Coming into 2020, for many Fox News tribal hate media consumers who self-identify as a “proud Deplorable” or “Proud Conservative,” they sadly have become ensnared in the downward gravity of our society’s new 21st-century digital feedback loop of “identity fusion” whereby their political or cultural tribal identity comes to dominate their existing self-identity. Storyline: The Brainwashing of My Dad (2015) Jen Senko, a documentary filmmaker, looks at the rise of right-wing media through the lens of her WWII vet father who changed from a life-long, nonpolitical Democrat to an angry, right-wing fanatic after his discovery of talk radio on a lengthened commute to work. Thank you for writing this out. Would you want ... Wolf House (2016) Six friends on a camping trip think they have discovered, and killed, a sasquatch. Towards the end of his life, Frank's views mostly changed back to being somewhere in the middle due to his wife exposing him to liberal media. Genres: Documentaries. Tell Me Who I Am (2019) What if every memory that haunts you could be erased? Senko exposes how the conservative media network seeded anti-democratic values by changing the issues to 'morality and family values' [...] diverting the focus from economic equality. Having grown up with your family may make it difficult to decipher any abusive treatment.Considering the components of manipulation include “brainwashing”, it’s hard to tell if you’ve actually been mistreated at all. "[5], "Review: 'The Brainwashing of My Dad' Examines the influence of right-wing news media", "Fox News "brainwashed" so many dads: "People are being bamboozled on a massive scale, "The Brainwashing of My Dad: Doc explores rise of right-wing media", "Fed up daughter claims Fox News brainwashed her dad in the so-bad-it's-good documentary of the year", "Movie Review: 'The Brainwashing of my Dad' with Narration by Matthew Modine",, Documentary films about American politics, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 2 November 2020, at 20:24. TV-14. gain emotionally vital doses of positive self-esteem and ego gratification by blindly hating on the tribal enemy of their self-identified political or cultural tribe. Senko's father, Frank, was stated by her as originally being a "nonpolitical Kennedy Democrat" who began changing into a far-right Republican in the 1980s. This does tend to have the effect of swaying even some of the more intelligent conservatives I know toward being extreme and spouting some of the nonsense FOX spews out. Reckless (1984) Rebellious football player Johnny falls for cheerleader Tracy. The Brainwashing of my Dad (2016) - Documentary about one documentarian's experience losing her father to right wing media, and the history of right wing media in the United States. I’ll just see myself out of this post. Then digital surveillance-based social stalking platforms like FB and YouTube identify the digital content you spend the most time engaged with (that is the ones that deliver enough emotion to release more addictive dopamine) and so they give you incrementally more emotionally incendiary content with its endlessly scrolling technology. Next, Fox News tribal hate propaganda segment producers and tribal hate televangelist hosts deeply understand that human psychology is not and never has been about “reality” — it is about perception and it’s all about our tribally accepted narratives (i.e., contagious stories) factual or not. Now I can hear you saying “So you are saying my mom/dad/uncle/aunt/relative/friend is a victim of Fox News? The YouTube rabbit hole effect is so emotionally powerful that in YouTube crazed Brazil (80% of Brazilians watch YouTube weekly), the rabbit hole effect turned an unknown Brazillian right-wing activist with only 15% polling into the winner of the most recent Brazillian Presidential election. Personally I'm praying Louis Theroux gets back out to America and learns about the serious Trump fans. You look like an actual person with intelligent points to bring up! [3][4] Carole Di Tosti of Blogcritics wrote, "The documentary is well edited and tells a fascinating story of propagandists, stealth and wealth. Hardly anyone on the left calls themselves leftists. Social psychologists have repeatedly told me that during our entire lives, we will instinctively seek to build a symbolic and ideological structure and a personal narrative about who we are by most importantly defining who we are not — it’s a drive and a need that comes from our basic human survival and personal safety instincts. Eileen Senko. Absolutely no way you're really on the left. Frank Senko. “Our tribe is motivated by love, care, and affiliation” while the tribal outgroup is “sinister and motivated by hate!” or “Black Lives Matter means that White Lives Don’t Matter” to name just a few of these motive attribution asymmetry narratives. [1] On her father's lengthy commute to his place of employment, he listened to conservative talk radio, which Senko believes started the change in her father's personality. There’s plenty of ways to trim governmental fat that don’t have to exclude social programs. Interested. While the documentary is certainly biased, the only viewpoints directly criticized here are viewpoints that are not based in fact, and it is this lack of factuality that is being criticized. Filmmaker Jen Senko examines how the media influenced her father to switch from democrat to conservative. What I am saying that in most cases, their Fox News addiction is not their fault per se — that your parent, relative or long-time friend who fell into the Fox News addict rabbit hole was not by mistake. Horrible "documentary".... 