They cuddled around him and Sid said he was mommy. Manny, on the other hand, was not interested in helping Sid with anything: Sid, bothered at this, decided to return the baby alone, scaling the cliff wall to reach the human camp. Praising his discovery, Sid happily kissed the piece of chalk. Following the journey, the three animals remained the best of friends, forming their own "Herd". A ground sloth called Brooke, fell in love with Sid, and called her squad of two minicorns, Bubbles and Misty. He thanked her. The glyptodons kept moving on with Sylvia in their path and Sid, about to leave the scene, accidentally stepped in some of their leavings. The dance continued on until the mini-sloths, as they danced with Sid, bound him in vines and prepared to sacrifice the larger sloth to a lava pit nearby. Shangri Llama was extremely mad at Sid, for the crystals gave them the power to stay in their youth. Sid came to and was given the baby, as Manny went back to help Diego, who was holding onto an ice ledge above the lava, about to fall off. The valley they lived in, the Gunslinger explained, was a bowl which would fill up with no way out, unless they could reach the end of the valley, where there was a boat that could save them. The three animals, aghast, leapt right in, sliding through the ice tunnels as they chased after the baby, who saw the sliding as nothing more than a fun game. 0 Fans. As the group moved, Diego remarked to Manny that Ellie was sweet, despite her confusion: as Manny turned his head, holding a log, he distractedly knocked Sid in the head twice with it. Sid, about to touch a snow sloth, was told by Manny that the playground was for kids, and he wasn't a kid. They were in a crystal place called Geotopia. Sid annoys Manny by claiming that he likes Ellie. The baby reached out and also tried to but Sid wouldn’t let him; at that, Diego tried to get the baby to laugh but failed as he instead frightened the baby by mistake. Speaking with a thick, wet lisp, Sid was quick to point out whatever he saw, whether or not anyone was made uncomfortable, and despite his easy distraction and lack of common sense, Sid still cared about those that he was close to. Brooke told Sid she'd have Granny to keep her company. Sid remarked then that he thought Diego would actually eat him, to which the saber replied that he didn't eat junk food, making Sid uneasy as they walked on. Sid found and raised the baby dino eggs, striving to keep them safe at all times. As all the animals were still running, Crash and Eddie were able to find Manny and tell him that Ellie had been trapped in a cave. Brooke kissed Sid to celebrate their victory. Sid attempts to save them, but is knocked unconscious when he dives head first onto a block of ice. Diego directed the others in holding the rocks together so that they could escape, and Manny and Ellie discussed the misunderstanding that Manny had had before about mating with Ellie, Sid concurring that Manny was right to think Ellie overreacted, with the others all pitching in their opinions, when Ellie apologized: she felt that she had overreacted, to everyone else's surprise. As Sid decided to go by himself on the migration, he stepped in the glyptodon's dung and trudged off, dragging his dirty foot in disgust. Sid finds the baby, unaware that Zeke is behind him. After the rhinos left, Sid, done pretending he was dead, tried to leave Diego's bite but could not, as Diego would not let go. Bubbles and Misty brought Sid toward Brooke. Sid and Diego then jumped from floe to floe as Maelstrom chased them both, finally reaching a large ice bank, which he snapped on as Sid and Diego escaped. As they walked on, the snow began to coat the land, resulting in a vast tundra peppered with trees and rocks. Further on, Sid, growing lonesome as he saw that Manny and Ellie were expecting but he was not, took it upon himself to "rescue" three giant dinosaur eggs, raising them up as his own children. Just then, Diego leapt forward with the others, Sid musing on how he wished he could jump that way, and Manny, granting the sloth's wish, booted Sid forward, sending him flying in the air, where he eventually fell to the ground, skidding and hitting his head on a rock. This disgusted the she-sloths, who left him, Jennifer kicking Sid in the groin before they left. Sid holding onto Manny's back as he runs through the forest. Diego explained, to Sid's and Manny's displeasure, that he was ordered by his pack leader to lead them to Half Peak, where the sabers in Diego's pack would ambush them. Manny and Diego didn't believe him and told him that they needed to move fast from the flooding. With that, Sid looked around and saw that there were many other mini-sloths, two of them lowering themselves down onto Sid with vines, bestowing a flowery tiara on his head. Sid took it upon himself to start up a day camp he dubbed “Campo Del Sid”, which he translated as “Camp of Sid”. Sid and Diego stood near the fire that Sid had started up, when Manny came along, hesitantly stating that it was going well with Ellie, when Ellie came along and crossly stomped by, splashing some water onto the fire that Sid had started up, demanding that they would move along with her and her brothers at night. Once they got there Shangri Llama, the llama leader, greeted the herd and taught them various yoga positions. While Sid was interested in this offer, Diego told the mini sloths that Sid was the core that brought the herd together, and there wouldn't be a herd without him, showing that he does respect Sid. After hearing that Ellie was having her baby, Sid rushed with the rest of the crowd of animals, only to find out it was false alarm. He introduced his kids as Egbert, Shelly, and Yoko. roblox The mother dinosaur who. Diego concurred about those days, stating that then, possums were possums and mammoths were mammoths. #slothgirl Manny bumped into Sid with his tusk and the sloth grabbed on as Manny rushed through the forests, holding on tight as Diego sprinted to catch up. weloveflamingo, sid The baby caught the melon, but the other dodos went to take it back, one of them kicking it out of the baby's grip and off a cliff, where a number of them, anxious to get their melon back, ran off it. Roshan waddled toward his father, who scooped him up and made to leave with his tribe and son. Still on the lookout for a means in which to gain respect, Sid climbed to the top of a giant water slide called the Eviscerator: Manny and Diego, down at the slide's bottom, called for him to come down while other animals called for him to jump. He went home with his herd. Everyone Has A TikTok Girl That Matches Their Personality — Here's Yours. Sid cared for Granny a lot, and was happy to see her and the rest of his family when they came to abandon Granny. The lava had melted a great chasm in the ice, leaving a thin walkway of ice above a massive pit of molten rock. It destroyed the entire Geotopia wall. Diego then threatened Sid by stating that "Jumbo" would not always be around to protect Sid, stating that someday he would attack Sid; with that, Diego was called to the front of Manny where the mammoth could keep an eye on him. Sid reassures that the geysers only consist some hot water and steam and they shouldn't cause any harm, until he's proved wrong when a lone Dodo walked through the geyser and was incinerated alive. That night the rains came down hard, leaving Sid out in the cold, still rubbing the two sticks together out in the rain while Manny lay in a shelter he made from the logs. The next day, Manny, Diego, and the rest of the gang had found Sid walking back to their camp sight, as they had found out that some of the flooding had caught up with them. Sid was told to stop singing the Song that the Vultures had sung by Manny and Diego, explaining to them that it was a catchy song. The dodo was taking it to a vast flock of other dodos, all of which were stockpiling food and engaging in exercises for the upcoming ice age.

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