Whenever you enter a Rest Site, start the next combat with 2 Energy. share. Gain 1 Energy at the start of each turn. It’s not always terrible—forcing a Slime Boss to split before he unleashes his slam attack will save you from the immense damage. The next 2 chests you open contain 2 Relics. On a side note I was surprised to learn that Pandora's Box is ridiculously good and is pretty much always in top 3 relics for every class and difficulty level and that Inserter is massively overrated even by Ascension 20 players. Build, card ranking, and strategy for Ascension Mode. Donu and Deca and The Awakened One also get significant buffs while Time Eater stays about the same, so the list becomes: Act 1: Hexaghost >> Slime Boss >> The Guardian (very unbalanced), Act 2: The Champ > Bronze Automaton > The Collector, Act 3: Donu and Deca > The Awakened One >> Time Eater. Those runs are currently anonymous. At the start of each combat, this card will be in your hand. The tables on the page are currently broken down by act, but I also tried smaller subsets and even when you get down to chunks of ~5 floors the card that is typically picked later shows better performance in almost all the cases. These tables show relative winrates and popularity of different boss relics. Whenever you climb a floor gain 12 gold. Cards which Exhaust when played will instead discard 50% of the time. Statistics by Class: Ironclad Silent Defect. At the start of each combat, gain 1 Artifact. report. At the start of each combat, apply 1 Weak to ALL enemies. Added caching support to Boss Relic pages. Strength Reduction is applied before Weak, and will be negated by Artifact in that sequence. Each boss has its own icon shown at the top of the map, giving the player time to plan their strategy. I re-uploaded data that has been submitted to the main site since 2020-03-29 for the purposes of testing the run parser and to have some starting Watcher data. When viewing your Draw Pile, the cards are now shown in order. Modders have been busy adding new characters, cards, relics, potions, and even completely new rulesets to Slay the Spire, and mods run the gamut with everything from poker rules to Sailor Moon to playable monsters to farming. Added images to relic and potion tooltips. The plan is still to complete everything on the Roadmap and replace the old site. If you’re a fan of another type of card game, you’ll enjoy The Poker Player mod. For example 75th percentile of EVERY boss relic picked at the end of Act 2 is the maximum possible floor. In Ascension, Hexaghost, The Champ, and Bronze Automaton get huge buffs. At the start of your turn, Upgrade a random card in your hand until end of combat. Whenever you Exhaust a card, add a random card to your hand. Imported up-to-date descriptions of all objects from Slay the Spire Wiki, including Watcher data. Basic Strategy Apply a minimum of uncommon. This was not tracked before Spirelogs 2.0 so unless I reupload and reprocess runs there's no way to get it. Start each combat with 3 Strength that is lost at the end of your turn. You can now gain Strength at Rest Sites. save. 2020-06-04: Basic Shop Stats and Boss Relics. Previously it was just "removed X on floor N" and transformed cards weren't recorded at all due to limitations of older run files. Watcher uploads are available and everything else will be gradually added. Watcher uploads are available and everything else will be gradually added. Creating new accounts had a different problem, also related to moving files around. At the end of your turn, you no longer discard your hand. Press J to jump to the feed. Start each combat with 3 additional Orb slots. The first Attack played each turn that costs 2 or more is played twice. On Ascension 20, the player will fight two bosses at the end of Act 3. Every time you play 3 Attacks in a single turn, gain 1 Strength. At the start of each combat, apply 1 Weak to ALL enemies. The act 1 elites are all made to be dealt with essentially with just your basic cards, you just have to know how to deal with them. Enemies with Vulnerable take 75% more damage rather than 50%. For every 5 cards in your deck, heal 2 HP whenever you enter a Rest Site. Winrates of relics obtained at the start are compared to the class's Starting Relic and winrates of relics obtained from Act 1 and Act 2 bosses are compared to the average winrate of runs which have reached the first floor of the next act. At the start of each combat, this card will be in your hand.
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