If you're looking for a name that originated in Russia, look no further. He probably intended it to mean smooth brow in Gaelic. However, many people continued to secretly name their children the ancient way. All rights reserved. It means "noble sort", It is a variant of "Allaja", which means "scarlet", It is a variant of "Yelena", which means "torch", "moon", or "to elope", Feminine form of "Albinus", which means "white" or "bright", Настя, Настенька, Настька, Таська, Тасенька, Настюша, Настёна, Настасья, From Greek name "Anastasius", which means "resurrection", From Hebrew name "Channah", which means "favour" or "grace", Feminine form of Roman name "Antoninus", which means "priceless", From Latin "angelicus", which means "angelic", From Greek name "Anthousa", which means "flower", From Greek name "Anastasius", which means "resurrection". Derived from Old Norse heilagrmeaning holy, blessed. You can quickly access desired letters by clicking on a link in the menu: Russian female names starting with the letter "A", Russian female names starting with the letters "Б" and "В", Russian female names starting with the letters "Г" and "Д", Russian female names starting with the letters "Е", "Ж", "З" and "И", Russian names for girls starting with the letters "К", "Л" and "М", Russian names for girls starting with the letters "Н", "О", "П", "Р", Russian names for girls starting with the letters "С", "Т", "У", Russian names for girls starting with the letters "Ф", "Х", "Ч", Russian female names starting with the letters "Э", "Ю", "Я", Copyright © 2009-2018 LanguageDaily.com | Terms of Service | Privacy Policy | Learn German | Learn French, Free Joomla 1.5 Templates by JoomlaShine.com, Female form of the name "Afanasiy/Afanasi", meaning "immortal", Саша, Саня, Шура, Сашенька, Сашка, Шурочка, Александрина. From the Late Latin name Natalia, which meant Christmas Day from Latinnatale domini. Ира, Иришка, Ириночка, Иришка, Иринчик, Ирунчик, Инна, Инночка, Иннуля, Иннуленька, Инуся, Инок. From the masculine Roman name Florentius which was derived from Latin florensprosperous, flourishing. The following list includes 50 of the most popular Russian first names, their Russian spellings, shortened variations, and meanings. Means wisdom. Possibly from Greek rhaionmeaning more relaxed. From Persian name Kurush, which means far sighted. So, if you are fond of Russia’s soviet culture, have Russian ancestry, or keen on giving Russsian name to your baby girl, you should check the following list. Form of a Visigothic name composed of the Germanic elements al all and wer true. From the Latin word marinus meaning of the sea. How much do you know about your new born care? Наташа, Ната, Наташка, Наташенька, Наташечка, Натусенька, Натусик. Russian names for girls are a high-fashion choice right now — literally! Although trendy and fashionable names for baby girls abound, there is surely a paucity of trendy names for baby boys. First names often described a baby's character or the parents' hopes for their child's future. Russian Names for Girls. From Latin claudus, meaning lame, crippled. Саночка, Оксаночка, Ксюша, Ксюшенька, Ксана. All Rights Reserved www.Astrolika.com, Hi, Congratulations!! In making accurate horoscope reoprt, we need your correct date, time and place of birth.Partner Network : OmAstrology.com, Copyright 2019. Girl Names Starting With C. The letter C has always been a fashionable way to start girls' names, with C among the most common first letters for baby girl names. … With the advent of Christianity in the 10th century, most Slavic names were forbidden. From Greek word eugenes, which means well born. Thank you for your support. BabyCenter is committed to providing the most helpful and trustworthy pregnancy and parenting information in the world. Russian last names starting with C From Hebrew name Elisheva, which means my God is an oath. Short form of Slavic names beginning with the element rad happy. Term & Condition Derived from Egyptian mry meaning beloved or mr meaning love. Feminine form of "Aleksandr", meaning "defender of mankind". Means mistress of the house or lady in Aramaic. This was the name of an early saint and martyr. This information is developed to primarily serve as a reference. Looking for unique and popular baby girl names starting with the letter C? Choosing a baby name can be a difficult decision. It is the most accurate and efficient astrological systems than any other in the world. Hebrew - God was gracious; God has shown favor; Pure; Chaste; Grace; Favor; It is a variation of Anna; A form of Anastasia, meaning resurrection. List of Russian baby names, Russian babies names, Russian baby names and meanings has been compiled from various resources. Here is a list of unique and popular baby girl names that start with C. Many names, including descriptive names, protection names, and nicknames, evolved into surnames, many of which are still used in modern Russia. Feminine form of Borislav, meaning famous battle. This educational content is not medical or diagnostic advice. If you're looking for a name that originated in Russia, look no further. 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