Which one is it? You could try putting a branch from a fir tree (a small one, of course) under your pillow on a Monday night. Have you considered names from a different language? Help others find the perfect Russian names for cats! Siniy means “blue” in Russian. Kashtanka (most popular) Kazimir Keesa (most popular) Kir Kirill Kolmogorov Kolya Kolzak Konstantin Konstantine Kostya Kuzma All cats deserve unique names. Ilya. If you don't live in Russia, then, a Russian name is the perfect option. Those are a lot of requirements! (it also was a common name in previous times – Lev Tolstoy for example – but nowadays not many guys are called this way). Just like in English, it’s also very popular in Russia. in Names. After all, you want a name for your cat that sounds beautiful and unique, that matches their personality, that's easy to pronounce and that you don't get tired of. If you have any other kind of cat, though, you'll realize you can also find a Russian name that's perfect for them. Learn more here. It’s a good way to surprise your partner or loved one and he or she will surely appreciate the effort that you make: Even if you’re already learning Russian, chances are that the course you’re following does not include too much sweet Russian terms of endearment for your girlfriend or boyfriend…. Rasputin would be a good name for a cat who seems to survive anything. Also, check if it makes sense to call your boyfriend that specific adjective, since most guys wouldn’t enjoy being called ‘small’ for example . Follow us or one of our many popular group boards: We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. Zander. in Names. 230 Gender-Neutral Cat Names. Share it with your loved one: just press one of the icons on the left and make his/her day! We are also proud of our free tools including a pet meme generator and a pet name generator. This word means gorgeous. Duke. _g1.classList.remove('lazyload'); As St. Izumruda would make a good name for a girl with eyes like emeralds. Anthony Scratch-a-mucci. } Local resident Elena Kovaleva, returning home one day, rescued a kitten, which was being tormented by a gang of boys. They say a cat has nine lives. Please log in again. A huge animal lover, born and raised around dogs, cats, chickens...
(“The kid's middle name is Sonovovitch!”). They arrived in America in 1890, and in Russia in the early 20th century. _g1 = document.getElementById('g1-logo-inverted-source'); Alexander means “helper of man” and Fyador means “gift from God”. Are you looking for Russian Blue cat names? Don’t worry about which one of the 2, since sound is basically the same (your partner won’t be able to notice the difference and if he does – he won’t care). This one means cat. Purrfect for a long-haired cat. This is another way of saying kitty. Which means cat. This website uses cookies. Please share these female and male Russian cat names with other cat lovers. Take Putin…please! Wwatch out with this one, it means little baby doll. P.S. Firebird, after a Russian folktale turned ballet, is a romantic name for a red furred lady. The Ural Rex. Help others find the perfect Russian names for cats. %privacy_policy%. What does the name Nikita mean in Russian? You may want to do some Russian fortune telling rituals to help you come up with a name. After it's burnt out, you put a candle next to it and interpret the shadow image to decide your cat's name. 1. Orel means “eagle” and Medved means “bear”, the two animals that most commonly symbolize Russia. All Rights Reserved. Share these Russian pet names. If you follow these steps, you can't go wrong. 6 years ago. In Russian, Zara means princess. You could drop melted wax into cool water and let the shape it takes inspire you. 4. Russian Background. We have special categories for dogs, cats, exotic pets, and house pets. Don Bluth directed it through Fox Animation Studios.) You could name him Czar after a former title used for the ruler of Russia. Anfisa. Click to attach a photo related to your comment, Classic Russian Names for Cats - With Meanings, Hindi Names for Female Cats - With Meanings, Hindi Names for Male Cats - With Meanings, Japanese Names for Male Cats - With Meanings, Stoats as Pets: Guidelines and General Tips, Types of German Shepherd - All Breed Variations, Koshei: Folk villain, Koshei the Deathless, Alyonushka: Diminutive of Yelena, folk heroine, Siberia: Cold region in northeastern Russia. With their sharp claws that resemble fishhooks, bobtails climb trees, hunt birds, rodents and even fish - they are not afraid of water. Legend holds that English sailors brought these beautiful grey cats tinged with blue from Archangelsk, a port city in the north of Russia. © 2020 PetPress. Another method is to take a sheet of paper, crumble it loosely, put it on a plate and burn it. try { You could give him a name of an archangel in Russian such as Mikhail, Gavriil or Rafail. For a more positive role model, you could name your cat Yuri after Yuri Gagarin, the first person in space or after composer Tchaikovsky or writer Dostoevsky. March 25, 2020, 8:43 pm. The Russian equivalent of the English darling or dear.It means that she’s precious and/or valuable. With almost 144 million people and Moscow as the capital, Russia has always had a complicated history. Angelina. It gives you clear instructions and daily tasks to follow to actually speak conversational Russian in the next 6 months. “Russian names are a kind of a game!” goes a little ditty from the cartoon Road Rovers. If your guy is your lion, then you can always call him your Lev! Legend holds that English sailors brought these beautiful grey cats tinged with blue from Archangelsk, a port city in the north of Russia. Find