If you're like most people, the last thing you probably want to do when you're ready to sell your car is wade through miles of red tape. Make sure the car meets all the qualifications for registration in California. Next, fill in the forms with the buyer and sign them before submitting the forms to the DMV. References. However, if you do this, you need to make sure that all the forms are filled out correctly, as errors can delay the transfer of ownership. wikiHow is where trusted research and expert knowledge come together. Please help us continue to provide you with our trusted how-to guides and videos for free by whitelisting wikiHow on your ad blocker. If you've misplaced your title, submit an Application for Duplicate Title(REG 227). How do I sell a California registered car to a person living in another state? wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. A motor vehicle bond―if ownership of the vehicle is not proven with the proper documentation. No, you do not have to submit an odometer reading for a car over 10 years old. Should I leave my disabled plates on the car when I sell it? For more information on transferring the title, read the DMV's registration and title FAQs. California Certificate of Title OR Application for Duplicate Title (REG 227), signed by the buyer, seller, and lienholder (if any) Transfer fee If there's more than one seller on the title, or more than one buyer, all … Avoid buying a car with costly hidden problems. This article has been viewed 159,960 times. If you have an older, damaged, burned, broken down, or no longer needed … However, s/he has 10 days. If you don't, you may be legally responsible for the car even when it is, for all intents and purposes, the other person's. You can either: Be sure this form is filled out completely and correctly. Then, take your car … To create this article, 13 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. You can get an estimate for the registration fees before you go to the DMV office by using the handy Vehicle Registration Fee Calculator. Otherwise the buyer needs to refinance the vehicle in their name. In addition to completing the forms together, you will also need to sign your car's title to confirm that you release ownership of it. Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 159,960 times. The List of Places That Will Buy a Non-Running or Junk Car. Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. If you don’t have a title for your car, also request a duplicate title request form. If you really can’t stand to see another ad again, then please consider supporting our work with a contribution to wikiHow. You must submit: If you are not the owner listed on the nontransferable registration, you must submit: In some cases, the transfer of the vehicle will also require: This form is provided by your state's agency/department. In most situations, you are not able to return a vehicle you have purchased. Please check your inbox (including spam box). How to Sell a Car When the Bank Has the Title. The title is the car's ownership certificate. You may be surprised by the interest this generates, and you should expect to hear some extremely low offers from people that want the car …
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