The spectra is a great plane, I had many enjoyable flights, but the one weakness was the original wing joiner. Plot No.127 Part 1 & Part 1A Micro servos on the other hand weigh only about 0.6 oz, a savings of 1.8 oz for two servos. Local pickup (1669 miles away) Posted 1 year ago in Tools & machinery. Completing the CAPTCHA proves you are a human and gives you temporary access to the web property. If you've found this article useful, you may also be interested in: BUILDING SPECTRA ..THANK YOU FOR ALL THE WEIGHT SAVING TIPS…. Smaller saws have a throat of as little as 12 inches (300 mm), while commercial saws can approach 30 inches (760 mm). There’s a 1¾" diameter, 1/16" thick plywood ring at the front, which lines up with the back of the spinner. It is up to you, the reader, to determine the suitability of, and Spectra Handheld Distance Meters, Handheld Distance Meters @ Discount Prices |DynamiteToolCo.Com, Spectra, Lasers, Horizental Lasers, Vertical Lasers @ Discount Prices |DynamiteToolCo.Com, Spectra Laser Levels | Dynamite Tool sells Spectra Laser Level Kits and Rods. While somewhat similar to a band saw, a scroll saw uses a reciprocating blade rather than a continuous loop. The scroll arms are usually available in three main types of arms. The next thing I did was create another former to go in front of F4. Scroll Saw, Model JWSS-22B. The nose looks somewhat like the nose of a Spitfire, with the top of the spinner flush with the top of the nose, but the bottom of the spinner about ½" above the bottom of the nose. Belvidere, IL Map is approximate to keep the seller's location private. Wear work gloves to protect your hands. The opinions expressed in this blog are those of the blog's author and guests and in no way reflect the views of Tools for Working Wood. I’ve long preferred the appearance and convenience of bolt-on wings, but until recently, I didn’t feel that I was a good enough pilot to use such a rigid wing mounting method. For cooling, I drilled two ¼" holes right through the gearbox, on the side opposite where the output gear is (ie. Unplug the scroll saw before installing this part. Harohalli (Post), Kanakapura (Taluk) Have you published any video of yours flying?. Great stuff. another web site or other publication without express written leaving a donation to help support Clamp Knob Assembly. Spectra Tools ( Wilton Tools) 16" Scroll Saw. Then I drilled two holes through the wing, from the bottom, but with the drill at right angles to the top surface. Belvidere, IL Map is approximate to keep the seller's location private. Share. Painted the fuselage (with heavy acrylic paint) 2. III. This makes covering a bit tedious, because one must apply the adhesive to the structure (and the film too, for sheeted areas), but the film is very nice to work with. Everything is intermingled. This arrangement helps to reduce splintering on the bottom edges of the cut. Want to see your picture next to your comments Joel, thanks so much for putting this together. If all the above improvements were made, the weight could be reduced by an additional 11 oz, resulting in a ready-to-fly weight of only 42 oz, with a 9 oz/sq.ft wing loading, and a 1000 ft/min climb capability. Standard sized servos, as used in my Spectra-V, weigh about 1½ oz each. So, even though it looks like the bulkhead is sandwiched between the motor and gearbox, the gearbox actually makes physical contact with the motor. The scroll saw's name derives from its traditional use in making scrollwork, sculptural ornaments which prominently featured scroll-head designs. It has a single-piece cast iron frame. This won't be hard since you've got a great selection and and competitive prices. Today with our competent work force That said, I’m looking at getting back into the hobby and getting another spectra. Next, I installed a length of ¼" hardwood dowel into the hole (shown in blue below), using epoxy to hold it in. LIKE NEW. The throat depth determines how large a piece of wood can be cut. Scroll saws are often used to cut intricate curves and joints, a task they can complete quickly and with great accuracy. Thanks for taking the trouble to prepare the chart. The glue the spar to the opposite edge, on the opposite side, as illustrated in Step 1 above. Thanks for the education. I then ran them through my scroll saw, with the table tilted 35° to bevel the root (being sure to make one right and one left tail). I decided the area being covered was small enough that the weight gained by using Monokote would be negligible. I. Spectra Tool holders with MODULAR HOLDING SYSTEM. I made cooling air intakes below the spinner. made to ensure accuracy and reliability, the information on this web Skip tooth (or single skip tooth) which have a tooth, a gap, and then another tooth; Double skip tooth (two teeth, a gap, then two teeth); Crown or two-way, which have teeth facing both up and down so that the blade cuts on both the down-stroke (as with all other blades) and the up-stroke; Spiral blades, which are essentially regular flat blades with a twist, so that teeth project on all sides; Metal cutting blades made of hardened steel; Diamond blades (wires coated with diamond fragments), for cutting glass. The following diagram illustrates the construction steps: Start by glueing the 1/16 x ½" balsa spacer to one edge of a length of 1/32" x 2" sheet. Like a hand coping saw, the scroll saw's blade can be removed and placed through a pre-drilled starting hole, allowing interior cutouts to be made without an entry slot. Scroll sawing is a popular hobby for many woodworkers. Part Number: 286303-00 In Stock, 25+ Available. It also doesn’t have the tendency to wrinkle in the corners of open-frame structures. The arm makes it possible for the right cuts to be made. This article describes the overhaul process, and the changes I made to the plane. Origin Los Angeles, California, U.S. I'm a four loom weaver as many a man knows... Connect to the Craft Show - What a Great Logo!!! First, I drilled a ¼" hole into the leading edge at the centre, pretty much straight in from the front. HAVE ANY TIPS TO ADD SPOILERS TO SPECTRA ? Applied too much epoxy to the wing centre-section joint 3. Saw Spectra: 04/03/2009 Everything you have ever wanted to know about saw tooth design: Last November, while I was at Woodworking In America, I participated in a class on Western saw design. I did this by drawing lines parallel to each edge, about ½" from the edge. In addition, many scroll saw projects require little more than the saw itself, reducing the investment in tools.

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