After all, we're the ones who declared war on terrorism. What else could he do, stuck in a bad situation and he still did his duty. ... or did you miss the part about the soldier being from Russia. WTF?! Taking a few scumbags with him was probably a bonus. If your a special forces and surrounded by the enemy, what better way to go out then take out the entire group of baddies with yourself. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Realizing what was happening, and rather than allow himself to be captured, Aleksandr called in an airstrike on himself. Regardless, I was stirred. Baker's body was found in the same position, gun empty, with 8 Japanese lying dead before him. Inscrever-se. And of natural causes. Airstrike on my position! In the US Army we called this "Broken Arrow", New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the todayilearned community. ISIS would have probably beheaded him with a dull butter knife. Syrian troops on Thursday entered the ancient city of Palmyra, which had been controlled by IS since last May, and clashes were ongoing in the city. It's entirely possible this happened. It's also probably the better way to go out than at ISIS hands. A newlywed father-to be, 25-year-old Alexander Prokhorenko, was a special forces soldier with the Russian military. American pilots can bomb, they have the experience, they have the equipment but for some reason, at least to each other and those they trust, they will tell you, against ISIS it has always been “hands off.”, “For day after day, Russian pilots hit command posts, training camps, wiped out convoys Americans claimed it didn’t see, ammunition storage and eventually the thousands and thousands of oil trucks American pilots had been begging to attack for months.”. Finally he was warned that the next adjustment would bring the deadly artillery right on top of his position. It was awesome and sad. Iniciar sessão. Why would anyone believe what Russian military says?! and army just did poor job making it publishable. After being compromised by Islamic State fighters, he fought desperately while waiting for an evacuation. WhatsApp. Commencing with a heavy barrage of enemy artillery at 0400 hours on 26 December 1944, an organized attack by uniformed German units began. The 25-year-old Russian was killed while on special operations in occupied Palmyra. For example, does anyone really believe there was no difference between the soldiers of the Waffen SS who died in the brutal occupation of the Soviet Union during the Second World War, and the soldiers of the Red Army who perished in the epic struggle to defeat them? Twitter. Comparing the effectiveness of Russia’s air campaign in Syria to its US counterpart, Duff writes: “What we saw in Syria was Russia set up a forward command in days at a small airstrip, move in 4 dozen aircraft, invite media to watch the whole thing, and begin combat operations with an air force that hadn’t flown against an enemy in over 25 years.”, He goes on: “We watched planes that cost nothing wipe out targets America had missed or overlooked or that, according to American pilots, they weren’t allowed to hit. Can't wait to see the movie when it comes out. The award is slated to be handed to Prokhorenko’s family by Russian President Vladimir Putin. Well, now they're on the ground. Russian Special Forces Soldier Calls Airstrike On Himself! Surprised BBC would print that. ReddIt. a military representative at the Russian base in Syria was quoted as saying by Russian agencies Thursday. It is impossible to write about this young man and his courage without experiencing a massive sense of inadequacy. But I do know that he’s a hero who will never be forgotten, and that the cause for which he sacrificed his life is a righteous one. Later, when a counterattack retook the position from the Germans, Lieutenant Fox's body was found with the bodies of approximately 100 German soldiers. Instead, the young wife says she thought her husband was to be stationed at the Russia’s Caucasus, a region at the border of Europe and Asia, situated between the Black and the Caspian seas. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, Fucking balls of adamantium. His deeds were in keeping with the highest traditions of the U.S. American pilots wish they had been given the hot targets Russia destroyed instead of being forced to drop payloads of bombs on abandoned villages north of the Jordanian border as a Russian command report outlined in November 2015. E: Faster than I expected: For extraordinary heroism against an armed enemy in the vicinity of Sommocolonia, Italy on 26 December 1944, while serving as a member of Cannon Company, 366th Infantry Regiment, 92d Infantry Division. I'm normally against the glorification of war, but this is utterly respectable. Print. After acknowledging the danger, Lieutenant Fox insisted that the last adjustment be fired as this was the only way to defeat the attacking soldiers. Amazing if true, and this guy is deserving of respect either way, but the Russian government doesn't exactly have a great track record for telling the truth about military casualties. Body of Russian soldier who called in an airstrike on himself after being surrounded by IS fighters has been recovered. Their families are offered half a liter of bootleg vodka as compensation for burying them in an unmarked mass grave. 40.9k. Only Spetznaz have a single Spetznaz entirely alone and isolated providing fire support; inexplicably sustaining 4 deaths to friendly fire and one suicide. As the Germans continued to press the attack towards the area that Lieutenant Fox occupied, he adjusted the artillery fire closer to his position. JavaScript is disabled. I dunno. Press J to jump to the feed. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Holy fucking shit. У вызвавшего под Пальмирой огонь на себя Александра Прохоренко дома осталась беременная жена, Compounding the enormity of Prochorenko’s courage are the revelations provided by former US Marine combat veteran, Gordon Duff, in a recent article. reading that gave me a freedom/justice boner, thanks. On the contrary, this young Russian serviceman joins the ranks of those whose very names are a testament to the power of the human spirit in defiance of injustice and tyranny. © Autonomous Nonprofit Organization “TV-Novosti”, 2005–2020. A goddamn hero to us all, I seriously hope he gets Russias highest honor for that. What an ending. Likely bullshit or embellished. Now THAT is going out like a fucking champion. Unlike blowing yourself up surrounded by unarmed civilians, including children.'s_House,, [Another hardass motherfucker](, "When last seen alive, Sgt. Their ability to do so, despite the horror and hardship, is due to the knowledge that they are fighting in the cause of humanity.
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