If you're a modder and want to host your files on GameWatcher, please use our Advertisements. After a building has been placed, the priority will be incremented. You can remove a building by using the "Remove Building" option and the cursor will become an eraser. But it can result in the second building never being placed. Now go and build your perfect AI castle, and upload it here so other people can enjoy it as much as you! This can increase your design speed significantly. The castle is loaded just as you start a map, so this means you can edit the AIC file, save it, load a new map in the game, quit the map and then alter the AIC file in the editor again. I am a huge fan of the Stronghold-franchise. It also allows you view and edit how the AI will build their castle in the game. Download AI Editor. Index. You will also notice that some AI have more than one castle. This is a free mini-game that gives you a chance to take a peek in the world of Stronghold 2. If this has been done and the AI still chooses another design, then something is wrong with your design. On this breathtaking map you will see a nice beach to the west and maybe the south (If I can remember!). 4k intro stronghold 2 ai upscaled this is just a small part of the mod that will be out soon to dl. You can click and drag to delete large portions of buildings, such as wall. On the bottom right of the screen, you will see a small box. file type Game mod. The left and right arrow keys will step through the priorities one at a time. Project. Stronghold 2 - The AI village editor is used to create a castle template for the AI player in kingmaker mode. file size 2.1 MB. Lady Seren is a very poor opponent. As before, you can cancel the placement by right clicking or using the cancel button. In this map you start with a small castle on your own island. The tab "Info" allows you to click on a building, view its status and edit its featues. privacy policy. The keep should be placed as priority 1, as all the other AI castles have. All the other buildings from the editor will be placed relative to this building - but in the same order they appear in the editor. This allows you to slide through all the priority numbers, to see the buildings in order or priority. We use cookies to enable you to log in and set your site preferences. provide relevant advertising. There is a bridge to cross which leads you into the mountains where there is a small estate which you can buy deep in the mountains. This contains the current building or the trap which your mouse is hovering over. The program alters the following three major points about how the AI build their castles: Buildings can be added and removed using the first tab on the right side of the screen. From this, select each building you would like to delete and it will be removed from the castle. For example, if no Barracks is placed in the editor, the AI will not make any Barracks in the game. As another example - if you place one saw pit, the AI will still place more. file uploader. You are more than welcome to ask for help in our Stronghold 2 forum and one of our members will help you if this is the case. You can also move the 'zoom' slider to to zoom in and out of the screen. I recommend you test this while you build your own castles. The priority is a measure of how early in the game the AI should place the building. You can turn off the delete tool by right clicking. Stronghold 2 - AI Castle Editor - Game mod - Download The file AI Castle Editor is a modification for Stronghold 2, a(n) strategy game.Download for free. Stronghold 2 Mods. AI Editor. The computer will choose one of these at random each time you play a map. Diablo 3 Season 22 Start Date - When Does It Begin... Nvidia GeForce Now Games List - Every Game Available to Stream, Phasmophobia Voice Commands and Chat Requests Guide, Assassin's Creed Valhalla Map - World Size and Locations. Finally, you must choose a rotation for your building. Select one from the dropdown list, and if you're placing it on a wall or tower, make sure to tick the "elevated" box. Note though, that not every building must be placed. Right click or click the "cancel" button to go out of building placement mode. Stronghold 2. You can add and remove traps, weapons and rally points by using the "Traps/Rally Points" tab. The editor makes it possible to completely create a castle from scratch. The editor for the game Stronghold 2 created by her fans from the- http://www.stronghold-knights.com/. The smaller the number, the earlier it will be placed in the game, and larger numbers will not be placed until later in the game. Overlapping buildings can result in being random too, the majority of the time, one building will usually be moved out of the way to the side of the overlapping one. Buildings such as the Stockpile, Granary and farms will be added automatically in the game, along with many other buildings. 