What he uses currently, as well as the history of the amps, guitars, effects, and more that he has been using throughout his career. Most accurate renditions of Santana songs anywhere. Though it’s hard to detect effects on most of the Santana albums, he has sometimes used a particular technique where he finds a spot within the Wah Wah pedal’s range that he likes, then leaves it there. Started with Fair Warning, whose balls I just can’t get enough of…which doesn’t sound so good but you get what I mean. Nothing else required. Broad look at the elements that contribute to Carlos Santana’s unique guitar tone and flavor, from the equipment he uses, to the techniques he’s developed over his multi-decade career. Santana had some notes sustained for a long long time. But in 1970, an engineer named Randall Smith took out the guts of a Fender Princeton and installed circuitry designed to produce the maximum gain. Always dug Schenker's tone, but the 70's stuff was always a little too biting for, Derek: Inspired by this article, I went looking for and found my Selmer Treble & Bass Fifty in 2015. Listen to it cranked in my car because that’s the only […], LOVE the first four Van Halen albums. Adair: “That’s a line driver. Not a whole lot of schizophrenia going on, at least that’s how I see it. Adair calls it “the biggest improvement in [Carlos’] guitar rig in 20 years, simply because it has floating grounds on the output. Over the years… his tone has always been great. For more than 30 years, Santana has been using Paul Reed Smith guitars nearly exclusively. Note: Your post will require moderator approval before it will be visible. third album, Santana (often called Santana III. It sounds very organic and woody… It sounds very Carlos. Bei einigen Amps des unteren Preissegments finden wir diese Potis nicht, stattdessen aber einen Regler mit der Bezeichnung „Tone“. I really enjoy listening to Europa. Carlos' tone is based around early Mesa Boogie amps - lots of compression, lots of gain, and most of it in the mids with a certain amount of high-end roll-off. > Pete Cornish LD1. If you have a multifx amp or pedal, like line 6, try selecting an amp model that doesn't have too much gain in it - you don't want crazy amounts of crunchy distortion, you want just enough to compress your tone and give it an edge. > GHS Big Core strings designed by [former SRV and Santana, and current John Mayer, guitar tech] Rene Martinez. Since it's got 16 presets I wanna get the sound from his classic riffs, as well to the whole songs for example Black Magic woman,soul sacrifice and song of the wind. I'm not a engineer but,from what have read and have tested.i agree.....srv used a mild pr, Deenohh: Absolutely wrong. He’d been talking about how awesome it was for a while, and even though I know he has good ears, wasn’t too motivated to go try it. It lives in both the acoustic and the electronic world, translating a player’s hand motions into an analog signal. He also tells a brief story about how Mayer’s former tech told him not to tweak any knobs, but Rene said F that, tweaked everything to his own ears and presumably Mayer loved it. But more important, it’s an impedance matching unit. What he uses currently, as well as the history of the amps, guitars, effects, and more that he has been using throughout his career. Most accurate renditions of Santana songs anywhere. Use the amp to get the sound, NOT your digtech junk. The stuff built later by Gallien-Krueger/GMT or just plain Gallien-Kruger is different, though. We and our partners will store and/or access information on your device through the use of cookies and similar technologies, to display personalised ads and content, for ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. A guide of presets and amp settings that are best for Marshall or Fender amplifiers, with EQ for rock, blues, grunge and a variety of other tones & styles. Legendary Music You can change your choices at any time by visiting Your Privacy Controls. After being retired from use for some time, Santana’s original, snakeskin-covered 100-watt Mesa/Boogie is back onstage with the master. Always have, always will. I really wanna know what he sets his gain,treble,mid, etc. Thanks Santana SE One Abraxas. Though Carlos has played several different models over the last few decades, they have all been similar, including double-cutaway bodies, 24 frets, and humbucking pickups. The only way to improve their performance was to have them modified. and does he use a Ibanez Tube screamer TS 9 and a ibanez Modulation delay and a T Rex Sustainer. I just bought a Fender Super Champ XD, I have a Santana SE guitar. Bludotones, which have gotten a lot of buzz in some circles: “Brandon Montgomery from Denver makes these amplifiers that are very consistent with the middle, high and lows – and real lows.” Adair: “Brandon just gets it. Puoi modificare le tue preferenze in qualsiasi momento in Le tue impostazioni per la privacy. The Les Paul Special was far from a top of the line guitar, and did not have the beefy richness or warm sustain of the more expensive Deluxe and Custom models. It’s a heckuva dream.” [Sounds like it was for the fame!]