theforestreddit, Press J to jump to the feed. Another option is to construct a water collector, which gathers rainwater in a turtle shell. My friends all have Ps4's and I don't have one, only Computer. Created by a mysterious group called the Ancient Ones, the artifact has the power to bring the dead back to life but requires a child sacrifice. [11][12], The game received positive reception during its early access period. Español - Latinoamérica (Spanish - Latin America). Crafting in the game is based on the player's knowledge about combining different components into useful items and tools. I would love to have it but they haven't announced it, so I doubt it. [7] The game was first released for Microsoft Windows via early access on May 30, 2014 before it officially released on 30 April 2018. The forest contains clues to help Eric track down his son's kidnapper, who can be seldom seen in the distance observing Eric, but will flee if he is approached. I believe Sony is the reason cross platform won’t happen, think about building a pc instead of buying a ps5 . Posted by 7 days ago. I have been playing this game like for a hour everyday, but I always feel lonely playing it. Polluted water can be boiled to purify it. The game begins with Eric LeBlanc sitting in an airplane with his son Timmy, before the plane crashes on a remote, heavily forested peninsula. [1], However, the developers wanted players to question whether the peninsula's cannibalistic tribe is the enemy of the player or vice versa. Sony for some reason don’t allow cross platform games. Hunger is measured via an icon depicting a human stomach, while the thirst icon depicts a water droplet. its so cheap on steam rn. World Enter a living, breathing forest, where every tree and plant can be chopped down. hide. Eric eventually finds the Resurrection Obelisk and opens it only to find Timmy’s dead body, having already been sacrificed by Cross to bring back Megan. These include basic survival shelters, wooden cabins, treehouses, tree platforms, as well as custom-designed structures, which the player can modify in terms of size, shape, and position. Eric and his son manage to survive the crash, but Eric watches helplessly as Timmy is kidnapped by a man covered in red paint before falling unconscious. In fact, this is the only available method for saving, as there is no autosave function in the game. I have been playing this game like for a hour everyday, but I always feel lonely playing it. will this game be crossplatform for ps4 and pc? Inhabiting the peninsula, along with various woodland creatures, are a tribe of nocturnal, cannibalistic mutants, who dwell in villages on the surface and in deep caves beneath the peninsula. I am wanting the forest to be cross platform. Rocket League: Xbox One, Switch, PC, PS4 4. I have a PC want to be able to play with my friends on PS4 too. The game features nonlinear gameplay in an open world environment played from a first-person perspective, with no set missions or quests, empowering the player to make their own decisions for survival. For example, in order to craft a basic axe, the player needs to gather and combine a stick, a rock, as well as rope. I have seen threads form a year ago saying that there is none but im still wondering if it has changed. 510. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews The Forest > General Discussions > Topic Details. Just bit the bullet and tried out the ps4 version. I would really like the forest way better if it was cross platform. Upon entering the lab, Eric finds the lab's personnel dead and discovers that they were studying an artifact called the Resurrection Obelisk. In the inventory, the player can also choose to place two desired items/weapons for quick select by assigning them to the D-pad on a PS4 controller or to specific keys on PC. Am i able to play with them? A sequel, Sons of the Forest, is under development. Below ground explore a vast network of caves and underground lakes. The Forest was released on PC, followed by a PlayStation 4 port. Has anyone on PS4 been able to connect to a PC server? The guidebook also contains a "to-do list", which lists general goals that the player should follow, such as building a shelter or exploring different caves. Any item that the player gathers, or collects in the world is stored in the inventory, which has a realistic design and shows where each item is stored. ... Best pizza in The Forest. Eric kills the mutated Megan and attempts to use her body to resurrect Timmy, but the process is a failure, since a live sacrifice is needed. The Forest. Sucks a i csnt play with her. who knows now maybe sony will with the recent changes they made. [2][3], The development team has a background in film visual effects, having worked on films such as The Amazing Spider-Man 2 and Tron: Legacy. [1] For example, when first encountering the player, the cannibals may hesitate to attack and instead observe the player from a distance, attempt to communicate with the player through effigies, and send patrols around the player's base camp. 496. 15 comments. Realm Royale: Xbox One, Switch, PC, PS4 (October) 7. Food can be obtained from various animals, plants, and even other humans in the world. I am wanting the forest to be cross platform. I want to play this game with my boyfriend, but I'm not going to throw another $30 at a game I already paid for if it's not going to enable me to play it with my boyfriend. The inventory also includes a crafting system. The survival guide is also crucial because it allows for the player to build blueprints for various different structures that can aid the player in their survival. Fortnite: PS4, Xbox One, Switch, PC, mobile 2. PS4 version JUST released today. The Forest DeveloperEndnight Games PublisherEndnight Games DirectorBen Falcone DesignerAnna Terekhova ProgrammerGuillaume Kehren ComposerGabe Castro EngineUnity Platform Microsoft Windows PlayStation 4 Release Windows 30 April 2018 PlayStation 4 6 November 