the perfect Russian cat names here. The hairless gene was inherited from the Donskoy, its body shape from the Siamese. So, there you have it – a good list of Russian terms of endearment that you can call your Russian partner. If you have a Russian girlfriend or boyfriend, and you’re not a native yourself – then you’re probably curious for Russian pet names…. Russian names are especially good for Russian cat breeds like the Siberian cat - with the Neva Masquerade variant - the Russian Blue, the Donskoy, the Peterbald or the Kurilian Bobtail. Nikolai. Gideon. Russian Blues have emerald green eyes so Zeleny from the word for “green” is also appropriate. © 2020 catnamescity.com - All rights reserved. The Nevskaya Maskaradnaya is a long-haired colorpoint cat with bright blue eyes. Continue this thread level 1. did you enjoy reading this list of cute Russian pet names? _g1.setAttribute('srcset', _g1.getAttribute('data-srcset')); Here’s a list of extra Russian pet names for your girlfriend that she’ll appreciate: For guys, you can of course also use all the adjectives described in the previous paragraph. www.felineliving.net is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com. We've got more than 1,8 million followers on Facebook. Discover our collection of popular Russian cat names for your kitten. However, soon after the cat gave birth to kittens, and they were the first to be named Donskoy Sphynx. Russian is the most widely spoken Slavic language, with more than 150 million native speakers. This type of cat was first mentioned in 16th century sources. if ( localStorage.getItem(skinItemId ) ) { Self-educated pet care nerd. It is not generally thought of by Russians as having a meaning, but in as much as any name can have a meaning, when its Greek roots are examined, it means victorious. Sputnik is for an out of this world cat. The login page will open in a new tab. For a boy, this name has “-evitch” or “-ovitch” added. Why it’s important to embrace yourself into the Russian culture. However, you can make your cat's training easier by choosing a name that's easy to remember and pronounce, 2 or 3 syllables long (or that can be shortened) and different from daily words so that your cat doesn't get confused when you speak. Tiger. Choosing the right name for your cat is very important, as it will become a key tool in their training. This word means bunny, but not in a little feminine way – but for the second thing bunnies are known for. The story of the Donskoy cat (similar to the Canadian Sphynx) begins in February 1986 in the city of Rostov-on-Don. The first Siamese, or rather the ancestors of all subsequent species, including the Mekong Bobtail, was imported to Europe in 1884 from the capital of Siam (now Thailand). If you have any good names to add to the list, please feel free to leave a comment and I’ll add your suggestion to the list! Hunter. Perhaps you'd like a Russian name because either you or your cat has a Russian heritage. We're all about honesty here. It’s also a very popular phrase and it’s difficult to go wrong with this one. Anastasia. If you've ever had a pet, you'll know that finding the right name can be as complicated as training them and arranging the home for them. In Japan they were once domesticated, but having run wild again, they have regained some traits of wild cats. If you are looking for Russian cat names, you’ve come to the right place! In Arabic, Zara means star or flower, and is sometimes spelled Zahra. 90 Mystical Cat Names. Create. Many believe the Russian Blue is a natural breed originating from the Archangel Isles in northern Russia, where the long winters developed a cat with a dense, plush coat. Yeah, bad pun is bad. Dax. _g1 = document.getElementById('g1-logo-mobile-inverted-source'); We hope you enjoy this huge collection of Russian cat names and are able to find the one that’s perfect for your little kitten! Furry Elise “Für Elise” might be one of Beethoven’s best-known piano pieces, beloved at student piano recitals everywhere. Abram. Today they can be found all over Russia, but the breed appeared in Siberia, so it’s now called the Siberian. And the diminutive one means kitty. 320 Asian Cat Names – Japanese and Korean Cat Names. You could also go outside at midnight (safe neighborhood, we hope) and ask the first person you see for their name. Copyright 2020 by FelineLiving.net - Designed by Thrive Themes
Viktor – conqueror. | Powered by WordPress. Russian names are especially indicated for Russian cat breeds such as the siberian cat, the Russian blue, the peterbald cat, the donskoy cat or the Japanese bobtail (which is believed to have been moved to the Asian continent 1,000 years ago) but any cat can benefit from such beautiful names. The Peterbald (Petersburg Sphynx) has a very characteristic shape of head: long and narrow, with a straight profile, almond-shaped eyes and large ears. Vlad – to rule. If Czar seems a bit strong, you can name him Vladimir meaning “prince”. This is more of a phrase – and it means ‘my life’. Due to the local snowy and cold climate, these cats have long thick fur and a bulky undercoat. If he won’t appreciate that, then you can also call him a котик – kotik. Annushka is a Russian name (diminutive from Anna), but it is also the name of a key character in a very popular novel by a Russian writer Mihail Bulgakov. Alexander Pushkin was a famous 19th century Russian poet and novelist. Prince. Please share these Russian girl cat names with other cat lovers. You can find inspiration in classic Russian names, which often come from Greek or Latin, but also from Russian literature, folklore, traditions and history.
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