100% Fake News. But what they have actually unleashed is something more evil, more ancient and more deadly than they could ever imagine - an army of supernatural ter, Alien Implant The Hunted Must Become the Hunter 2017 A brilliant female recluse sends a distress signal into outer space from a remote location. It'll get (rightly) called out and dismissed, even if the goal is worthy. View: Streaming / Live Screenings & Zooms, Support Independent Filmmaker, Activist and Writer. The Brainwashing of My Dad - film 2015 - AlloCiné, The Brainwashing of My Dad 2016, Brainwashing comes in many forms.even talk radio and right-wing media. 3. Details. We always update movies and tvshows to the latest. I'm barely 7 minutes in and this video is obviously a mocumentary. But like feral Trumpism, this is also why the Fox News tribal warfare production playbook feeds its 80–90 million monthly users (combined cable/website/social media platforms and YouTube) a steady stream of audiovisual tribal identity activation propaganda narratives and reality perceptions complete with. George Soros is squarely a right wing talking point. Hosted by Puffin Cultural Forum. At best, you're complaining because it's not promoting a brainless "both sides are the same" agenda. Which, in my opinion, doesn’t even need to be a divide. We won't compress, alter or take ownership of your content. Most importantly, I am able to participate in the discussion directly. Directors: Jen Senko. He then hears about a radio DJ, Billy Magic (Kevin Bacon). Se-jong, a South Ko. Foxocracy: Inside the Network’s Playbook of Tribal Warfare, Why Fox News Slimed a Purple Heart Recipient, turned an unknown Brazillian right-wing activist with only 15% polling into the winner, Many Americans, who have witnessed this Fox News addiction “rapture” firsthand (whereby an agree-to-disagree loved one is transformed into raging tribalized hyperpartisan nutjob), have come to refer to Fox News as, 85% of Fox News fans and viewers we polled are, explicitly hack the easily manipulated emotional vulnerabilities of their mostly white >65 age viewer/social media streaming audience then. He meets his dad’s new girlfriend and has to go to unusual lengths to ensure the safety of the wedding ring. Now you ask of course “What are the simple key elements and requisite factors to becoming an awoke and healthy tribal hate media consumer?”, Our research finds healthy tribal hate media consumers have and maintain a basic level of self-awareness about. Look — when you consciously or unconsciously say “God — how could those stupid libtards be so ignorant” all your sub-conscious ego hears is “And look how smart you are relative to those idiots, Big Boy!”. All sides of major media streams are pretty extreme at this point, but I think FOX legitimately tends to try to be as extreme as it possibly can because it’s trying to appeal to much more than just conservatives. Tracy already has a boyfriend but he acts like a jerk, so Johnny has. clock. That is why I like reddit as a news source, and as in this case, a source for documentaries -- I am always able to find opposing viewpoints and criticism in the comments, and weigh those arguments against the original link. I found none. 2015 | NR | 1h 35m | Documentaries. Moreover, no one has any control over this involuntary automatic cognitive process that resides in our subconscious unless we are cognitively aware of its existence and power and we purposely and cognitively override our tribalized instinctual reflexes and behaviors. There is even a social psychology term for this endless escalating emotional manipulation: “The YouTube rabbit hole effect.”. What gets me is I hear liberals talk about how shitty the government is yet they support policies to expand government. The Brainwashing of My Dad; Promotional release poster. While the echo chamber effect certainly occurs on the left side of things, it does not occur to nearly the same degree that it does within right wing media. Telling Lies in America (1997) Karchy (Brad Renfro) is a boy in school who has moved from Hungary to America in the 1960s. Sometimes, it’s not until you’ve gotten away or moved out of the home that you realize the extent of the unhealthy situation. 54. The Brainwashing of My Dad. 30min. Marsha Lederman of The Globe and Mail wrote a mixed review of the film, saying that the film's topics are "fascinating" but that its examination feels "shallow". Once again I ask you to consider this recent consumer polling research by my firm Transformity Research from 1000 highly targeted Facebook polling responses which concludes: What is the bare minimum self-awareness recuired to become a healthy consumer of Fox News (or MSNBC for that matter) tribal hate porn programming? As Jen Senko tries to understand the transformation of her father from a nonpolitical Democrat to an angry Republican fanatic, she uncovers the forces behind the media that changed him completely: a plan by Roger Ailes under President Richard Nixon for a media takeover by the Republicans, the 1971 Powell Memo urging business leaders to influence institutions of public opinion (especially the media, universities, and courts), the 1987 dismantling of the Fairness Doctrine under President Ronald Reagan, and the signing of the 1996 Telecommunications Act under President Bill Clinton. Jen Senko. The Brainwashing of my Dad (2016) - Documentary about one documentarian's experience losing her father to right wing media, and the history of right wing media in the United States. In the aftermath of Marvel's " Aterro (2011) Landfill is a documentary that emerged from the perception of a paradox in relation to litter. Posted by 2 years ago. Directed by: Jen Senko: Produced by: To be fair, it is the case that a lot of conservatives do tend to become more and more extreme.

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