The book introduces the readers to Santiago having a nightmare and he is afraid that his nightmare is symbolic of how his life is at its current stage. "The, Firstly, "The Alchemist" should be a required reading for all future students before graduation since it allows one to think about one 's own personal legend. Preface i You will need to compose your thesis once you have thought about the topic at length. B. Love particularly comes into play with Santiago’s feelings towards Fatima. The practice of alchemy has made many, The Alchemist versus The Little Prince There are four obstacles that Santiago had to overcome while trying to find his treasure and complete his personal legend. Literary Consciousness: A Dialectical There are a series of metaphors that include him becoming one with the end towards the end of the novel in order to save him and the alchemist from the barbarians who captured them. Let Professionals Help You, Leave your email and we will send you an example after 24 hours 23:59:59, Let us edit for you at only $13.9/page to make it 100% original. Paulo Coelho in the novel The Alchemist and The Pilgrimage fundamentally offers inspiration […], The Alchemist is a fantasy book series that takes place in the twenty-first century in America. He doesn’t let the obstacles stop him toward his goal and eventually he finds his treasure. “The secret is here in the present. Poetic Imprints of Shifting Perspectives During Santiago’s journey to find his own Personal Legend, all of these things work together in order to aid him on his important journey. The Alchemist Analysis Paper The world is a puzzle, and every object, idea, thought, and emotion is a puzzle piece. The Alchemist and The Little Prince are two books written by two different authors. Tell your heart that the fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself” said the alchemist” (Coelho).  Science Fictions Impact on Literature……………………………………………………… “One afternoon, on a visit to his family, he had summoned up the courage to tell his father that he didn’t want to become a priest. He isn’t afraid of love itself, but of hurting those he loves by doing what he wants.  Conclusion……………………………………………………… The story take […], The Alchemist tells the tale of Santiago, a young shepherd in search of his personal legend. ...Message Delivered with Symbols to go on a trip to the Piramids in Egypt in order to find his treasure, suggest that it is impossible to fully separate the two because they are sympathetic to each other. Want to get a price estimate for your Essay? He promises to reward Santiago with gold pieces if he has read the omens correctly. The Alchemist The Alchemist is a novel first published in 1988 by Brazilian-born author Paulo Coehlo. It was the desert that brought Santiago to Fatima, and the dryness of the desert symbolizes with the dryness left inside Santiago’s heart when he realizes that he must leave her behind in order to fully pursue his Personal Legend. Purpose: To inform about fireworks and their being. Even though difficult obstacles occur in life, heroes must overcome a series of obstacles because achieving ones goal often leads to new beginnings. Throughout his journey, Santiago is provided with many signs and clues from God in order to help guide and direct him. Attention Getter: Do you like bright lights, loud noises and spectacular shows of different colors? Consequently, students should be required to read "The Alchemist" since they can think about their own personal, Furthermore, "The Alchemist" should be a mendatory book for students to read because it allows one to focus on the present moment. C. Thesis Statement: Fireworks vary in many ways, such as type, Sounding Board Gunpowder being used How about make it original at only $13.9/page? In the novel The Alchemist, a hero is displayed as one who follows what they believe to be right, takes the initiative to lead their lives(Quests), discover what they truly want, and bring enlightenment to themselves and others along the way to finding/achieving their ambitions. There are two major themes in the story: achieving one’s Personal Legend, and the presence of God. and Historical Introduction 1 Santiago leaves the chieftain and encounters a powerful, intimidating stranger on horseback, who terrifies him at swordpoint. Those who don’t return become a part of the clouds, a part of the animals that hide in the ravines and of the water that comes from the earth. It’s about a shepherd named Santiago who travels from his homeland Spain to the Pyramids in Egypt. Along his hard journey, he meets some people along the way like a gypsy woman and a king in disguise who all direct him towards his quest. While the alchemist symbolizes the achievement of Personal Legends, two characters in the story symbolize the dissipation of Personal Legends: the baker and the crystal merchant. So the allegory of the alchemist is to follow your Personal legend aka dream. If students who are worrying about the university or their future career focus on present moment, their future will also get better. A thesis statement needs to represent a student’s perspective and understanding of the overall concept or journey. God is also a strong natural force acting in Santiago’s journey. The boy, believing in omens, and that the omens are guiding him, gives the sheep to the old man. ” (Coelho) The harshness of the desert, as well as the events that took place there, really help out Santiago on his journey. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Economic Visions. "The Alchemist" received worldwide attention. The book starts off like any other, introducing and describing the main characters, in this case Santiago is the first to share the interest of peers reading the story. Our writers are from respected universities. By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our cookie policy. Mental anguish about the things to come had the potential to seriously hinder Santiago’s quest, but in part to the advice and counsel given to him by the alchemist, he is able to persevere on his journey.

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