. I thumbed over to the cover story, and whoa – what caught my eye was a shot of Carlos’ pedalboard, which is particularly timely to talk about in view of the recent John versus Johnny post. Now,I love how PRS’s look,but I’ve never really heard one where the tone blew me away.Well,maybe one-an early 90’s all-mahogany,basic model.My tech has it now,but the tone has gone to sleep,because the previous owner kept it in a case under the bed for 10 years.But before that it was scary good-sounding-the body was resonant,even acoustically.But,I believe that PRS is one of the reasons Carlos sounds so generic now-that and the fact that he has lost most of the “fire” from his playing-(a lot like the way EC has also)-BTW,I have played through another guitarists Bludo-Tone amp-and they are very nice machines. If you enjoyed this article, subscribe to receive more just like it. Anyone has any idea how to get that sustained sound? Carlos played the Yamaha fairly steadily for about five or six years, until 1982. You can see here how that relationship began, and grew, culminating in a series of PRS Santana Signature models, shown below. > He once told a record exec, “There’s only artists and con artists, man. © 1995-2019 Harmony Central, Inc. All rights reserved. The input impedance of a guitar amp is typically 1 mega-ohm, and this is designed to trick the guitar into thinking that it’s plugged directly into an amplifier. Carlos is a true inspiration of heart, soul and tone. I love it! Though the white one is a custom shop model. Here’s a Youtubian slice of Carlos’ tone: Category: Bludotone, Carlos Santana, Celestion speakers, Dumble, Dunlop/Cry Baby, JBL speakers, Mesa/Boogie, Pete Cornish, Tone Tubby. Watch Queue Queue. The amps drive a pair of paisley-covered PRS 4x12 cabs. Analyses of the songs and albums, chord charts, history of the songs for the last 50 years, and everything related. His current pedal board includes a Mu-Tron Volume/Wah Wah pedal that he has used for nearly his entire career, as well as an Ibanez Tube Screamer (added much more recently, and used very rarely), and an Ibanez Modulation Delay. © 1995-2019 Harmony Central, Inc. All rights reserved. Channel two goes to one of the Bludotone tops, and that drives one PRS closed-back 4×12 cabinet with Celestion Vintage Series speakers and an open-back 4×12 Tone Tubby [cab] with red alnicos with hemp cones. The strings have with a thicker core and thinner windings. (Click to see way bigger.) BODY: Carved artist grade maple top with rippled abalone purfling and mahogany back. (Can't remember where I found this photo and the one below – click to see it way bigger. AMP SETTINGS: Home; ... Carlos Santana of Carlos Santana Gain 7 Treble 10 Mid 6 Bass 5 Reverb 2 Jerry Cantrell of Alice in Chains Gain 6-7 Treble 6-7 Mids 5-6 Bass 5-6 Reverb 3 Joe Perry of Aerosmith Gain: 5.5 Treble: 2 Mid: 7 I believe that there are things that you can tap into inside your heart to make you feel lamenting, but not whining.”, > Why he did it: “Not for the money, not for the fame, but I wanted to know for myself what it’s like to be respected like BB King – to be adored in the streets, like my father [a musician] was adored. Guitar volume most or all of the way up. > Carnare GS-6 – From the manufacturer’s website (more here): “Low capacitance and low series resistance provides improved frequency response (flat to 50kHz). to during the song "put your lights on". The owner told me that the pickups had a lot to do with the sound (duh but more so on this guitar). This time a bud’s Bogner Shiva, EL34 version. NECK: 25″ scale length mahogany 22-fret neck with rosewood fredboard, wide, fat shape, and peace symbol inlays at the 12th fret. I have a Mesa Single Rectoberb combo, a Diablo with VHT cabinet, a Fender Blues Deville and GNX2 effect pedal. It will drive long cable lines, and with that in place I don’t have any ground loops. Neck pickup. Ash, Email ( required; will not be published ), Notify me of followup comments via e-mail, Got it in my head to figure out which Van Halen song tones – not album tones – I liked the most.

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