2.07 MB; 72 downloads; Category Name Mods Downloads Total size Last update; All Mods: 5: 190: 27.5 MB: Oct 09, 2020: Not sure which mods to try out? This is very useful for placing objects and getting a general feel of the castle. The editor makes it possible to completely create a castle from scratch. The Stronghold 2 AI editor is a Java application, which is designed to alter the .aic files in the game. Currently, the only use seems to be adding hoarding to towers, but further undiscovered uses may exist. Lady Seren - Stronghold 2 AI Lords. We also use cookies to analyse site traffic, personalise content and Stone quarries and iron mines will only appear if the terrain is suitable for them to be placed. Finally, you can tick the 'Toggle grid drawing' to show or hide a grid on the map. You compete against seven opponents who will not let up until they have invaded your castle. Each item in the castle has a priority which determines how soon a specific building will be placed, as well as the location. For example, Edwin has three castles. Once the castle has been loaded into Stronghold 2 the castle will appear as if the AI player is creating the castle themselves. It also depends on exactly what resources the AI has available to place the buildings you have added. If you would like hoarding, tick this, otherwise leave it blank. This could be something as simple as overlapping buildings or invalid placement, or the castle you have build could be too small for the estate which is assigned to them in the game. It also allows you view and edit how the AI will build their castle in the game. You can use this to create more challenging AI opponents for Kingmaker battles, or make a completely new AI which uses the terrain around them intelligently in a custom war map. The final thing to do is to click the "Add" button and click on the green grass to place it. All rights, including images, downloads and articles are reserved. to change the appearance of the castles, and change the location of their defence equipment. Stronghold 2 expanded with even more food variety, larger maps, new story/quest lines, updated textures, etc. Check our list of Best Stronghold 2 Mods. Next. The special building option is an on/off property that is editable for all buildings. Unauthorised Copying of any kind is strictly prohibited. It's also important to remember that many of the buildings have a small area around their own perimeter that can overlap with other buildings such as weapon workshops. Honestly, I’m not a huge fan of the setting of Warlords, but I’m curious to see what kinds of new systems and … This is a singleplayer Kingmaker-Map. More Stronghold 2 Mods. You can hover your mouse over an object and you will be told what it is. In this instance, it is better for the AI to place them as not every map has the same terrain. Report problems with download to [email protected], Grand Theft Auto: Vice City - GTA Vice City Modern v.1.2 - mod - 716.8 MB, Need for Speed: Most Wanted (2005) - Widescreen Fix v.1.0 - mod - 2.1 MB, Gothic - PlayerKit v.1.08k - mod - 3.1 MB, Grand Theft Auto V - GTA V Redux v.1.9 - mod - 3045.3 MB, Gothic - Gothic System Pack v.1.7 - mod - 18.7 MB, Need for Speed: Underground 2 - Widescreen patch - mod - 5.3 MB, Gothic II: Night of the Raven - Gothic II: Night of the Raven System Pack v.1.8 - mod - 1.3 MB, Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 - Yuri's Revenge - Yuri's Revenge: CnCD2K v.2.9.4 - mod - 288.2 MB, Grand Theft Auto V - Vice City Remastered v.1.0 - mod - 2770.1 MB, Need for Speed Carbon - Widescreen Fix - mod - 4.8 MB, Stronghold 2 - Imperium Condita v.v20072017, Stronghold 2 - Strongholds’s of Middle-earth 2 v.0.2 alpha, Stronghold 2 - The Alliance v.1.0 pre-beta. To add a building to the castle, choose it from the drop-down menu, and type in a priority in the text box. Download for free. Stronghold 3 could be an incredible game with some more work. Featured. Latest mods. The position, rotation and priority of how the buildings will be placed, The position of weapons and traps, such as the tower ballista or rolling logs, Rally points for troops, such as a group of archers on a wall. This tool uses pictures to recreate the layouts of the castle in the editor - here are two screenshots showing what the castle looks like in the game and in the editor. And it's not exactly a good one - … Also make sure to only place one keep. On the third tab is Priority Slider. BE CAREFUL AROUND THE WATERFALL AT THE WEST BEACH IF YOU DON'T HAVE A VERY GOOD GRAPHICS CARD! Stronghold 2 Essentials Stronghold 2 Updates; Stronghold 2 Features; Stronghold 2 Downloads; Stronghold 2 Mods; Game info. More than one building can share the same priority, for example, several different farms can share the same priority number - however this is not recommended. last update Thursday, December 8, 2005. downloads 10312. downloads (7 days) 4 The Stronghold 2 AI editor is a Java application, which is designed to alter the .aic files in the game. Any Castle Structure or Military building you would like must be placed in the editor - the AI do not place their own. Genre: Strategy Tags: To start with, she only ever builds the exact same Castle.

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