She said that they didn't know what caused it. I felt a deep sickening feeling. Just rest and don't stress yourself out- every day that he's in your tummy is helpful. I'm sorry you experienced that. I don't know how to go on.....He was a twin and I lost him by miscarriage 5 weeks earlier.....did the death of the first twin cause the placenta abruption?? Find advice, support, and good company (and some stuff just for fun). Thank you so much for sharing. We respect everyone’s right to express their thoughts and opinions as long as they remain respectful of other community members, and meet What to Expect’s Terms of Use. Thank you for all your thoughts and advice. I couldn’t control my breathing and everything went so incredibly slow. Keep setting small goals and keep your mind busy while you are there. They asked if we had a name picked. I think I asked the midwives a million questions about what could be happening and as soon as they said it could be a placenta abruption I looked at Ryan and cried. I also had to be strong for my other two boys' who at that time were 6 and 1 years old. I only found out 30 years later that it was the Aspirin that cause me to go into labor and that caused me to bleed almost to death. There are some emotional support websites, on one of them parents place poems and prayers for their lost ones. The doctor then told her to start the syntocinon drip to get things moving along faster. My girlfriend and I lost our first son 3 days before his due date. It was actually more like a murder scene according to my husband. At 3am the nurse came in and as I stood up off the toilet, blood came splattering all over the floor with more clots. The only thing that has saved my sanity is my two sons that I had prior to this tradgity. It was after two or three pushes that I notice major concern in everyone's voices and I see them wheel in the vacuum extractor and notice my doctor asking for something that turned out to be a internal fetal monitor. We both started crying and I thanked God a million times over. Apparently my son (we didn't know the sex at this point) was born at 10:30 am. I went through 4 different types of medicines to stop my labor and eventually the contractions would always start up again and there just wasn’t anything left to do but deliver the baby. which has been coming out. She looked concerned and said she would call my doctor. They were wheeling me out of surgery where we crossed paths with my baby's transport team in the hallway. This is awesome thanks for the positivity and the tips. Your story brought tears to my eyes. Fingers crossed for you. I can’t see anything,” and left the room. That’s the thing with birth, it is something completely out of your control. See our Privacy Policy here. But I know on the board for chronic placental abruption there are others like you who have made and had their babies. I had been having a "text-book" pregnancy according to the doctor's... up till this point. We disclaim all responsibility for the professional qualifications and licensing of, and services provided by, any physician or other health providers posting on or otherwise referred to on this Site and/or any Third Party Site. I remember laying in recovery just in shock that all of that had happened. I was wheeled into theater and there was a group of nurses and doctors in their scrubs with masks and gloves on – I must admit it was very daunting. It was extremely scary and depressing. I felt so dizzy and kept pinching my leg hoping this was just a nightmare. A woman starts to wheel me up to Labor & Delivery while Scott turns the car off and he luckily catches up with us at the elevator. Good luck mama! I as well am an aspiring blog writer but I’m still new to everything. I look down and the water is all bloody so I knew we had to move FAST. Ryan looked at me and we both breathed with a huge sigh of relief. I don't remember much of the drive to the hospital except that I was screaming in pain while squeezing Scott's hand. I said to Ryan “look after our girls, I love you so much”. He looked like Mama and had my chest.. We are very heartbroken.. It was a real eye-opener. It takes 45 minutes to sew me up, thank god she does take the time to numb me for that. Could the amnotic fluid cause apruption? I was given a gown and disposable undies and pad to change into as I was covered in blood. There was no time for an epidural. So sorry you had to go through something like this but I’m so glad that you and your baby are okay. They did an ultrasound and saw that the cervix was meassuring "2" but they like to see like "2.5" or something like that for 32 weeks. I sat on the seat waiting for him holding my belly and continued to time my contractions which were around 3 minutes apart and lasted 40 seconds. I went to the toilet then felt something that I was hoping was my mucous plug come out. Signs & Symptoms of Placental Abruption. Wow didn't see your next post until now, congratulations!! I screamed and Ryan went white as a ghost – we knew this was not good. I rang my mum to meet us at the hospital so she could grab Harper. Slept through the night a few months later. I said f no! There was no cause found. i lost my daughter due to a placental abruption on the 28th may of this year. Suzy July 8, 2018 at 5:08 pm. WE