Geier: We wound up investing in the adventure. Individually they’re not connected in any way, except I feel like we are pulling these opportunities toward us. We were also using the character of MonkeyZuma in the Dames Aflame show. She escorts her down a hallway past the restrooms to a room divided into smaller rooms by drapes. Puddles himself is a sad sack, a fully costumed clown who towers at nearly seven feet tall. It could be said that a lot of clowns grace the stage at Crescent Ballroom, but just over a year ago, the term held a little more weight when Puddles Pity Party visited for a fun night of music and, uh, you know, clowning around. Edit Profile. CALIFORNIA RESIDENTS: California Privacy Policy | California Collection Notice | Do Not Sell My Info. Criminal or Civil Court records found on Shannon's Family, Friends, Neighbors, or Classmates View Details. The artist born Mike Geier of Atlanta leads a "band" that includes his wife, Shannon Newton, as the chimp girl Monkey Zuma. ", It wasn't all international good times, either. "I try to find a balance. We had done the Elvis show, and we get the big reaction. [4] He says that he "grew up in a houseful of giants", with his two brothers and four sisters all growing to at least 6 ft 0 in (1.83 m) in height. ArtsATL: How has Kingsized changed since its original inception? ", We took it as an indication that audience participation is still a big part of the Pity Party's live show, so we asked Puddles if it was the case. Contact Us, 12 Profile Searches. Geier reached the quarter finals, which led to a headline-act residency at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas. Puddles Pity Party is a band fronted by Michael Geier (as Puddles the Clown). So the dynamic changed. Offering our readers free access to incisive coverage of local news, food and culture. The Puddles character was created in 1999 for the all-clown band called Greasepaint out of Atlanta. If you need more than just a live Puddles Pity Party experience, he recently dropped some new material, including two EPs, including a seasonal one, White Elephant Holiday. Join the New Times community and help support independent local journalism in Phoenix. Geier: I call them up and say, “Hey, we’re coming down to New Orleans to see you guys.” Dana Snyder, the voice of Master Shake, had been in our Dames Aflame show, and we were buddies with Dave Willis, Jay Edwards, the editor over there, Matt Maiellaro. Around this time, Geier started up an Elvis tribute band, Kingsized. Careers, "It has to be a story or a poem. People just start drifting apart in that way, and not really in a sad way. We were trying to think of it as we’re all equal partners in this band. In 2012, he moved to Seattle to appear in a European-style vaudevillian cabaret, Teatro ZinZanni. "It has really been an adventure," he says. Help, Don't have an account yet? And through the process of doing it, you realize that starts to change over time. And the big thing that creates all of those tasks is the creative.

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