Once you have the shipping label, just fill your old Amazon box(es) with stuff you want to donate, pack it up, and drop it off at your local USPS or UPS office. What SS says is not binding - SS has on many occasions recommended actions that are against policy and SP will suspend a seller even though SS told them to do it”. After this, OP will need to contact the customer and inform them they received an incomplete return. Closeouts_General_Me 2018-09-27 01:59:48 UTC #3. One returned a handbag that had an ink mark on it that I “suspect” they may have switched, now I use security tags on expensive items. We are ready to issue the Amazon refund to you as per policy as soon as we receive the unit back in (new/original) condition, if you could please let us know when you have shipped the (item) and the waybill number for tracking we will look for it to arrive. The case will solely come down to the logical presentation of any evidence that can only come from OP gathering it. What was the weight when you sent it, and what was the weight when it was returned. Over and over again. For more information, see About A-to-z Guarantee. The Amazon seller reviews return requests before issuing a refund or replacement. The actual weights (.719kg sent, .482 kg returned) are listed on the Canada Post mailing labels, both attached to the same box (so, to be precise, 237 gram difference). Now mostly target… wadeorcas 2018-09-27 02:00:48 UTC #4. depawindu: get a surprise box of returned items. Note: Before returning items on which you've saved personal information, such as laptops, cameras, or other electronic devices, erase this information completely. We also have amazon European sites and amazon.jp, only America buyers on Amazon.com do such things, what happened to these America buyers? Using FBA means you give away all of your power and control to Amazon. I hear you had something else in mind and wanted to return the item for a refund, we issued a return authorization (date) and will refund the order per Amazon policy promptly on receipt of the item in (New unopened/original) condition. Amazon has suggestions on how to recycle Amazon packaging and how to trade in, recycle or repair Amazon and non-Amazon devices and products through its Second Chance program at Amazon.com/amsc. Again, the best thing to do with plastic air cushions and bubble wrap is to re-use them, if you can. Some boxes can be a gold mine, while other boxes could maybe get you 20% of your money back. You can choose to have a tax-deductible receipt if you’d like, you just need to sign up for an account on the site. Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled. What SS says is not binding - SS has on many occasions recommended actions that are against policy and SP will suspend a seller even though SS told them to do it. Instead, cut them down, squeeze the air out, and set them aside for your next trip to the grocery store — you can drop them into recycling bins meant for plastic grocery bags. The item sells for 200+ dollars. I am also fighting an empty box return, refund and A-Z claim on an expensive item. All I want is my item back if there is an issue. This topic was automatically closed 180 days after the last reply. Hey, we all have our own ways. Point is, I have had very little issues and I average over $100 sales per item. we'll use this information to improve our online Help. SS does not mediate AZ claims. If your local grocer doesn’t have a plastic bag recycling bin, you can ship deflated bubble wrap and sealed air packaging back to the manufacturer, Sealed Air, to be processed for recycling (there are local addresses for the company on this page). my bad lol…well I really hope you will never have these bad buyers. But plastic cushioning can be recycled, although probably not by your local program. We are selling FBA items over $ 800, Amazon wont take a look at the units buyer returned, and these buyers are very familiar with it, so they asked for a refund and returned either an empty box or something cheap, so they can get the expensive items for free. Amazon sale:The 5 best Amazon deals you can get this Wednesday, 'Holiday shopping will be different':Walmart says it will keep stores closed this Thanksgiving. Amazon says the donations will go to the nearest local participating charities — we have reached out to Give Back Box to see if it could specify which. I agree. That will be your only line of defense. We’re online shopping more than ever and, unfortunately, that means bringing unwanted waste into our homes in the form of cardboard boxes, bubble wrap, and other packing supplies. If they are claiming that you sent them an empty package, then the >package that you shipped out would not have matched the weight on the Amazon page either.
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