Replace the bi-metal thermostat if the meter measures infinite resistance. Bought this fridge 3 years ago. Need help before I buy another one. Find and repair the sensor wiring failure if the meter measures incorrect resistance through the sensor wires. Is the part called a Drain Cap Assembly? Thank you. I have tested the power outlet and it is working fine but the fridge just randomly stopped working. How can I trouble shoot to identify the defective parts? If sensor resistance is okay, reinstall the temperature sensor and check the sensor's wire harness connections to the electronic control board (sky blue wire on CN30 and gray wire on CN76). There's nothing more refreshing than a glass of nice cool water, and having a pitcher full of it and ready to go is quite handy. Did you replace grey drain tubes behind the fridge? Still freezing. Any other suggestions?? The temperature display is blinking. Twin cool fan works, the fan by the compressor works, I can hear the compressor come on, no frost build up or clogged drains, and no codes. I can take a look on diagram and tell you what might be the problem, HI I have the same issue, the model number is RF4287HARS/XAA. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. inspecting and cleaning the door seals, or resetting the refrigerator. Find and repair the sensor wiring failure if the meter measures incorrect resistance through the sensor wires. Demo mode turns off the compressor and fans for both sections. Check for evaporator frost and ice buildup that can block fan blade rotation. With a Samsung, usually it’s opposite, freezer is cooling , the fridge is not. Refrigerator not cooling properly—ice seen on vents at back of refrigerator. Thank you. Unplug the refrigerator and check the wire harness connections between the control panel and the electronic control board. Reconnect any loose wires. Already ordered? That frost or ice restricting air circulation in there. At his point I have replaced the evaporator cover, the defrost unit, the defrost thermostat, the temperature sensor, and the defrost clip. Now the refrigerator does not cool to the set point and stay at 50 F? The LCD display resets and shows 88 88, then goes back to normal mode. If you can't see the frost, I can't either. Took out thermostats and it works. Refrigerator evaporator defrost temperature sensor failure. If the coils are significantly dirty, the refrigerator will not be able to maintain the proper temperature. Shipping all 7 days! Repair guy over the phone said if compressor is running and fans are turning then probably a Freon leak and just to buy a new one. so I know this post is old, but I had this problem and did not see my solution so here it is. When it was 42.3/40.8, it was opened for 30 sec. Hi Robert, you can try this….turn power OFF to the fridge at least for 24 hours, with the door open, and let it defrost by itself. Reconnect wire harness if it's loose. I have tried doing everything I know to get it running normally again but no luck. If none of the other components are defective, consider replacing the main control board. Thank you. In most cases it caused by moisture build-up behind that panel. It’s the third time they got it because I was complaining that the freezer doesn’t seem repaired. In this mode, the display will show OF OF, O FF, OFF OFF, or scrolling temperature bars, depending on your model. I unplugged and plugged back in and shortly after the fridge came back to normal temperature but the freezer did not (even though the display panel said (0 degree F). Any idea? Can you confirm that, when it stop cooling compressor still running? Start relay sometimes also fail. , our Samsung representative, wants to know about you so they can assist you better. I don’t think its a control board. The display will then revert back to showing freezer and refrigerator temperatures. Took off Drain tube and it did not appear to be clogged. Unplug the refrigerator and check the wire harness connections on the freezer evaporator fan. I don't think the power company had anything to do with it. Check for an obstruction that could block the condenser fan blade from spinning and remove obstruction to fan blade rotation. It caused our hot water heater AND refrigerator to go out. Then check drain grommets behind the fridge. If it’s running and not producing cold, then its a major problem with your fridge, related either with a compressor or sealed system.

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