1.3k votes, 26 comments. On June 18, 1995, J.G. [walks in as Reg smiles. [Patrick is kicked into the background] This page still has its Wikiquote formatting. WEENIE HUT JR'S?! Tough Fish #7: I ain't callin' you for dinner! [SpongeBob stammers and whistles] Shaved — that's a hairdo. Nerd #1: Couldn't get in, huh? Sandy: Got any more tattoos? [walks in] Episode №: He stands up with the clothing on his head and feet in some food] Nerd #2: Well, I don't mean to brag, but it's pretty sweet. [Patrick's sadness is quickly replaced by fury and he snarls with rage] Grr! Reg: [lets a fish walk in] Go ahead. It's too dangerous. [two start fighting. Sandy: Back in Texas, we call ice cream "frozen cow juice". [Reg covers the upside down tattoo with his arms] [Someone who looks like SpongeBob walks over to Reg with a cool, black wig on] SpongeBob laughs nervously] So, uh, where do you stand on the whole bald vs. shaved debate? By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Weenie found an open for lease building that was noted to be haunted. Drifter: Doubt it — I'm a drifter — just blew into town. Reg: Nice try, kid. "Uhh no, you're thinking of Monster Weenie Monday. Tough Fish #6: Alright! [a fish is screaming while flying out of the Salty Spitoon] When SpongeBob suggests hot water to open a ketchup bottle, the tattoo is normal, but still reads WOW. [the Drifter gets angry as Reg tries to redo his hair, but can't do it] When the only place he could get served was Weenie Hut Jr: Paramount Television 20. Reg: Uhh. "Squilliam Returns" [points across the street to Weenie Hut General] You can call me a couple of bad names, we rumble, next thing you know, you're in the Salty Spitoon. SpongeBob: Patrick, what are you doing here?! From 1995 to now. Reg: Uhh, right this way, sorry to keep you waiting. March 15, 2002See more... September 10, 2003 January 27, 2009 All orders are custom made and most ship worldwide within 24 hours. Reg: You were sayin'? How tough am I?! [jumps out of the tent towards Sandy] Hi... Robotic Waiter: Care for another sundae, weenie? The staged fight nearly is unsuccessful as Patrick begins to legitimately attack SpongeBob, but soon remembers his job and beats himself up (strangely, Patrick does not use any of his limbs, but takes damage as if someone invisible were hurting him). Cookies help us deliver our Services. Nah, dude. U.S. viewers (millions): That's her name; she's also covered in... yes! She's "Sandy." Reporting on what you care about. Nerd #2: And besides, today's Monday. Patrick: Okay, but I must warn you. SpongeBob: What? Are you saying that I belong at Weenie Hut Jr's? SpongeBob: Yeah, I feel pretty sorry for the next guy who looks at me funny. You destroyed that guy without even touchin' him. By force, she accepted Pat's offer of making the place a restaurant and forced her to be a waiter. [rips SpongeBob off his arm] Go ahead in. Tom: Way to go, buddy. Patrick: Who, me? Weenie found an open for lease building that was noted to be haunted. When Reg suggests SpongeBob to go to Weenie Hut Jr's and Super Weenie Hut Jr's, it's back to MOM again. [SpongeBob jumps away] Three days! Tough Fish #4: Hey, Reg, how's it going? Sorry about that. For further questions go to SpongePedia:Contents ! [hands the bottle of ketchup to SpongeBob] Reg: [sarcastically] Wow. Ice Cream Vendor: No, no, thank you. [points to a large muscular fish behind him] N/A When his son, J.D. (That wasn't called "The Old Haunted Place") Then when J.D. List of episode transcripts I had avocado toast for breakfast....without any artisanal olive oil. Reg: Hold it, you two! Tough Fish #7: Thanks, Reg. See ya inside, SpongeBob! When you get in a real fight, then we'll talk. Sandy: Hi-yah! Tough Fish #1: How tough am I? [flies out of the water then back into it. SpongeBob crashes into the ground, followed by his pants, socks, and shoes. Reg: Uhh, that won't be necessary. The name summoned 3,323 new customers in 2 months. SpongeBob: My friends don't hang out at Weenie Hut Jr.'s! It's the only way of getting into the Salty Spitoon! Why not fake a fight? But I'm not a weenie! Patrick: No, SpongeBob, you can't. I will get into the Salty Spitoon! Doctor: What happened? The Weenie Hut patrons suggest ways for SpongeBob to prove his toughness and gain entrance. Nerd #1: Actually, they moved Double Weenie Wednesday to Friday. SpongeBob: I don't care if you're the demon seed of Davy Jones! Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Mr. Krabs: That depends. SpongeBob: I slipped on an ice cube and got covered in boo-boos! It's the only way of getting into the Salty Spitoon! SpongeBob: Super Weenie Hut Jr's? This is the first appearance of the joke where they confuse a sponge for SpongeBob in disguise. His black eye never lasted that long, unlike in episode: When Reg first appears, his tattoo reads MOM. I, SpongeBob SquarePants, am tough enough to get into the Salty Spitoon! Nerd #2: Super Weenie Hut Jr's has a Mega Weenie Monday. Nerd #1: Ha-ha! SpongeBob: I don't have time for this! SpongeBob: Yes, Sandy, I most certainly am ready! After checking once around, he had thought it was okay until a waiter looking robot attacked and killed him by squeezing his heart out. Patrick: Oh yeah. Robot: "Would you like another diet cola with a lemon twist...Weenie?" I think you'd be more comfortable over at that place. SpongeBob: How tough am I? [rips off one of his tattoos that says "MOM" and puts it upside down back where it was. Tough Fish #4: Thanks, Reg. Sandy: You ran inside and slipped on an ice cube. [kicks SpongeBob in his mouth] Look, SpongeBob, we both brought our karate gear. Only the baddest of the bad can get in. [flexes his arm] You need to have muscles on your muscles. [SpongeBob walks up to Patrick] 116k members in the spongebob community. Or maybe it's for tough women, too? SpongeBob: I may be down, but I'm not out! [winks and gives a thumbs-up to SpongeBob]

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