For civilians it's tough because first preference is given to the police officials. The Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation is under no obligation to fill a post after the advertisement thereof. All short-listed candidates will be subjected to fingerprint screening. Salary information comes from 298 data points collected directly from employees, users, and past and present job advertisements on Indeed in the past 36 months. Manage office inventory. YouTube: What should you wear to an interview at South African Police Service? The average salary for a Police Captain in South Africa is R315,138. Northern Cape (DPCI/SMS/57/2020 to DPCI/SMS/59/2020) 27 Stockdale, De-Beerse Building (Cheapside) Kimberley Enquiries Lieutenant Colonel Bosman/ Capt Damons Tel No: (053) 836 7015/7005/7004. Applications must be mailed timeously. This brings the total number of employees who were advanced in their careers in a period of two years, to 53 364. Operate standard equipment (fax, photocopy machine, telephone, computer etc.). Applications may also be submittedelectronically via email: (both Nationaland Provincial level) on or before the closing date and time. APPOINTMENT AS DIVISIONAL COMMISSIONER: SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT. APPLICATIONS : Please forward your application, quoting the relevant reference number to: Gauteng (Silverton) Ref No: VP E1/2020, Rapid Rail Police Gauteng North, Yankee Base3 Leeubekkie Street, Silverton, 0184, Enquiries: Lt Col Swarts / Capt Vos, Tel No: 012 844 8428, E-mail addresses: and Gauteng (Kempton Park): Ref No: VP E2/2020: Railway Station Kempton Park, 114 Pretoria Road, Kempton Park, Enquiries: Lt Col Swarts / Capt Vos, Tel No: (012) 844 8428, E-mail addresses: and Gauteng (Johannesburg) Ref No: VP E3/2020 and Ref No: VP E4/2020: Tippet Building, 96 Risssik Street, Johannesburg, Enquiries: Sgt Shipalana, Tel No: (011) 220 5677, E-mail addresses: and Kwazulu-Natal (Durban) Ref No: VP E5/2020: Rapid Rail Police:KwaZuluNatal: Suite 220 Durban Railway Station 65 Masabalala Yengwa Ave, Durban, Enquires: SPO NC Mthembu, Tel No: (031)319 5200/ 082 778 2810. All short-listed candidates will be subjected to fingerprint screening.Correspondence will be conducted with successful candidates only. Media Statement ENQUIRIES : can be directed to Lt Col JL Shandu/ Capt SJ Matlopela/ W/O TB Tshabalala/ SPO KK Mashiloane at Tel No: (012) 393 4273/ 4501 3461. How did you feel about telling people you worked at South African Police Service?

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