Dickens Thompson, T.J. Beitel, C.T. Guardian Cases Perhaps your videos will encourage me to play it more often and learn some more tunes! Indian Hill Rodriguez, Manuel de Lucia, Paco They excel at Celtic music and this one plays great and is in lovely condition. Alberico, Fabrizio Hauser, Hermann III Sifel Creek Guitars Taylor Guitars Pedregosa, Jose Ruiz White, Woodley Robbins Guitars Ebata Donal Clancy used this guitar on his album On the Lonesome Plain. Taylor, R. Franks, MJ Milburn Rossner, Heinz Holst Moonstone Indian Hill V. Da y Sobrinos De Domingo Estesto Plazuelo, Jose Marin So these are becoming very hard to find. Casimi Guitars Contreras II, Manuel Thames, Michael LHT Guitars Pimentel Sobell, Stefan Dumble All citterns, 8, 10 and 12 string instruments can have the longer bouzouki scale, which helps lower tunings such as low D or C. Soundboard:   German Spruce Ome Blazer & Henkes Walker, Scott Rickenbacker Rauch, Otto Grace Design Lavoie, Benoît McIntyre Pickups If I meet the buyer in person I would of course prefer cash. Pimentel Wingert, Kathy I also build smaller bodied octave mandolins and citterns; these share body dimensions with my mandola. Description Additional information Description. Vines, Tony Pogreba Bear, G.R. Conley Holst Shopis, Rodrigo Baranik Phoenix (Rolfe Gerhardt) Borges Copyright 2020 © Dream Guitars All Rights Reserved. Fleta Hamer Ensor Guitars Green, Aaron Dammann Custom Instruments McConnell, Jordan Andersen, Steven Dehradun Guitar Company Alhambra Guitars Bashkin, Michael Stonebridge Guitars Kobrle Brandt, Greg Guild Van Linge It was sometimes described as ‘being suitable for Celtic music’, which I disagreed with; I felt, and feel, it was suitable for many kinds of music. Romero, J. Banjos Indian rosewood for sale; Brazilian rosewood for sale Dave of England True North (Dennis Scannell) Claxton, Ed Built for a left-handed customer, it has a small cosmetic blemish on the left side of the rosette and the customer decided not to take it. Sobell, Stefan Scheerhorn Guitars Collings Boaz/Majkowski Beauregard, Mario Simpson Kopp, Kevin Donal Clancy used this guitar on his album On the Lonesome Plain. Citterns and octave mandolins; Mandolins & Mandola; Construction and Design. Mendel, Joe The octave mandolin is a tear-drop shaped instrument strung with four courses of steel strings, usually tuned GDAE or similar, one octave below mandolin pitch. Collins Guitars Amplification is by Highlander bridge pickup. Rayco Resophonics K&K Sound Mönch, Edgar Website by Integritive Web Design :: Asheville, NC. Lakewood Bacon & Day Banjo Company Stefan Sobell is not currently making any mandolin family instruments due to his large backlog of guitar orders. Tuners:   Gotoh minis Gallagher Carrillo, Vincente Rossner, Heinz Mauel Guitars Blanchard, Mark Webber Guitars Yong Rubio, G.V. Back and sides: Birdseye Maple Sanzone Guitar & Mandolin Co. Gutmeier Guitars Larson Brothers Eggle Dudenbostel, Lynn Sakurai, Masaki The sound is clear and firm and also rich, surprisingly so for the body size. Williams, Laurie Walker, Kim Beitel, C.T. Pinkham, Ron Woodsound Studios Larrivee Guitars Montero, Antonio Marin McAlister Hickler Banjos EVD (Edward Victor Dick) Daily, David S. Hernandez Guitarras At the time Irish musicians were beginning to play Greek bouzoukis, and UK luthier Peter Abnett had built Donal Lunny a semi-round back bouzouki. The Guitar Company Of America Chapman, Alan Loef Carruth, Alan Hahl, Stefan White, Peggy Alhambra Guitars White, Peggy Paldacci Guitars Lehmann & Cole de Jonge, Joshia Gallagher Huerga Bills, Tom Belonging to the mandolin family, the octave mandolin is an instrument with four pairs of strings tuned in fifths, G, D, A, E. Just as the name implies, this instrument is an octave below a regular mandolin. Trim: Herringbone Mönch, Edgar Sifel Creek Guitars Ryan, Kevin Blackshear, Tom Striebel Guitars For any queries or more information, email stefan@sobellguitars.com or telephone +44 (0) 1434 673567. Imai, Yuichi Stromberg Baron Guitars Conley Fredell, Gustav Fender Banchetti, Paris Deering Banjos Hernandez Guitarras Velazquez, Don Manuel Perry, Daryl Osthoff, John My mandola is based on my small bodied cittern body, with a shallower carved back body made from birdseye maple. It does have a repaired surface crack on the treble side. Rubio Guitars Caton, Kevin Bellido, José López Ome Sheppard Galloup Studios Doc's Banjos Applegate, Brian Body width: 14.2″ (36 cm) Nashville Guitar Company Rodriguez e Hyos, Manuel Both Kentucky and Loar design both A-style and F-style instruments. McKnight Tail showing  African Blackwood sides, Highlander pickup EPJS and black Rocklite binding with red/gold/green purfling. Wilborn Guitars Re: Sobell mandolin for sale Years ago, like 30 years ago, a friend ordered a mandolin from S. Sobell, and I was there when it arrived. Barba, Francisco Romero, J. Banjos Muth, R. S. Schenk Rockbridge Rubio Guitars Franklin Guitars Veillette, Joe Jang, Isaac Desmond Guitars Find Brands Audirac, Gerard This beautiful Sobell Mandolin was made in 1995. Fingerboard and bridge:   Ebony Keller, Michael Eko Simpson This is the first we've seen in quite a while and it's a good one. Forster, NK Moreira, Rodrigo Audio Sprockets Khomiachkov Ian says: 1990 Sobell Butterfly German Spruce and Brazilian Rosewood. Radial Engineering Danelectro Calton Cases Berkowitz Walker, Scott This is the first we've seen in quite a while and it's a good one. Gruner Lehmann Stringed Instruments Renaissance (Rick Turner) Fischer, Paul Gustavsson New Era Char Rivero You can find mandolins from a variety of different leading music brands including Bridge, Stagg and Ozark. McInturff, Terry Fujii Guitars Weissenborn Osthoff, John Matsuda, Michihiro :                                Brazilian mahogany. Kinnaird, John Wilson, D.L. JGS Guitars Beneteau, Marc Lucas, Randy Desmond Guitars Northwood Ovation John Taylor is selling his 1999 Model 1, which he bought directly from me. Weber Bamburg Huss & Dalton Ellis Mandolins EVD (Edward Victor Dick) Borghino Guitars Petros Guitars Lucas, A.J., Guitars Greenfield, Michael It comes with its original Sobell Mandolin Case. Buscarino, John Walker, Scott If you choose to use PayPal, I only use the goods / services option as this provides fraud protection. Foley Composite Acoustics Boswell Guitars Lakewood Micheletti Guitars Ameritage Cases McPherson Nashville Guitar Company Daily, David S. Maldonado, Pedro Yague These early mandos from Stefan are loud and clear with his distinct European tone. Gilbert, John I have a brand new left-handed guitar-cittern for sale. They appealed to accompanists looking for an alternative to the acoustic guitar sound and to tenor banjo players looking for a softer and more sustaining alternative to the banjo clackety clack. National Levy's Leathers Carnal, Gil Altman Please note that the buyer is responsible for the 3% fee. Boaz Guitars Marzal, Jesus Lehmann & Cole Retrograde Guitars Alvarez Yairi Bogdanovich, J.S. Henriksen, Inc.

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