The box then splits apart to reveal the Torch Lady on the left (in its same style as before), and the Pegasus on the right (again, the same style as before), as the wording takes its position. The text shines for a few seconds after the logo is formed. Sometimes, the box has a black border, other times, it doesn't have one. The cube spins once and settles down, facing the viewers. On trailers featuring this logo, the trailer music plays over the logo. FX/SFX: Great CGI. [6][7] A new company was formed in early 1988 with the Tri-Star name to take over the studio's operations. This has also been seen on some Laserdiscs, including the 1993 Criterion release of Monty Python and the Holy Grail and The Wrecking Crew. On UK and Australian releases of Kermit's Swamp Years, along with the Jim Henson Entertainment logo and the film itself, the audio is high pitched. There is also a version with extra brightness on both 2002 and 2005 versions in color. 2002-2009: Copyright © [YEAR] Adelaide Productions, Inc. All Rights Reserved. [21], On July 22, 2015, SPHE and Transmission Films reached a multi-year distribution pact to release the Transmission Films library in Australia (through Universal Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Australia Pty Limited) and in New Zealand. Nice effects, but pales in comparison to its international counterpart. They also distributed titles from various other film companies unrelated to Columbia, including most of New Line Cinema's theatrical releases (though not all, as Media Home Entertainment and Family Home Entertainment distributed several NLC films during the Columbia deal). SPHE also handles the Australian DVD distribution of Lionsgate titles (via Hoyts), after that company was unsuccessful in purchasing Magna Pacific, and the subsequent collapse of the successful bidder, Destra Entertainment. [17][18], Sony has since created numerous other film production and distribution units, such as creating Sony Pictures Classics for art-house fare, by forming Columbia TriStar Pictures (also known as the Columbia TriStar Motion Picture Group) by merging Columbia Pictures and TriStar Pictures in 1998, revitalizing Columbia's former television division Screen Gems. The rays die down and we see "SONY PICTURES" in the Sony font appear below the Bars, a line is drawn underneath that, and "HOME ENTERTAINMENT" appears underneath. [42] On December 17, 2014, Sony cancelled the previously planned December 25 release of The Interview in response to hacker threats. History Talk (0) Comments Share. It was only used on video releases outside North America. There is a shorter version that stops before revealing a clip-on. Logo: On a colored background, the same box from the 1st RCA/Columbia Pictures Home Video logo, in 2D, fades in. Fullscreen version cropped to 16:9 that "hides" Home Entertainment from view. Some of them are still in print. Surprisingly, the VHS version still appeared on French Canadian tapes even during the SPHE era, such as. Logo: On a white background, we see two boxes outlined with a black border. Some of the last releases to include this logo were Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze, and City Slickers; here the logo fades out earlier than usual. Coming Soon to DVD On Blu-ray Discs since June 20, 2006, as well as a few DVDs since December 26, 2005, the logo is much more contrasted. Cheesy Factor: Again, just like the 2nd logo, the Pegasus looks like it's pasted on top of the Columbia background. Nicknames: "CT Boxes", "The Boxes Cometh", "The First Box Logo", "Split Rectangle", "Prototype CT Boxes", "Rectangular Boxes". A set of white lines of light appear and zoom out to solidify into the Shining Bars, Sony Pictures Entertainment's logo, which give off rays of light. [15] On August 27, 2013, Mill Creek Entertainment signed a deal with SPHE to distribute 665 SPE films and 54 television series on DVD. Cheesy Factor: The only thing that's cheesy is the music. [5] The venture distributed NBC titles, as it was a subsidiary of RCA at the time. FX/SFX: The "swinging border" on the first variation. Availability: Has rare written all over it. Nicknames: "The International Spinning Cube", "RCA/Columbia Box II", "The RCA/Columbia Cube". Most of the time, the logo would fade in and fade out. Music/Sounds: A rather dramatic synth theme with ticking drums and hints of piano. In 2011, the Sony Pictures computer network was breached and approximately one million user accounts associated with the website were leaked.[22]. [9], SPHE had a three-year deal with Starz's Anchor Bay Entertainment for worldwide DVD releases, with the exceptions of North America, Canada, Australia, and the United Kingdom.