If you've binged every available episode of the hit Disney Plus series, then we've got three picks to keep you entertained. A boy named Elliott meets an alien that was accidentally abandoned in the woods, and they form a deep connection that is beyond beautiful to watch. If you’ve never heard of Dr. Goldfoot and the Bikini Machine, drop whatever you’re doing and watch the trailer, at the very least, if only to hear the narrator say things like “these lush bikini babes are built to perform!” and “sex has never been funnier!” An absolutely bonkers comedy from B-movie mavens American International Pictures, Dr. Goldfoot stars Vincent Price at his zaniest, playing a gold booty-wearing mad scientist who invents the titular “bikini machine” that creates sexy fembots. I’ll accept that this Lindehoffian cinematic mess of half-formed, mostly terrible ideas has its fans. ... An out-of-control robot is inadvertently set loose in a small community, and a crack squad of soldiers are sent to hunt it down. Simple: if our space program had continued taking utmost precedence as it had when Robby was a mere movie prop, it’s safe to say it would be the direct representative of robotics now. While certainly overkill on behalf of the film’s musical utopia-hating villain, lovable doofuses Bill and Ted are murdered and replaced by robot doppelgängers in order to sabotage the future. —S.W. It started right after the original’s release. —S.W. —J.V. With sci-fi being as vogue in popular culture as ever—a seventh Star Wars and its adorable ’droids are but a few weeks away from theaters—now is the perfect time to reflect back on our favorite ’bots as represented in film. The “cultured” and intelligent Tom Servo, long-suffering in the company of lesser minds.  •   Michael McKean, Jack Weston, Tim Blaney, Comedy  •  Cyborg / Android / Robot  •  Science Fiction, Albert Pyun Ultimately, Marvin is a subversion of many of the roles you expect from fictional robots—he’s not “cool,” strong or adventurous. He might even help along the whole “expendable crew” thing. Living in a future world where robots and humans coexist, Astro Boy was the robot replacement for Dr. Tenma’s dead son—rejected when Tenma realized he wouldn’t be the same. | —D.S. From his first appearance in Forbidden Planet on, Robby and its Robby>(It, yes. (He even gets the “almost killed in the line of fire” arc usually reserved for protagonists and their closest friends in the first film.) Like so many movie robots, the Beta Unit is an ongoing source of comic relief throughout the cosmic shenanigans—director Nick Castle actually upped Beta’s screen time when test audiences really took to the clone—and the movie remains notable as the first film to rely on CGI for all of its extraterrestrial special effects. The mostly stalwart robots in this tongue-in-cheek cult favorite fall pretty solidly in the Rock ’Em, Sock ’Em Robot school of design, which, actually, makes them stand out from most of the other entries on this list. Built-in dialup modem included! Browse Rooms With Ally Sheedy, Steve Guttenberg, Fisher Stevens, Austin Pendleton. The endearing little “drones” of 2001: A Space Odyssey’s SFX impresario, Doug Trumbull’s, Silent Running are probably way more influential than you might think. —A.S. Falling somewhere between the West World automatons and “replicants-lite” in design, the Mecha can thank Law’s performance for cementing their presence on this list. Number 5, one of a group of experimental military robots, undergoes a sudden transformation after being struck by lightning. —A.S. All I can say is, thank the alien jockey overlords for Michael Fassbender’s android, David, who very nearly has a character arc, unlike any of the other moronic spaceship crew members who (very deservedly) get themselves killed. entities. Thank god for MST3k: The Movie, which gives us a reason to include the Satellite of Love crew on this movie robot list. Starring: Which, in turn, places Necron 99/Peace in an interstitial category, somewhere between the two warring worlds—and when Peace sacrifices himself to save his friends, the cyborg (or whatever he is) represents maybe the purest being in the whole movie, and by extension he represents Bakshi’s belief that neither technology nor spirituality alone will ever save the planet from itself. These robots are meant to help security teams and create a friendly presence around shopping centers or public buildings. The ghastly, icky end. His vision of robot battle was something I will never forget. —S.W. The smashing in T3 is fun, sure, but Skynet really shouldn’t have released this beta test of a terminator—it’s gotta be a real bitch sending update patches into the past. Its merits and cinematic achievements are far too numerous to list here, and its influence on all of film after it almost too great to comprehend. Evil Robot Us-es (and Good Robot Us-es). Nicol Williamson, Fairuza Balk, Piper Laurie, Adventure  •  Cyborg / Android / Robot  •  Escape Film, Shinya Tsukamoto Today you might need an army of robots to do your chores, but at least you’re not actually vacuuming. You just need to cast him correctly … like, say, as a robot. —S.W. Three bachelors find themselves forced to take care of a baby left by one of the guys' girlfriends. —S.W. He is, rather, a hopelessly depressed and morose robotic being that seems to have been created with cruelty in mind—why else would you give a robot with a “brain the size of a planet” the ability to feel boredom and ennui? Yes, that is a gorgeously ’fro’d