Spanish is best learned over food! El gazpachoSpanish cold tomato soup A customer wants some information from you. ¿Qué me recomienda?What do you recommend? And if you want to order for a friend who doesn’t speak Spanish, it works great. (lo-kEE-air-o-PO-co-ETch-o / al-pUN-to / bee-en-ETch-o) Don’t let your meal be spoiled by an over-cooked or under-cooked steak. El quesocheese, Las croquetas de jamónham croquettes In fact, it was Shakespeare who said brevity is the soul of wit. Pagar con tarjetato pay with card Choose the … Waiter! Notice it’s also in the question, ¿Qué quieres para tomar? Let’s start off with an appetizer (aperitivo) covering all the basics you’re more than likely to encounter the moment you enter a restaurant. Your response: Tomo un agua con gas. Spanish you need in a restaurant. Me das … Perdón (Pardon me) La cartamenu Most importantly, use these phrases and you’ll blend right in with the locals. Lo quiero poco hecho / al punto / bien hecho. For whites, they might ask you if you like it afrutado (fruity) or seco (dry). Often, this is where you’ll find the most seasonal treats or freshest arrivals of fish. Once you are inside the restaurant, the waiter will say or ask these things: When answering the questions above, try using these useful Spanish phrases: Un momento por favor. El clienteclient La bebidathe drink After the waiter motions to you to order, you say: Para mi + (what you want). (Yes, of course) El vaso de aguaglass of water, Dejar propinato leave a tip ), You: No, todavía no estoy listo. When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? No gracias, estoy a reventar/ estoy lleno (No thanks, I’m full) Study the phrases on this page to learn to understand the common phrases that restaurant staff would say to you when you visit the restaurant. © Copyright 2006-2013 All Rights Reserved, Listen To Restaurant Related Spanish Phrases, Comparison Grid of Materials for Learning Spanish, Get an email when new items are published. With my friends, Tu. Is there any free table? ¿Tienen mesa libre? On the other hand, the waiter (el mesero) or the waitress (la mesera) will usually welcome you with a greeting like “Bienvenido, pase adelante por favor” (welcome, please come in) or “Bienvenido, ¿Tiene reservación?. La paellapaella Restaurant Related Spanish Phrases Listen To Restaurant Related Spanish Phrases. Let your waiter know you’re in a bit of a hurry before ordering your meal to make sure they know to get you out on time. And you need some extra time you can use these two phrases: Todavía no estoy listo (I’m not ready yet) I wouldn’t worry about being formal or informal in this setting. Avoid some of the most common pitfalls with these handy Spanish sentences which will help you eat just like the locals. La cucharaspoon In Madrid, everyone is more straightforward. I love learning Spanish even though sometimes I feel like I am beating my head against the wall. (What would you like to have), You: ¿Me das una Corona por favor? When you needed something you would go up to the stand and say “put it in the bag”. Restaurant Spanish: The Only Phrases You Need to Know,,, Copyright Happy Hour Spanish All Rights Reserved © 2014-2020, 14 Spanish Idioms that Don’t Work in English, The Ultimate Spanish Guide for Going to the Doctor. Para mi …. And I couldn’t remember how to order food. This exercise is for restaurant service staff. Required fields are marked *, For 24/7 customer service For a touch of milk ask for un cortado descafeinado. There is no better feeling than seeing your waiter (mesero) approach your table with a tray of piping hot food. ), ¿Me traes otra cerveza? There is no simpler way to tell someone what you want than to say “I want”.
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