[10]. As the light in the boxes die down, the Columbia Torch Lady zooms in towards us in the left box, and we see the Pegasus (in his similar style from the 1993 TriStar Pictures logo), stretch his wings in the right box, as the wings cross over to the Columbia box. Variants: 1. But things get better with the next few... Nicknames: "CT Boxes VII", "Part VII: Back To Normal? Editor's Note: If this blew your mind like we said previously, wait until you see the successor to these logos below... Nicknames: "Ultra Majestic Torch Lady-Pegasus Combo", "Part IX: End of an Era", "Last of Columbia TriStar", "Columbia Tristar IX". Like the previous logo, it was only used outside of North America, but you'll spot it if you have a NTSC tape from Mexico or Japan, or a SECAM tape. "HOME VIDEO" is seen below. From 1993-96, following the logo's formation, the boxes would then slide away, the CTHV text would fade out, the blue background fades out to the moving clouds and one of the following clip-ons would zoom in from the center of the screen: On Australian tapes, the logos and the text fades out and one of these: On the trailer variants, the theme (which appears to have been arranged differently, being performed in a sharper key than on the normal logo) would be followed by a male announcer announcing the text at the clip-on, whilst the music goes on longer than usual. "HOME VIDEO" is at the bottom of the white border, in black. When Tri-Star Pictures was formed in 1984, R/CPHV became one of the three primary distributors of Tri-Star product for home video (the other two being CBS/Fox Video and Thorn-EMI/HBO Video {later renamed to HBO/Cannon Video and then simply HBO Video}, as CBS and HBO originally held stakes in Tri-Star), and fully assumed distribution of TriStar titles in the early 1990s. Sony Pictures Entertainment Inc. (commonly known as Sony Pictures or SPE, and formerly known as Columbia Pictures Entertainment Inc.) is an American entertainment company that produces, acquires, and distributes filmed entertainment (theatrical motion pictures, television programs, and recorded videos) through multiple platforms. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment was established in June 1978 as Columbia Pictures Home Entertainment, and released 20 titles in November 1979. Other times, the logo would fade in and out. Kazuo Matsunaga (Vice Chairman of the Board), Kenichiro Yoshida (Chairman, President and CEO), This page was last edited on 30 October 2020, at 23:55. [15] On August 27, 2013, Mill Creek Entertainment signed a deal with SPHE to distribute 665 SPE films and 54 television series on DVD. There is also a silent version (sometimes on movie networks like Starz and Encore). This makes surprise appearances on the SVS/Triumph release of. Music/Sounds: Two timpani drumbeats, followed by an uplifting-sounding horn/string piece. The pan then quickly dissolves into a shot from the center of the Pegasus unfolding his wings, albeit in a close-up fashion, and then a dissolve to the Torch Lady zooming out from her face. However, the logo does appear at the beginning of non-Columbia (later Tri-Star, New Line, Crown International, CineTel Films) pictures such as Real Genius, Say Yes, The King of Comedy, Private Resort, Alone in the Dark, Critters, and Rock and Roll: The Early Days. On the left side, we see the print version of the '80s Torch Lady (With the sunburst intact behind her), and on the right, the print version of the 1984 TriStar "Pegasus Over Pyramid" logo (Without the word "PICTURES" at the bottom). (Used on, 2002-: Copyright © [YEAR] Jeopardy Productions, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The main difference to the logo, however, is that the border is now silvery, with "HOME VIDEO" etched in silver. Japanese tapes would use a dark gray background. On most Columbia TriStar DVDs from 2001-05, the logo is in warp-speed. Logo: The 1975-1981 Columbia Pictures "Sunburst" theatrical logo plays as normal, but there is a video freeze at the end, with "Columbia Pictures" blacked out. Strangely, this also appears on the Special Edition 2005 VHS of Matilda, likely due to it using a tape master from the original 1996 VHS. (Used on, 2002-2003: © [YEAR] Columbia TriStar Television Distribution. Music/Sounds: Whooshing sounds as the words, "COLUMBIA TRISTAR" move into position. Nickname: "The Sunburst" Logo: The same as the Columbia Pictures "Sunburst" theatrical logo, but there is a video freeze at the end, with "Columbia Pictures"blacked out by the words: written in white, in Cooper Black font, churned in below. NBC alleged that they were unaware of this transaction and had become convinced that Columbia was forming their own video unit in strict defiance of the joint venture, which was set to expire in 1992. Nicknames: "The Early Pegasus", "Wobbly Wings", "Jumping Pegasus", "Pegasus Over Pyramid", "'80s Pegasus". Seen mainly on releases outside of North America such as The Amazing Spider Man, The Real Ghostbusters, and Annie. However, if you have an NTSC tape from (at least) Mexico or Japan, or even a SECAM tape from Russia, you'll probably find this logo. The logo was preserved on the German Blu-ray release of Kermit's Swamp Years. In March 1990, NBC filed a lawsuit against Columbia and its then-new parent company Sony under the perception that the latter two parties were violating their joint pact. Above the boxes are the words "COLUMBIA TRISTAR", with each word positioned over its respective logo. Depending on the era of the tape, either the 2001 or 2004 variant is used. [2], SPE is a member of the Big Five and the Motion Picture Association (MPA).[5]. 2002-: Copyright © [YEAR] Sony Pictures Television (Inc.) All Rights Reserved. Trailer Variants: On 2005-2006 VHS releases by SPHE, one of the following phrases would fade in during the clouds portion of the animation with a male announcer saying the phrase.

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