You are Listening to a Concert of Complex Emotionally moving Music, to which you have given yourself over entirely; so that you have Become the Music. You thrive on love, attention, and dreams, and often you seem to live in a dream world. One third of all people love you on sight, one third of all people are indifferent to you, and one third of all people hate you. Meditation is one of the ways to cultivate and sensitize this Awareness State. Heaven's Child is a good place to find info about Sidereal Astrology Libra. Part 2: Passion. The combination of your Sun sign and your Moon sign produces a highly romantic personality and a somewhat mystic faith in other people. True sidereal astrology accounts for the varying sizes of the constellations, as well as their true locations. 7-7 Libra/Libra. Sun and Moon Combination 7-7. You gravitate naturally towards the good the true and the beautiful. Acutely aware of cultural trends and movements you know where… Sidereal Astrology Libra. Our astrology website has a lot of Sidereal Astrology Libra information. But you know well that most of life’s day to day problems solve themselves in time or just simply disappear. You will often jump up at the last minute and get whatever it is done in the twinkling of an eye before lapsing back into your apparent laziness. Your natural impulses and feelings about things keep you on the right track, and you instinctively say and do the right things. It instead is based on the seasons of the Earth, and does not reflect their true locations. While you simultaneously appreciate the technical virtuosity and composition: Mercury. Free Natal Chart Report – Sidereal Zodiac with Whole Sign Houses . Here we have a perfect example of this “reverse-adverse” rule. Your good taste and sense for the artistic also will take you far in many fields in which these traits are important. Being extremely well read and possessing a good memory you sometimes don’t let on to the extent of your knowledge, preferring to let the other do the talking. You are perhaps a bit gullible and easily influenced because of a tendency to be too trusting. Spiritual meaningfulness engages you and big picture spiritual philosophies that can speak meaningfully and subtly to all aspects of life are your natural home. Slow to make decisions, you like to justify things in your mind before you commit yourself to others. At that point the third who hate you will plot your downfall. It often happens that the verbose other will suddenly realize that they are being humored. It is the mythic poetics of romantic love that calls to you. In this early, formative stage of Western Sidereal astrology, Fagan adopted the leading Hindu stellar zodiac, which fixes the star Spica at zero Libra 0d00’00” for all time. It is not so much that you actually want to be alone but you want to be left alone. Create a free website or blog at The constellations are moving relative to the rotation of the Earth around the Sun. The combination of your Sun sign and your Moon sign produces a highly romantic personality and a somewhat mystic faith in other people. (Men and Women), Author: Where will meet partner / symbolism at meeting, Are You Attracted To Them? This combination shows a very harmonious nature, rarely holding to any extreme position. The principle, to be kept in mind and understood, is that Mercury Articulates and Expresses Venus. Or what social image or prestige is implied by the current work. Libra is a fair witness who can see the arguments for both sides, and stands up for what they perceive is good behavior. The following free birth chart tool lists planet signs, house positions, and aspects. The subject matter and colors invoke deep complex feelings: Venus. It was surely a Mercury Venus Conjunction that said “ Truth is Beauty and Beauty Truth”. This leads some people to accuse you of sitting on the fence. You have a natural psychological sophistication and can hear the hidden meaning in what people are saying or rather not saying.
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