"My students can't get enough of your charts and their results have gone through the roof." He has lost his dog and is upset. Marie and Mersault enjoy swimming together. Marie and Meursault make lunch but Marie no longer has much of an appetite. Detailed explanations, analysis, and citation info for every important quote on LitCharts. The year until the next summer passes quickly and it is time for Meursault's trial. Rip is compelled to follow this stranger, though he can’t say why. He chooses not to look at her and sits by her side as friends come to mourn during the night. Meursault sees Raymond next who invites him over for dinner. He must convince himself of its impossibility in order to introduce to himself the chance of a pardon, which when faced rationally, gives him an hour of calm. He does not want another. Literary Devices. One reason that Changez doesn’t think about these imperialist strategies as a student is that they act in his favor – he has excellent grades to show for his four years at Princeton, and even to be interviewed by Underwood Samson is a sign of respect and a promise of wealth to come. He is happy. They go out to drink and play pool. https://www.quotes.net/movies/strange_voices_quotes_142366. They find the Arab but Meursault convinces Raymond to give him his gun. He asks Meursault to write a letter to her for him to make her feel bad about what she did. As both speeches are very long, Meursault finds it difficult to pay attention. His dog was not at the pound and he tells Meursault stories about him and the dog. His lawyer visits him the next day and is disturbed that he will not agree to say that he repressed his natural feelings on the day of Maman's funeral. She is excited about the prospect of Paris but he thinks it is dirty. He thinks of Maman and goes to bed without dinner. He points out that every sufferer has found the face of God in the prison stones. Meursault admits to himself that the prosecutor is correct that he is not able to show remorse. He imagines new penal codes which would allow the condemned to have one chance in ten of escaping his fate. I told him one could never be quite sure how to act in such cases, but I quite understood his wanting her to. Meursault eats lunch, takes a nap, and returns to work. Meursault tries to convince the chaplain that he has little time to devote to other thoughts and the chaplain's words do not interest him. Teach your students to analyze literature like LitCharts does. Back at the building, he finds Salamano waiting. In spite of his confidence in his abilities, the young Changez finds it difficult to “sell himself” to Jim, prompting Jim to ask him a series of uncomfortable leading questions – much as Changez asks leading questions of the Stranger. He finds himself near the Arab again and is drawn closer. Although he knows everyone will die, the thought of his appeal is maddening. He wakes up the next day and realizes that it is a weekend and is not surprised his boss was annoyed. The magistrate calls him again and is bothered by the part in his testimony where he hesitated before firing the last four shots. He chews on pieces of wood to get over smoking and realizes that the only way to really punish him is by taking away these freedoms. They talk about Raymond's fight with an Arab and then, his cheating girlfriend. The Stranger literature essays are academic essays for citation. The great success of Princeton University. From the creators of SparkNotes, something better. He devours his lunch and then takes a walk with the other men. Meursault notes how odd it is that his intelligence is used against him. With the heat and glare of the knife, Meursault shoots the gun once and then four more times, killing the Arab. Plot Summary “Rip Van Winkle” focuses on the idle and simple character of Rip Van Winkle. The cops break it up, slapping Raymond when he will not remove a cigarette from his mouth. View All Titles. Similarly, the Stranger’s agreement to follow Changez to the café could mean that he is reluctant to make a scene and is still on his guard, or that he is genuinely interested in passing time with Changez. Meursault works hard the following week and attends the movies twice with Emmanuel. Privacy Policy. To feel less alone, he only hopes that a crowd of haters will welcome him at his execution. He chats with the caretaker, naps, smokes, and has some coffee. No one has a right to cry over her. On the Princeton soccer team, and at Princeton in general, his talents separate him from others instead of ingratiating him with his peers. As Meursault cannot explain why, the magistrate takes out a crucifix and attempts to make Meursault repent so God will forgive him. He understands her need to live life all over again, explaining why she took a fiancé so close to death. Meursault finds it hard to concentrate on their conversation, picking up pieces of the mostly Arab conversations around. The sun is scorching and Meursault feels more oppressed by the heat than sad over his mother's death. Marie is surprised to hear that Meursault's mother died only yesterday. He has nothing to say. Here, repetition and attachment is enacted over and over again by the man and his dog. At Princeton, he’s conscious of his talent, and wants to put it to work for a prestigious company. Meursault has looked only for Marie and not found her. He learns to sleep two thirds of the day . He also mentions that he is sorry about Maman and understands why he put her in a home though many neighbors do not. It’s unclear if Jim hires Changez because his approach is correct, as he says, or at least partly because he admires Changez’s background and sees something of himself in him. Marie visits him once and the visiting room is very crowded, bright, loud, and hot. Struggling with distance learning? He realizes that he can get used to anything. The fact that Changez asks the Stranger a question and then answers it for him suggests that he is less interested in learning about his new friend and more interested in leading, or even bullying him, around the city. Princeton and Underwood Samson encourage Changez to embrace America, but in the present day, Changez makes it clear that he hasn’t forgotten Pakistan at all. In the poem, the poet asks the soft-falling shower, ‘Who are you?’ to which she replies that she is the poem of earth. His attitude is almost fatherly, especially the way he laughs off Changez’s angry outburst. Quotes.net. The chaplain refuses to accept Meursault's behavior. 5 Nov. 2020. They run into two Arabs on the beach and Raymond and Masson fight them. The famous lines introducing Meursault's mother open the novel. In many ways, Western imperialism and American capitalism are responsible for the decline in Changez’s family’s fortunes: the local elite that once dominated Pakistan slowly lose their power and influence, first to the British colonists, then to businessmen, many of whom work for American companies. -Graham S. Once again, it’s unclear what the characters really think and feel. He eats dinner standing up, watches some more, and then moves inside when it gets colder and darker. In this society, ordinary citizens have fallen into a passive stupor of complacency, blind to the insidious growth of a rampant, violent youth culture. After a break, the prosecution's witness are called. The casual way Changez communicates his name to the Stranger establishes more trust and closeness between them, but it also underscores the strangeness of their relationship — Changez treats the Stranger like a friend, but he waits half an hour to introduce himself, and then doesn’t even bother to ask the Stranger for his name. . Not affiliated with Harvard College. He sleeps on the way there. H.G. Our, LitCharts assigns a color and icon to each theme in. Meanwhile, the Stranger seems to be becoming more comfortable around Changez. Frustrating the magistrate further, Meursault says he is more annoyed than sorry about the crime he has committed. Then he can punish her when she comes back to him. The cottage belongs to Masson and his Parisian wife whom Marie befriends. Meursault then naps on the beach before playing in the water more with Marie. To combat time, he catalogs every item in his apartment gaining more and more detail each time he visualizes its entirety. As an adult, he thinks less about his own career and more generally about the ways that America maintains its power. Raymond gets cut and needs to be stitched. Finally, the Stranger could be intimidated, as Changez thinks and as his reaching under his jacket might imply (and the Stranger could have a gun under his jacket or something else entirely, like his wallet), or he could be calmer than Changez supposes.

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