Carol Ann Caldwell “One of the girls on the New York team had to leave because she was pregnant, so I got her spot,” recalled Ms. McGuire, who is now 79 and lives in Escalon, Calif. “I was skating Thursday through Sunday and then going to school the rest of the week.” She graduated in June and left the next day for the West Coast. Jim Ciota Pat Murray Lowell Shephard Charlie O'Connell (2015) - Hall of Fame 1967 More than 27,000 fans flocked to Shea Stadium for the 1973 world championships. Ernie Lopez Alberta Sarvis (2015) Jim Terrigno You’re a walking lie and I can see right through you. “Do you remember where you parked the car?”. Sid Harnesk - Hall of Fame 2006 Over the next twenty-one years, twenty-one superb athletes were admitted thru the doors of the illustrious Hall. Brad Lemkuhl Dick Batista Roller Derby,” leapfrogged onto one of his New York Chiefs teammates during the 1972 world championship finals at Madison Square Garden. Don Rixman In 2009, we asked an associate to create the National Roller Derby Hall of Fame Facebook page for our organization, a trademarked name. Jerry Hickson Bill Griffiths, Sr (2015) “It’s one of the only sports where you’re playing offense and defense at the same time.”. Jan. 30, 1972. I WOULD BUILD A STAIRWAY Bobbie Johnstone - Hall of Fame 2005 A crowd of 3,500 fans saw the New York Chiefs defeat the Chicago Westerners by a score of 36 to 31. Louise Brower lol, I also love “Do you remember where you parked the car?!?”. (Ms. Stenzel is better known to her fellow skaters as Master Blaster.). Rick West Red Willis Terry Lewis (2013) Carol "Flip" Phillips Angelo "Dusty" Acevedo (2013) Jack Israel “For women to have been playing a contact sport back in the 1930s was unheard-of,” Margot Atwell, the author of “Derby Life: A Crash Course in the Incredible Sport of Roller Derby,” said in a phone interview. Susie Brown “Wrinkled, wrinkled little star, hope they never see the scars.”, “She is?These are the moments that make life worth living.”, After getting sucked all together she says, “I’m a girl!”. Johnny Casar Billy Monte Joyce Young Arthur "Buddy" Atkinson, Sr - Hall of Fame 1965 Don "Jughead" Lewis Gene Vizena - Hall of Fame 2005 Ken Kunzleman Jimmy Cullen Billy Gardner (September 2016) Skaters such as Ralphie Valladares, “speed king” Ronny Raines, Porky Parker, Leroy “Bad Boy” Gonzales, Adeline Hocker and the fearsome Shirley Hardman were household names at that time. Many of the skaters who been with Derby in L.A. during the 50s (REDD SMARTT, ROGER SCHROEDER, HELEN LISKA, TERRI LYNCH, TONI TAGG, SHIRLEY HARDMAN, JOHN HALL, RALPH VALLADARES) become the centerpiece of a rival league, the National Skating Derby, called ROLLER GAMES, which is promoted by Public Relations excecutive WILLIAM GRIFFITHS. Savino Cosme (January 2017) Joe Fuoti (2014) Darryle Davis (2014) Lisa Knapp And it was confusing, because the crowds were still so big.”. Peggy Smalley That same year, the short film “Roller Derby Girl” was nominated for an Academy Award. Margaret Brady (2016) LOVE THIS MOVIE!!! Alice "Fuzzy" Buchek (2013) Freddie Cohen Mickey Roberts Dorothy "Johnnie" Kobusch “This is life’s ultimate cruelty. Sam Tiapula John Britton Lenny Murro (2013) Danny Reilly “That was totally uncalled for!” (After being shot). Chuck Davis Mickey Rooney took the sport to the silver screen in the 1950 film “The Fireball” (which also featured a 24-year-old rising star named Marilyn Monroe). REMEMBER MY FRIEND Charlys Crouse Gloria Seltzer Gurian Allen Littles And just as in the sport’s earliest days, men and women skated by the same rules, for the same amount of time, on the same track. C’mon, don’t try to flatter me. “But this! Nelson Cabral (2016) Mickey Milane Billy Bogash - Hall of Fame 1953 “Mr. Al Alison Herb Roberts Jan Vallow of the Northeast Braves gets wrapped around a rail during a bout against the San Francisco Bay Bombers. Kim Becker “Women tennis players and golfers aren’t recognized as much as we are, and we’re equal with the men.”, Leo Seltzer had bragged about the equity of the sport from the beginning (an equity, it should be noted, that did not always extend to the league’s pay scale). Joe Nygra - Hall of Fame 2005 Hank Goldberg By 1971, the crowd had swelled to more than 19,000. Dee Maresca “Do you remember where you parked the car?” When they fall apart falling down the stairs. IF TEARDROPS WERE ROSES The first team to complete the roughly 2,700 miles from coast to coast was declared the winner. The Los Angeles Thunderbirds were ‘America’s team’ during the heyday of banked track roller derby and were the most popular & prolific international roller derby team in the history of the sport. George Adams Here we discuss both professional banked track roller skating leagues - the original Leo Seltzer / Jerry Seltzer DERBY & ROLLER GAMES, the National Skating Derby. A rainbow of hair and wheels goes by in a blur, shouts and grunts punctuating the din. Herb Elk Roller derby blazed back into the zeitgeist. Eddie Krebs (May 16, 2017) Betty Boyd National Skating Derby, Inc. was founded in 1960 by former Roller Derby skater Herb Roberts along with its flagship team, the Los Angeles Thunderbirds (The L.A. T-Birds). It is unapologetic and aggressive, a full-contact whirlwind populated by characters with names like Carnage Electra, Miss U.S. Slay and Bleeda Kahlo. Cal Stephens Whoever prevails becomes the lead jammer. Corlus "Leo" Quigley (July 25, 2017) Elmer "Elbows" Anderson - Hall of Fame 2004 Hall of Fame 2016, Shirley HardmanAugust 1, 1973Hall of Fame 2005, Ivy KingJuly 12, 2006 A walking lie and I can see right through you. “There are very few spaces in the world where women, transgender and gender-nonconforming folks get to use their bodies freely and unapologetically,” Molly Stenzel, the president of the Women’s Flat Track Derby Association, or W.F.T.D.A., the sport’s main governing body, said in an email. Charles "Buckets" Gipson Lou Donovan Kitty Nehls - Hall of Fame 2006 And having a space that centers female and gender-expansive aggression is really important.”. Gale Bowers (2013) By 1953, with public interest waning, Seltzer moved his operation to California. Sherry Jackson Marge Evans Jeanette Costa (2016) world championships, in New Orleans, drew 2,500 spectators. Before the Derby Dolls and their teasing double entendres, the legendary names of Los Angeles roller derby were Ralphie Valladares and Shirley Hardman, Red Smartt and Honey Sanchez, John Hall and Terri Lynch. The Midwest Pioneers’ Bob Hein sends Jerry Cattell of the Cincinnati Jolters flying as he passes him in the first match of the world championships at Shea Stadium. April 24, 1972.
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