David Hasselhoff brandishing a not-a-lightsaber, dueling ineptly animated stop-motion droids, pictured above. Proteus creates a couple robots as an extension of itself, but nothing that could technically qualify for this list, at least until the end. —S.W. (John Carpenter’s The Thing certainly comes to mind.) T2 may have redefined computer effects, but Jurassic Park turned it up to 10. This is an important step towards robots understanding themselves and their existence. Blade Runner may star Harrison Ford in the peak of his most superbly Harrison Ford-iness, but it’s undeniably Rutger Hauer’s Nexus 6 model android rebel leader, Roy Batty, who leaves a permanent mark on the audience’s psyche. And the Weyland-Yutani Corporation made certain Ash protected its dirty little hidden directive. Which is the best series comprising only 2 films? Ridley Scott could be called the king of epic cinema, or at least a knight (and he actually was knighted by the Queen of England). As far as terror goes, the film succeeds on all fronts. —S.W. Conceptually “borrowed” from Dr. Goldfoot and the Bikini Machine, they were a perfect aesthetic fit for the groovy spirit of the film. Robots don’t get any more retro-cool than they do in Kerry Conran’s unjustly underappreciated sci-fi throwback, Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow. Though only viewable in fragments, it’s still more visually coherent than Michael Bay’s goddamn Transformer movies. —M.B. The legendarily acerbic and snarky Rivers brings her full arsenal to the role, transforming the robot role of C-3PO from a prim and proper, butler-like servant into the in-your-face warden of Princess Vespa. Inspector Gadget debuted in 1983 and featured a bumbling cyborg detective who used technology to foil the schemes of Dr. Claw. And though 30 years later the idea of two put-upon young men inventing an ideal woman for their own pleasure carries a host of problematic questions, the film’s beyond-goofy tone manages to make the premise digestible. Old people and aliens partner to fight gentrification for the crowd-pleasing win! Starring: Robby repudiates the suggestion of gender.) A news broadcast immediately following now opens with a badly burned man screaming in pain for a couple of seconds. Resistance? When George Lucas and his crew created Star Wars in 1977, they had no idea it would go on to become a pop culture icon. On a slightly modified version of this list, Robby would be #1. —S.W. And man—that’s one sexy, all-powerful robotic probe … who happens to herald unstoppable doom. Pretty classic ’40s robot look, plus, they breathed fire! If you can find this efficient little slice of robo-terror (it’s only about an hour long), definitely turn off the lights and fire it up. I’ll be standing by with a smug, “You’re welcome.” —S.W. They don’t need any fancy laser beams; they touch you, you die. Ozobot is a robotic platform that empowers coding & STEAM education for K–12. Quick: Name five things most closely associated with science fiction… Time’s up! Hume Cronyn, Jessica Tandy, Frank McRae, Comedy Drama  •  Cyborg / Android / Robot  •  Drama, Tommy Lee Wallace -A.S. Return to Oz is a profoundly weird, occasionally disturbing children’s movie, but Tik-Tok is one of the lighter elements in a film that provided plenty of inadvertent nightmare fuel. It featured a complex plot with lots of genres mixed into one: sci-fi, action, and cyberpunk to name a few. Frank wants a little of his old criminal mojo back, and his obedient helper robot doesn’t judge—he’s the perfect assistant (and accomplice). (1986). Kids love dinosaurs, and there’s still a kid somewhere within each of us. But that doesn’t mean a certain protocol droid who is fluent in over six million forms of communication isn’t one of film’s most iconic and important robots in the history of film (undignified status as a glorified wookie backpack, notwithstanding). Subplots include a nefarious plan to steal dinosaur embryos, a man’s overzealous dream crushed by reality, and the awesome power of genetics. © 2020 Paste Media Group. Researchers even found that animals can understand alarm signals from other species and also eavesdrop on one another. Not only was Maximillian a terrifying, whirling blade-brandishing robot Satan, but poor, innocent cutebot B.O.B. Full of unintentionally hilarious deaths and ideas that never really came together, the movie did have one element that worked: its monster, the malfunctioning robot, AMEE (Autonomous Mapping Exploration and Evasion [Uhhh… evasion? And a decade before there was The Terminator, there was Yule Brenner’s implacable robot stalker: An unfeeling killing machine, who happens to look exactly like his heroic character from The Magnificent Seven. It turns out the answers to the mysteries from the short were never as interesting as the questions. —S.W. “Last year we learned that a NASA lab has been working on a controversial project called the EM drive,” Eric Mack, a contributing editor for CNET reports. Filmmaker Oscar Sharp and technologist Ross Goodwin fed a dozen sci-fi movie scripts to a machine learning algorithm and asked it to create its own movie script from the material. Only a few knew of this secret and were able to escape the Matrix, and the film centers around their efforts to free mankind. The titular Devil Girl, Commander Nyah, employs the twin tactics of ray gun and a robotic enforcer, Chani, in coercing the small Scottish village to bend to her will.

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