Reversed, the Knight of Cups means that you allow your emotions to control your life a lot more than you should. However, this is a situation that needs to change since this could be your self-created restriction to prevent you from attaining the new heights you need to grow. Strength Tarot Card represents thus the conversion of power to strength in achieving your goals. And in the end, they almost always end up following wherever the waves of life take them. Your friends and family could be questioning you about your decisions and choices, and you feel overwhelmed by their judgement.  Stay positive and understand that this is just a phase in your life. I’m a sucker for anything Art Nouveau too. The reversal meaning of the Hanged Man card represents a very specific period of time during which you feel as if you are sacrificing a significant amount of time while getting nothing in return. is one of the most positive/yes cards of the. The Strength card reversed indicates that you are avoiding an issue. Upright, her home is usually a sanctuary for her guests, but reversed it may instead be slovenly - she loses the ability to take care of herself and her surroundings. If the spiritual self is not contended then we need to make sure that we take proper actions. appears in your draw in the reverse order, it shows you are not doing everything to make your situation worse. The Tarocchi del Mantegna Strength Tarot Card combined all the illustrations merging all of them into one, termed as Forteza was made in Ferrara around 1470 AD. It flourished more during the early Renaissance period when the history of Europe was being re-written by a few intellectual men. The Strength Tarot means that you would be able to tackle it, but you have to use your judgement and your will to steer clear through small hurdles of life. I would say Strength is nothing but a way in which our power emanates when required. Be aware of how you’re coming across when others are being vulnerable with you. The King of Swords in reversed shows tyrannical, abusive and manipulative habits. In what ways do you already feel defeated? While you still mean well, you should take a pause to really see whether your emotions can be trusted, because you are allowing them to control you. The Strength Reversed indicates a spiritual block. You might be overly jealous, emotional or moody. In the distance, we see a mountain range, symbolic of the world out there. They need the motivation to live further. The Strength Tarot Card was a means to depict that no one was less on Earth. When the reversed Knight of Pentacles shows up in a reading, the traits that were once positive in the upright position are now taken to the extreme. She currently writes for a wide range of esoteric publications. In other words, get that beast under control. The star reversed asks us to nurture our sense of hope and positive energy to help propel our actions with joy instead of fear. You need to align to the quest you want to follow. The Strength card reversed can indicate individuals who are passive or unable to show up for you. The Empress reversed indicates that you have lost too much of your own willpower and strength because you have started placing too much effort and concern to other people s affairs. The results of these healthy habits will lend strength and fortitude to all your endeavors. What you shouldn't do however, is cling to the illusion of control. Life cannot move forward if the two people in a relationship do not contribute equally. One who is afraid of reality whether it s emotional, financial, illness or something else. The disharmony can make daily life difficult and could be putting pressure on your relationships. How can you make up for your wrongs? Taking action gives you a chance to change and stop judging yourself. It may also indicate that you need to give yourself a break to refresh your mind. Often these are temporary situations. These cards were switched in the Rider-Waite deck in order to match the order of their corresponding signs in the zodiac. Do not lose hope. While fear is a protective mechanism in dangerous situations, you can not let it rule your life.

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