HAVE ANOTHER SON, WHO IS 7 YRS. I also was able to hold him for the complete day. My daughter was born early. I am a 30 year old man living in Largo,Fl. I delivered early for a different reason, but was in and out of the hospital from 25 weeks to almost 33 weeks when I delivered. Hmm it looks like your blog ate my first comment (it was extremely long) so I guess I’ll just sum it up what I had written and say, I’m thoroughly enjoying your blog. I was so weak from the amount of blood loss but my counts were high enough that I didn't have to be transfused. Congratulations lady! Thank you for sharing cause it really helps to not feel like you’re the only one this happened to! I went to go pee in the cup and noticed very very faint pink discharge on my underwear. We've been in NICU for 94 days now. I’m finally out of labor and delivery and on a high risk floor now so I take that as a good thing. I wanted to know if anyone had any similar experiences and how long they were able to hold on to. My husband was on a business trip (he goes on these like once a year), and he works in a field where they weren't allowed cell phones in the buildings. There is also some evidence to suggest a connection with mothers who smoke or use cocaine. We rushed to the car and shoved Harper in the car seat (the poor thing was crying because she didn’t understand what was happening). In case you are wondering what that is, I’ll explain: a placental abruption occurs when the placenta (the lifeline delivering blood, oxygen and nutrients to our baby) peels away from the uterus. For me, since the baby was still getting everything he needed nutritionally and was still dancing around happy as can be, he ended up being a very “healthy” preemie with no complications. Matthew's big sister sees him for the first time through the glass and you can tell she's excited about having a new baby brother. I was 38 weeks he was born silently and weighed 6 pound 4. Dr. Miller gives me an episiotomy but there is no time to numb me first! Within 15 minutes I was being wheeled down to theatre and I was a mix of emotions; relief that Willow was going to be out soon, terror that she may not make it, and of course I was scared of everything that was to come. I was shocked how different she was to Harper with her dark brown hair but such similar features too. and an extra folic acid and vitamin c and prenatal everyday. It’s amazing you were able to hang on that long with the abruption and your water breaking. After a few days of that they gave him and blood transfusion and he’s been a totally different kid, no more reflux and they transitioned him off cpap and oxygen completely. Your bub is pretty much the same age as mine, he spent 99 days in nicu and has a few issues he should grow out of. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to This West Coast Mommy with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. It will help you heal. My husband and I went to the same high school. We have a friend whose sister had a placental abruption with her first pregnancy and went on to have a healthy baby, and is now pregnant again. Those moments felt like a lifetime waiting to hear my baby cry. I was on hospital bed rest for a couple weeks when it became time. Scott goes to check him out while I lay there spread-eagled trying to regain some strength. I have never seen her more scared in my life. It's a long one! I lost my baby at 8 months due to a silent Placenta Abruption. They called it a silent one because I had no pain and wasn't showing a lot of blood. I’d definitely appreciate it. Willow was born on the 7th December at 11:30am weighing 2.4kgs and 47.5cm long. With the nurse pushing on my belly, my trying to push and the doctor opening me up wider, we get the baby out. Curiosity101 Regular. i am sorry. Dr. King tells me to time my contractions for another 30 minutes or so and that she would let the hospital know to expect me sometime that evening. Well it’s been a few days but things have been busy. I have had my moments since her birth where I felt as though my body had failed us and even blamed myself for the placenta abruption. Your words give me hope and strength. I’m so glad to hear your LO is doing well! My regular OB comes to visit me to release me from the hospital and tells me what a scare I caused and how we're the talk of the ward. From skin changes to weight loss to unusual bleeding, here are 15 cancer warning signs that women tend to ignore. No one can predict when your baby may arrive, but you’re in good hands. For who ever reads this, if this ever happens to you, which I hope it never, ever does, hold your baby, spend as much time with them as possible. When Scott comes back upstairs to help me out of the tub, he says, "Wow, Nance, you're losing something." A few days before I went into labour I had been experiencing what I thought were Braxton Hicks contractions (with Harper I was induced which is very intense from the start so I assumed these contractions couldn’t be pre-labour as it wasn’t too painful). I also went into DIC. Do you recommend future pregancies? I knew she was going to be on the smaller side and that fact she was 3 weeks early worried me, not to mention the complications we were having.
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