e.async = 1; Police say the 36-year-old “continued to loiter in the PVA of the voting site” after casting his vote and was possibly intimidating other voters. } }; A group of sharks engaged in a feeding frenzy close to the shore at Myrtle Beach, S.C., treated visitors to a wild show Monday morning. On Sunday, an 8-year-old boy was bitten in the leg by a shark in Bald Head Island. “It was an awesome sight, but scary.”. By Sophie Lewis July 3, 2020 / 8:48 AM / CBS News Sharks were attracted by chumming the area. (Photo: Stephen Frink, Getty). var myRapidInstance = new YAHOO.i13n.Rapid(rapidConfig); viewability: true, Ed Piotrowski, chief meteorologist at WPDE, shared White's footage on Facebook, joking that some people thought the duo was a condor and a great white shark. var yaftConf = { Winds NW at 10 to 15 mph.. Tonight } else { Beachgoer Tara Savedge, of Richmond, Va., told WBTW she was visiting the popular tourist destination with her family when she witnessed the spectacle. Glow-in-the-dark sharks: Scientists discover crazy new species in the Gulf of Mexico. One of her legs had to be amputated. Some people fishing along North Myrtle Beach managed to catch a shark Sunday. c.mn = magicNumber; Some people fishing along North Myrtle Beach managed to catch a shark Sunday. if (sizeMnArray !== null && sizeMnArray[e] !== null && typeof(sizeMnArray[e]) !== "undefined" && sizeMnArray[e] !== "") { Blacktips live in warm water and weather — with Myrtle Beach providing plenty of both nearly year around. Get up-to-the-minute news sent straight to your device. Submit a News Tip. Copyright 2020 WMBF. if (typeof AOL === "undefined") { There were two major shark attacks in the Bahamas in the month of June, one resulting in the tragic death of a 21-year-old college student on vacation with her family. // AOL.hmpg_ads = hmpg_ads; Lottery. if (sizeArray.indexOf(e) === -1) { Boy, 7, recovering from shark attack at Fla. beach, his mother says. "We just couldn’t believe there were so many of them.". The boy suffered puncture wounds to his leg and was rushed to the hospital with expectations to make a full recovery. According to Lack’s Operations Manager, Weslyn Lack-Chickering, the company hires an off-duty medic to roam the beach on weekends because the trip from Highway 17 to the beach can be slow due to traffic. Beachgoers in South Carolina experienced "Sharknado" in real life this week when a massive bird was caught on video flying through the air, carrying what many believed to be a shark in its talons. At first, she thought it might have been a part of a boat that was riding the current toward the sand. NORTH MYRTLE BEACH, SC (WMBF) - Memorial Day weekend became a little more eventful for some beachgoers in the Grand Strand. “We don’t have a big year-around population of sharks, they migrate here when the temperature is warm. c.cur = magicNumber; 15 in the Associated Press Top 25 Poll, No. // hmpg_ads.push(c); magicNumber = sizeMnArray[e] var isMobile = 0; The 23-year-old competitive surfer was bitten by a shark on the arm while surfing near the Jacksonville Beach Pier. ... 918 Frontage Rd. AOL.isTablet = false; // required by dynamic-lede.js, isAutoRotateDisabled() Digital Mortgage Platform Helps Home Buyers Shop for Mortgages, Advances in Treating Mantle Cell Lymphoma, all shark attacks reported in South Carolina, Nearly 200 reindeer found dead due to starvation caused by climate change, scientists claim, Great white shark jumps up at fishing boat and swats tail at boy, Glow-in-the-dark sharks: Scientists discover crazy new species in the Gulf of Mexico, President Trump projected to win battleground state of Florida, President Trump projected to win the battleground state of Ohio, Sen. Lindsey Graham projected to win fourth term in South Carolina. “I felt like people wanted the picture more than help,” Stowers said. e.src = u; Two years ago, 26-year-old Arthur Medici was killed while boogie-boarding at Newcomb Hollow Beach in Wellfleet — the first shark attack fatality in 82 years in Massachusetts. Stowers admitted to feeling like she was a spectacle, with beachgoers snapping photos as she tried to remain calm amid the pain — as well as assure her two children that she was fine. Ginger Gilmer, a Tennessee resident, shared … Can’t see the bottom, not swimming in it!”. A North Myrtle Beach visitor was alarmed after seeing a shark swim close to people wading in shallow water Friday. All rights reserved. Reach Nick Masuda at 843-607-0912. Now What? c.w = width; “We clear the beach right away when we see the sharks. The tourist told Myrtle Beach Online a lifeguard ordered swimmers to briefly evacuate the water but that the children later were allowed to return. It’s like biting into rotten fruit or fish. The 17-year-old lost one leg and two fingers during the attack, but was saved by her father punching the shark until it let her go. The attack was caught on video, showing O’Rourke’s struggle to stay above water on his surfboard while the shark swam around him. test_id: "", “And they aren’t allowed to catch sharks anyways — although I don’t know how you stop them if you are putting bait out there that they want to nibble on.”, Abel said adding any level of opportunity for a shark’s “exquisite” sense of smell to be triggered can create danger for humans, although he cautioned bait is not the sharks preferred form of “lunch.”, “When there is a lot of the bait fish in the water, we have a hard time catching them with the bait we use. Nicole Stowers' arm after being bit by a shark in Myrtle Beach on Aug. 19, 2020. Then she realized the grey streak she saw from the corner of her eye wasn’t a spare boat part — it was a shark. Tracking Sharks asked its community if it could identify the creatures, and Twitter users have been weighing in all week long. magicNumber = null (Photo via Getty), Caribbean reef sharks, Carcharhinus perezi, dusk in bahamas.
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