2018 GenreSurvival ModeSingle-player, multiplayer The Forest is a survival video game developed and published by … D: please do crossplay i will give you my virginity, please make cross platform then we be all happy. Once the blueprint is placed, the player then needs to gather the necessary resources, such as sticks, rocks, logs, etc. in order to complete the particular structure. There's no way to connect to specific IP addresses. [2], As the player progresses through the game and explores the caves underneath the forest surface, they will encounter increasingly bizarre mutations, including deformed babies and mutants with several extra appendages. Cross-Platform for pc/ps4? Paladins: Champions of the Realm: Xbox One, Switch, PC, PS4 6. It should be safe to assume that we'll see the sequel on both of those platforms. It is NOT cross platform. The game takes place on a remote, heavily forested peninsula where the player character Eric Leblanc and his son Timmy are survivors of a plane crash. Then how? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. If the player approaches Timmy, he will eventually snap out of it. Is game not doing well enough for that? Despite being too late to save his son, Eric soon discovers Cross dead and that the revived Megan has mutated into an aggressive, cannibalistic monster. ! The HUD displays the player's total health, energy, stamina, hunger, and thirst levels. Discussion. While exploring the labs, Eric learns that his son's kidnapper, Dr. Matthew Cross, was a researcher at the facility before losing his daughter Megan to an "Armsy", a mutant with several arms. The Forest only has cooperative mode as its default game mode. [7] The game's success spawned a sequel, titled Sons of the Forest, which is under development. If not, I’m going have to have 2 versions of the game which I don’t want to do! However, during the show, Timmy collapses and begins to have a seizure, implying he is undergoing the same mutation that Cross's daughter had. SMITE: Xbox One, Switch, PC, PS4 (September 17) 5. Water can be obtained from various sources, including the numerous lakes and rivers present in the world, although most of these are contaminated and can cause side effects to the player. The game was also a commercial success, selling over five million copies by the end of 2018. KILL THEM ALL ! 20 comments. Something else? One year later, Eric and his resurrected son have apparently been rescued, and they are invited onto a talk show to promote Eric's book, chronicling his experiences on the peninsula. My friends all have Ps4's and I don't have one, only Computer. While they are not necessarily always hostile to the player, their usual behaviour is aggressive, especially during the night. Though there are no set missions, there is an optional conclusion to the game. Players must survive by creating shelter, weapons, and other survival tools. Sorry if this has already been asked, but I couldn’t find an answer. I bought the forest, but my friends have it on ps4. In combat, they regularly attempt to protect one another from injury, remove torches, surround the player, hide behind cover, drag wounded tribesmen to safety, keep their distance, use tactical decisions, not overextend into unknown territory, and occasionally surrender out of fear. Is cross-platform support planned? Sony has their thing about they not wanting crossplay with other … diversario ️‍ Nov 26, 2016 @ 2:24am Cross-platform I supported this during its Greenlight because it looked rather promising. Upon awakening in the crashed plane, Eric goes out in search of his son. In the first, Eric uses the second artifact to cause another plane crash, intending to find a child sacrifice to bring Timmy back to life. [15][16] The game sold over 5.3 million copies on Windows by November 2018. "[3] The game is being developed to be compatible with the Oculus Rift virtual reality headset. Following a four-year long early access beta phase, the game was released for Microsoft Windows in April 2018, and for the PlayStation 4 in November 2018. For example: Fortnite has enabled crossplay with every platform/device, and ps4 and xbox can play. 540. To play with more players, you will need to run a Dedicated Server, which are often more popular. … As seen in the opening intro of the game, the player possesses a survival guide book that the playable character authors, which contains many useful tips and general information about wilderness survival. Based on this, players could form a set of rules to form their own death match, providing the players follow the set rules. Spoiler. Please come out with cross platform. The game also features a day and night cycle, with the player able to build a shelter and traps, hunt animals and collect supplies during the day, and defend themselves against the mutants by night.[3]. Crash land alone, or with friends in up to 8 player cooperative multiplayer. It's out on PSN right now. Sony for some reason don’t allow cross platform games. report. Eventually, he discovers an abandoned underground lab complex owned by Sahara Therapeutics, a large research company responsible for experimenting with creatures on the peninsula. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. If this is done, players will take the perspective of Timmy, who is now much older, gathering information on the peninsula for an unknown purpose while also trying to suppress his mutations. The initial budget for the game was $125,000. Please come out with cross platform. share. I'm also wondering this. Once the player comes across a previously unknown species of animal or plant, the player jots it down and it appears in the guidebook. In P2P, it is possible to play with up to 8 players in a single game. [5] Canadian-based developers Endnight Games have said that Disney was an inspiration for the game, commenting that they do not want the whole game to be entirely "dark and depressing.

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